Is it normal i have to count to eight everytime the phone rings

everytime the phone rings i will count to eight and cross my fingers because i am convinced if i dont it will be bad news.
i have done this for years now and has just become a habit. but if i dont do it i begin to panic, i think it will be bad news and something bad is going to happen.
i count to eight as it is my lucky number, and i cross my fingers because it is a sign of good luck.
anyone else like this?

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Comments ( 6 )
  • rock-chick

    its a bad habit

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  • tiffunny5

    I dont know if its normal but I've haf this kind of problem with a lot of things, long as I can remember.
    For instance- I have to drink out of a certain glass or I just know something bad will happen. Or, when picking out food or clothes, I cant just grab something.Its almost like something stops me and says " grab this one" and if I dont grab "that one" something bad will happen. I've always been so afraid. of what might happen if I dont listen.t its more of a feeling. Anyways, very hard to Explain.

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    • stardust08

      yes! i would say for me its more of a feeling then a physical voice but its weird isnt it? its very hard to explain to someone who doesnt understand.

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      • tiffunny5

        Yes! Like I said 'more like a feeling' Weird, whats wrong with us ? Lol!
        Totally hard to explain. I dont want people to think Im Schizophrenic ! I've googled this a few times over the years. Pretty interesting things I found and you may as well.

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  • Stonerbitch420

    Obbsesive compulsive disorder

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  • silentpollution

    Your not schizophrenic. This is most likely OCD, if you don't know is "obsessive compulsive disorder." This means that you feel like you have to do something, or something bad will happen. Or it's just an odd habit you feel like you shake off will just make you crave to do it more. Like I feel as if theres an open spot, example like if my hand is in a cupped shape on a table or something the space inside seriously just pisses me off and I need to make it so theres no space like that. I have a small case of OCD, and no way does that make you crazy! it's a compulsive disorder! your not weird, but talk to your doctor if you don't like doing it.

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