Is it normal i judge how close things are by milk carton dates?

Whenever I buy milk and look at the expiration date I think "By the time this expires I will be..." or other things like that. Anyone else? Is it normal?

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48% Normal
Based on 61 votes (29 yes)
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Comments ( 3 )
  • hootiemomma

    Sounds like OCD

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  • dappled

    You just reminded me of something. When I was a little kid and my mum took me to the supermarket with her, I'd always subtly try and get her to choose things if they had a sell-by close to my birthday. One point if it was within a week, five points if it was bang on. I think my record was 29 points.

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  • soccernerd12

    Me! That and library book due dates! By the time my milk expires, my baby cousin will be a high school graduate sand by the time my books are sue I will be 21!!!!

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