Is it normal i hit cars that park too close to me?

I usually try to park in the far parking lots because I can walk and I like having room to get out, however, there have been times where parking in no man's land is not an option and when that is the case, I have a habit of leaving the driver of the car to my right enough room to get in, assuming that they are not morbidly obese. I can't accommodate everyone.

But I absolutely can not stand it when people park so close to my door that had I been two pounds heavier, I would not be able to get into my own damned car. Used to be, I'd go in the passenger side but no longer. In every other area of my life I don't believe in revenge but screw them AND their paintjob!

My only wish is that I drove my husband's old Falcon, so that I could leave a dent along with it! If common courtesy has gone out the window then allow said door to hit you on MY way out!


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Comments ( 14 )
  • truercheese

    A friend and I leave notes written on panti liners or pads, and stick them to cars that are parked like assholes.

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  • Blade884

    I had a female freind who had a old big oldsmobile. The doors didn't see to that that type of hinge that stopped the door half way.

    when parking, I think she purposely open her door all the way, hitting the car next to her. She would pretend shock,and even almost laugh, but hid it well. She would say oh no look what I did. Like she was proud at what she did.

    One windy day, we were rushing to get some place, and I her her door hit the other car when getting out, but this time it sounded different. Her door was actually wedged and she coudln't pull it closed. The wind actually took it this time, or at least helped. It was a white sedan of some kind. It looked really nice, which made this worse for them I'm sure.

    The door was dented into the other car right in front of the door handle assembly. We tried getting in and out of her car thinking weight would make difference. There were 3 of us, so 2 of us went on the far side to lean the car that way, while she climbed up the back, then roof of the other car. then she starts kicking the top of her door while sitting on their hood. it was an older car that had a metal door frame around the window, so she wasn't just kicking the glass.

    Eventually it popped off and slammed shut. She jumped down on the hood, making a denting sound, and setting off he car alarm. We got in and took off. I was then thinking how I was suprised the alarm didn't go off before that. I was like Jesus Christ, you dent the guys door, roof and hood, did you want to go back and crash into it head on at 90mph to finish it off?

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  • 1000yrVampireKing

    This is so funny. Why they give you so much space. In an attempt to avoid this.

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  • robbieforgotpw

    I like the large SUVs that park on their line rendering the next space unusable!

    Op, what would you do in that case I just mentioned?

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    • NeuroNeptunian

      I wouldn't even park next to them. But if they parked next to me, I'd still probably hit them.

      Most people that drive massive SUVs don't have any use for the damned things.

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      • robbieforgotpw

        Have your door hit their vehicle? You wouldn't key it would you?

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        • NeuroNeptunian

          I would not key it, but if they parked so close that my door can't open without hitting their vehicle, I might not have a problem with it.

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  • vibrant15

    it just means you need more parking practice

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  • GuessWho

    I always try park exactly in the middle when parking between other cars so as to leave them both enough room.

    If there's plenty of room for the other cars then I leave more space on my side when I'm alone and more on the other side when I have a passenger.

    No-one has ever blocked my door, but if it happened to me regularly, I'd print a whole lot of "Learn to park, Asshole!" notes to put under their wipers and maybe also write it on their doors/windows with a permanent marker. I wouldn't want to bash their car with my door out of consideration for my own paintjob.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    Normal. If they're going to park like inconsiderate idiots, then they deserve the consequences of getting their car scratched.

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  • some one parked too close to me and i had to get in thru the passenger window, the windows were open and it was boiling, i was boiling too grrr

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  • Justsomejerk

    Falcon? Go Aussie!

    Yeah it shits me too.

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  • dirtybirdy

    That aggravates me. So many people can not park! All crooked or taking up two spaces. Ive opened my door into a car or two. My cars are always crap so I don't care. Or I'll spit on their car. Not cool but I've done it.

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  • shuggy-chan

    yeah, that a "fuck people" moment

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