Is it normal i let reality ruin my fantasies?

I'm a writer. I know fantasy and reality are two different things and anything goes in fiction. It doesn't have to reflect reality. But whenever I learn some new fact concerning the real world, I feel I can't write my stories because they're too phony and unrealistic.

I think, "how is this going to affect my story?"

I know I can write whatever I want but I guess I also feel I have to keep it believable and connected to the real world somehow.

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Comments ( 3 )
  • BatterMilk

    It's better to let the story flow the way you want it to, and besides most fantasy stories are unrealistic anyways.

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    • That's true. Not just fantasy stories though, but stories set in real places.

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    Fuck believable. Just write, let it flow. It'll be connected to real world because you wrote it. There is a few interviews Chares Bukowski did that you can find on YouTube. There was bits of those interviews were he talked about how to write. He said in one "It has to come to you. Like "Bing Bing Bing, Bing Bing bing" or it'll be dull, and boring"(Not an exact quote).

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