Is it normal i have sad (social anxiety disorder)

I have this overwhelming fear of everyone. and its gotten worse since i got engaged. Now i rely on him to make friends for me so i never have to talk to anyone. he is the only person i have ever felt myself around. Like he took me to his church and they made us split up into groups. But they had to be girl groups and boy groups. One of his friends asked me to be in there group. i freaked out so bad i left the room crying. i told him to keep playing and i sat in the other room by myself until it was over. is this normal?

Voting Results
47% Normal
Based on 102 votes (48 yes)
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Comments ( 17 )
  • Shackleford96

    No, that is not normal. However, there is treatment for it though if you are really severe (which it sounds like you are).

    On a related note, what a fitting acronym.

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    • thinkingaboutit

      SAD is actually the acronym for seasonal affective disorder. lol. Get it? It's winter boohoo I'm so sad.

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      • Shackleford96

        Well which one is it then? It can't be both can it?

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        • drugsrbadmkay

          SAD is also an acronym for Social Anxiety Disorder.

          Seasonal Affective Disorder and Social Anxiety Disorder are two different things. You can have and not the other. It's uncommon but you can have both.

          Both are treatable. You need to go see a therapist or psychiatrist. Don't suffer needlessly, help is available.

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  • 1000yrVampireKing


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  • IceEye22

    If it has a name its probably common

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  • thinkingaboutit

    No, it's not normal, but you're far from alone.

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  • Proud_of_my_ancestry

    I also have Social Anxiety. But mine isn't as severe as you describe yours. It's not normal. :( But.. we aren't bad, (completely) crazy people after all.

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    The medical terms are AGORAPHOBIA/PANIC ATTACK DISORDER. A treatable mental illness increaslingly common amongst the young. Getting stoned is NOT the answer. Getting professional M.D. help IS. Nothing to be ashamed of.

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    • thinkingaboutit

      mental illness is kind of a strong phrase.

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      • drugsrbadmkay

        Why is it a strong phrase? If you had the flu and I told you you had a physiological illness, would that be strong words? Why should having a psychological illness be any different?

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  • Shrunk

    I have it too (I wonder how you were able to get engaged with this fear?) and it was like that, I had a hard time with group projects in school so I didn't do most of them or did them alone. I think to some extent it's normal but when it interferes with your life, you can go to your doctor and they give medication which really helps you to relax so that you don't have so many negative thoughts, why don't you try that

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  • RinTin

    I think you should get some help. I understand, in a way, how you feel.

    Also don't let anyone get to you. There will be some people who don't understand. I'm sure you've had a few people try to force you to talk or make you feel bad for being quiet.

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  • ps003662

    I think you are ok. find someone who seems to be having a hard time socializing like yourself, relate to them, be yourself. if you do this you'll get out of your own head and find some peace.

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  • shuggy-chan

    well that sucks, but personally im sort of an attention whore, so idk what that be like

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  • dickwashington

    sounds like you need to get good and stoned it will help you relax a bit you know what im sayin

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    • drugsrbadmkay

      Self-medicating can help. On the other hand it could make things worse, or do nothing for you at all. It's kind of like trying to fix your own car when you know nothing about mechanics. You would be much better off seeing a professional (car mechanic, or in this case, psychiatrist) who has the experience and education to prescribe the medicine that is most likely to help you with the least side effects. Also there's the whole going to jail thing because of our ridiculous marijuana laws.

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