Is it normal i keep having recurring dreams about homicide?

For the past couple of months, I have been having dreams dealing with homicide. Either it's me that's the murderer, someone I know, or me as a witness to murder. I have no idea why i'm having these dreams.

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Comments ( 4 )
  • SwejSag

    I've had shitty dreams that I killed some moron and was on my way to prison.

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  • Tinybird

    I had a dream not too long ago where I was in this realistic simulation of a video game like a video game in real life with these incredibly realistic dummy humans, and I was killing them all with various weapons, and it was so realistic like they had blood spurting out and everything except other than that they don't react (and also my family were in there too but they were like, doing nothing) and also the stench of the blood stank and drenched the whole room in blood and organs and I began to worry what if these are real people I just murdered to death and massacred?

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    Murder on a dream does not necessarily mean murder in real life. It could mean a desire to terminate a relationship.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Its always the opposite for me I get reoccuring nightmares of people breaking into my house and I'll have sleep paralysis while they approach my room and I can not wake myself up to grab my pistol. I always try to poke my wife to get her to wake me. Sometimes I manage to poke her in my sleep and she will wake me up knowing I'm having a nightmare. She actually saves me quite a bit she will wake me up she can tell when its happening.

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