Is it normal: i kissed my mom...

Before you judge me, please take the time to read the following...

I am now 20, and my mother is 41. Suffice to say, she has been and is a providing, caring mother. My parents split up while I was 15, and I am still unsure why (that is another matter entirely). From that point onward, I finally realized how attractive my mother is. I could always appreciate her beauty, but hormones amplified the aesthetic effect. Of course, I never said anything, dated girls my own age, scored highly in school, and lived a Platonic life.

Fast-forward to the now, and my feelings have not abated a cinch. Surprisingly, I still fantasize about my mom, despite the sexual experiences I have endured (I say endure, because the girls were typically hung up on other issues. i.e., status, erratic standards, lack of trust, and other unnecessary hindrances that spiral relationships downward into hindrances themselves.). My mother, despite her charming character, has not dated recently. We keep tabs on each other, as I do not live with her, and she is simply frustrated with her previous relationships. Unsurprisingly we share the same qualms; we share the same, open-minded yet forward-thinking, decisive personality. My mom and I are, in a sense, sexually-deprived. She is "suffering" more than I for some reason (women reach their sexual peak at this age?). She constantly comments on my looks and personality, as do I on hers. We "fight" about how ridiculous our current, partner-less situations are. In the end, I give her excuses; she gives me excuses.

I am came over this weekend upon her request, for "quality time" (she was very cheery about it, as if she was a teenager again). How could I resist? I bonded with her rather than my hapless father years prior.

Friday night, I decided to take action... I kissed my own mother! It felt so good, because I did it passionately. She smiled innocently, hugged me, and told me to be careful what I wish for. Thenceforth, she has been complimenting me more regularly than she normally would, even for the smallest things. Last night and today, she has been walking around merely wearing her panties and a normal-sized t-shirt. Before I leave in a couple of days, she wants me to watch a movie with her in her living room. She said she felt like snuggling and being in the presence of someone she "knows she can trust and bounce ideas off of". What do you think that means?? I thought I had always been there for her, and I do not think my feelings are normal. I do not think what I did was normal... and I do not think her acceptance was normal. I am juggling my options. What should I do, and am I normal ("normal" enough to not be considered mentally depraved)? Snuggling with her, in her recent (I assume, since I haven't seen her in her panties in the past.) taste in dress, will cause OBVIOUS problems (erection).

Voting Results
49% Normal
Based on 879 votes (433 yes)
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Comments ( 37 )
  • 1 of the 84216258537 "I like my mom" stories in this site.

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  • UliNalaMansae

    sigmund freud?

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  • norm

    I think you are a bit too eloquent for a 20 year old, horny guy.

    I say FAKE!

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  • xoblondiexo

    Oh my god...

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  • Story didn't change my mind at all. She's your mother. Not in any way normal or acceptable.

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  • VirtualMannequin

    I personally don't think there is anything wrong with incest as long as both people are consenting adults. However, this particular situation sounds bad to me. You are both just lonely, not in love. This could really damage your relationship with your mom and with any girls you plan to date in the future. I highly suggest you end it and keep your relationship platonic.

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  • fartonmyface

    The Oedipus complex is a real phenomena. Mothers and sons can, in a sense, fall in love. Usually this is due to the mother seeing a better version of the son's father in her son, as well as the son being emotionally/physically attached from childbirth.

    Your feelings are NORMAL. Don't let anyone tell you differently. Moral values are dependent on one's society. And sure, our society frowns upon this action. But, who is society to dictate who you have intimate feelings for? As long as no one is being harmed, I don't see why your feelings should be considered wrong. Live your life, enjoy your life, and hell if that includes having an intimate relationship with your mom, then so be it.

    Long story short, do what your HEART tells you, not what other people think you should do. They don't know you or your mother. Period.

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    • More adult woman should enjoy boys and teach them fun
      It is natural. 🤗🤗

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  • Maryann555

    Feelings of incest for Mom are a quest for unconditional love. Perhaps you were dropped by someone you adored or a relationship went bad for what you feel were silly reasons.
    I have fantasized about my son who is just 17 years younger than me. I got pregnant when I was in High School by a casual boyfriend, and almost decided to abort my son. My feelings of guilt tied in with a quest for unconditional love has caused me to fantasize about him sexually. Especially when my husband is away on business. I fulfill my fantasies by having sex with young men. I have discussed this with my husband as we keep no secrets. We role play in bed and I often pretend to be his mother and him being my 17 year old boy while daddy is away. It is fun, but don't go for the real deal. It can destroy your Mom if she is not on top of her own psychology. Flirtation and warm kisses are fine if you keep it a special secret though. Don't cross the line.

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    • You should enjoy

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  • wcdgh

    My mom so sexy she walk arown the house nakid I love it I think she wants to fuck

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  • Andy20

    You should Date ur mom is she hot like smoking hot tell me I wanna know

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  • Luna81

    did you slip her the tongue?

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    • Yoclassic

      I mean yeah probably

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  • cassandravl

    The way I see it is, you came out of her you shouldn't fantasize about being in it. But who is anyone on this site to judge you? You do what you feel like doing and if your mother feels the same way that you do about her, then all the power to you! If she doesn't, maybe you should talk to a professional about the feelings you have towards her and work through them.... There might be a more serious problem at hand.

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    • Mothers should teach sons to enjoy fun feelings 🤗🤗

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  • KitKatsRule

    *blinks* well...honestly, i don't feel disgusted at all. So i'm gonna answer this as an impartial party, mentally i think your stable as anyone else but are you "normal" in the eyes of society? No, you wouldn't be considered normal at all. I think you could pressue a semi-normal relationship with your mom, everyone would just think you like older women(what you'll do about family, i have no idea)

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  • The more you let it go on, the more normal it will seem. I understand when you're in low places, you're more prone to do things you usually wouldn't. Seek help for these thoughts. Someone has to take the lead and stop it before the snowball rolls bigger.

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  • Sweetz

    This is so wrong >.<

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  • emotoybunny

    I still think this is gross, even after reading the whole thing. She's your MOTHER. It just so wrong, on so many levels!

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  • Brad101

    I'm an only child and my dad passed when I was young. My mom and I have always been very close. I kissed her the same way. It just happened. We let it lead us to where we are today. We moved away to a place where no one knew us and we are a couple. Happy and in love. Might not be normal for some, but we love each other.

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  • Cool7

    Yeah it's completely normal. Even my mom kisses me since childhood and even now I m 18. Feeling such things about her sounds little bit different(like just a t-shirt and shorts). Expressing myself personally, I didn't felt anything about my mom even when roamed in a bikni or even NAKED. It depends on our veiw and feelings. You r completely normal duds don't worry...

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  • Artbiter

    That sounded like a hot porno

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  • GoldenNightmare

    hey.... ever heard of something called "netfilx & chill"

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  • Avant-Garde

    You are crossing boundaries to the point of no return!

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  • LolCookies

    sounds like role play

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  • ebonysky

    You have an Odeipus complex that was never challenged. All boys will fall in love with their mothers. Girls do too and it's called Electral complex. Anyway had your parents not been divorced or you mother dated guys seriously, you would've gotten pass this normal reaction. It is important that you not continue. Seek help.

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  • peregrine

    I can tell that you honestly are seeking help and I appreciate your honesty. As others have said before me, I do believe that you and your mother are just lonely... and sexually deprived. As human beings, we NEED physical contact. I know that if I go too long without someone touching, hugging, or kissing me (I'm not even talking about sexual stuff here) I get really upset. Feelings start welling up inside me about people that I would never think twice about in a "normal" state of mind. For example I'm a straight female, however, in college I was painfully lonely. I was away from my family, I didn't have any friends, and I had never had a boyfriend. I started clinging to my female roommate. She was in the same boat so she clung to me as well. It sounds really silly to say this now but we had "cuddle time." We would take naps together in the same bed and spoon or snuggle under a blanket and watch a movie. Again, we are both STRAIGHT, but we absolutely positively needed human contact. I remember feeling so very deprived of it. I feel as though you and your mother are clinging to each other in the same way, and to follow through with those feelings in your compromised mental state would be a huge mistake. Essentially, your mind is playing tricks on you. I would recommend a candid conversation with your mother, therapy, and you should both amp up your social life. Get out. Meet people your own ages. She needs to date and you need to date to satiate that loneliness. Please give us an update on the matter. I would love to know how you are doing.

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  • Crisp

    I am sure l read this same story on another site..perhaps you wrote it too.?
    If you don't like young girls with all their issues..why don't you date some of your moms female friends..and if she wants sex why doesn't she date some of your male friends. Most young males like an older lady to teach them.

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    • Adult woman should teach boys to enjoy fun. 🤗🤗🤗

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  • piman

    That's disgusting. Seriously. Quality time is good but when it gets to kissing (I'n assuming with the tounge) then that's just messed up. She gave birth to you. She raised you. It's just not normal to do stuff like that (except the quality time. That's good). Is this even considered incest???

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  • XxShanBamxX

    Do you even have to ask if that is normal? Ew! No.

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  • Death_Rises

    Okay I can understand oh she pretty and her personallity is amazing but what is going on in your mind its not normal i think because shes your mother she gave birth to you I understnad what you want but there are plenty of women her age and just like her go after them see how it feels and please comment and let us know what is happeneing through out the process maybe we will help you along the way and help u fgure this crazy feeling u have tords your mother:)

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  • alv1592

    Sadly I don't think this is a troll, he sounds serious.

    And sorry OP, but it's not normal or healthy. Sure it's nice to have a special bond, but not in that way. Just ignore those feelings and (hopefully) they'll go away.

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  • madme

    Wrong! Not normal! Not OK!!!

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  • AngAnders112

    wise words!!

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  • KatieLiz

    Sort your head out. *hopes is troll*

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