Is it normal: i kissed my mom...
Before you judge me, please take the time to read the following...
I am now 20, and my mother is 41. Suffice to say, she has been and is a providing, caring mother. My parents split up while I was 15, and I am still unsure why (that is another matter entirely). From that point onward, I finally realized how attractive my mother is. I could always appreciate her beauty, but hormones amplified the aesthetic effect. Of course, I never said anything, dated girls my own age, scored highly in school, and lived a Platonic life.
Fast-forward to the now, and my feelings have not abated a cinch. Surprisingly, I still fantasize about my mom, despite the sexual experiences I have endured (I say endure, because the girls were typically hung up on other issues. i.e., status, erratic standards, lack of trust, and other unnecessary hindrances that spiral relationships downward into hindrances themselves.). My mother, despite her charming character, has not dated recently. We keep tabs on each other, as I do not live with her, and she is simply frustrated with her previous relationships. Unsurprisingly we share the same qualms; we share the same, open-minded yet forward-thinking, decisive personality. My mom and I are, in a sense, sexually-deprived. She is "suffering" more than I for some reason (women reach their sexual peak at this age?). She constantly comments on my looks and personality, as do I on hers. We "fight" about how ridiculous our current, partner-less situations are. In the end, I give her excuses; she gives me excuses.
I am came over this weekend upon her request, for "quality time" (she was very cheery about it, as if she was a teenager again). How could I resist? I bonded with her rather than my hapless father years prior.
Friday night, I decided to take action... I kissed my own mother! It felt so good, because I did it passionately. She smiled innocently, hugged me, and told me to be careful what I wish for. Thenceforth, she has been complimenting me more regularly than she normally would, even for the smallest things. Last night and today, she has been walking around merely wearing her panties and a normal-sized t-shirt. Before I leave in a couple of days, she wants me to watch a movie with her in her living room. She said she felt like snuggling and being in the presence of someone she "knows she can trust and bounce ideas off of". What do you think that means?? I thought I had always been there for her, and I do not think my feelings are normal. I do not think what I did was normal... and I do not think her acceptance was normal. I am juggling my options. What should I do, and am I normal ("normal" enough to not be considered mentally depraved)? Snuggling with her, in her recent (I assume, since I haven't seen her in her panties in the past.) taste in dress, will cause OBVIOUS problems (erection).