Is it normal i haven’t had a period in over a month?
So I had sex, of course we didn’t use a condom which was the first mistake, letting him convince me not to use one. He pulled out and it was on my underwear and a small amount on my vagina. Not exactly inside but practically by the opening. I tried to wash as much as I can and to be on the safe side I took a plan B. This is my second time taking plan b within 3 months of the first one. My period was due about 3 weeks later and it never came. I took a pregnancy test and it wa negative. I took another one about almost two weeks later and still negative. My period is now 33 days late (according to my tracker which can be inaccurate or accurate at times). I took another test two days ago still negative. I don’t have any symptoms or anything and really doubt that I’m pregnant but can plan B really mess up your period this bad? I plan to go to the wellness center at my campus to get a pregnancy test done there (I’m in college). Any advice? I’m so scared. Is it normal to have a late period or maybe I’m skipping a cycle?