Is it normal i like to draw every person or animal with a sheep head

One day while doing my daily midafternoon doodling I accidentally added a sheep head to one of my stick figure my parent say I have never been the same I said they needed sheep heads what do you think please comment

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49% Normal
Based on 80 votes (39 yes)
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Comments ( 10 )
  • VioletTrees

    When I draw people, I sometimes replace people's hands with small appliances, such as toasters and blenders. They're just so much easier to draw than hands.

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  • 4sphyxiation

    I love to draw girls in lingerie...with a cat head and tail. I think it's cute.

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    • hoggie3

      Cool could you draw one and send it to me

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  • lisbethsalander

    Sheep headed people. Could be a political statement at this time in the world.

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  • arby391

    So just draw or do whatever you want.

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  • arby391

    Yes,I'm a young (bad ass) artist and it is just ur style.

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  • dirtybirdy

    Why woold ewe do that

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  • Alex_Gee

    My big brother is like the kid on Superbad - he's obsessed with drawing cocks on stuff. Seriously he drew one on everyones xmas cards last year like his signature. It was pretty fucked up!

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    When I was in High School, I would draw things called "happys". My friend would get depressed often so I would draw him a silly picture to cheer him up. Something wacky like palm strees boxing, marching bands playing inside of Godzilla and in every picture, a random object or animal smoking a joint saying "dis some good shit". I drew very many of these happys for him and all of them with the character. Usually it was a clam, cherries, or a palm tree

    I still have trouble keeping the stoner-objects/animals out of my pictures.

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  • shade_ilmaendu

    It sounds fun. I've been wanting to do a silly drawing series of people with weird shit for heads after I doodled a buisnessman with a raincloud for a head in class one day.

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