Is it normal i love astrophysics and particle physics?

Quantum physics is amazing and so many crazy theories are associated with it. The dual nature if light blows my mind. Astrophysics is amazing because I live learning about what the universe is and the mysteries that lie within it. Nuclear physics is also fantastic because it's so interesting to try to learn about the fundamentals of what matter is and try to figure out what we "are". What is matter? (and I don't mean energy divided by the speed of light squared). Am I helplessly nerdy or is anybody else baffled as well? Sometimes I lie awake at night just trying to think of all the possibilities. I think that eventually, the smallest fundamental particle is itself a universe. And there is a never ending stream if universes. And our current universe is merely a tiny building block of another universe.

Voting Results
84% Normal
Based on 79 votes (66 yes)
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Comments ( 7 )
  • kujo

    It's an amazing subject but you're wrong. Go learn about it please. And don't ever say that tiny universe shit around scientists

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  • lucyh

    it's so completely understandable. Personaly I fell in love with astrophysics the second I realized that there were X-ray stars. Which is just so awesome. Some people won't get it, but if you love science then that's brilliant.

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  • whoknew

    The two people that said "no" clearly don't understand the principles and beautiful intracacies that science unveils. But different people are interested in different things. It's just what you love and it shows your intelligence and curiousity for the world around you. I'm a science major. :)

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  • randomjelly

    If does not equal of. Lol!
    But yeah, totally normal.

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  • Empathy

    Lol! You should be my tutor.
    I envy your fascination for physics!

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  • soccer2

    It is fascinating. And of course normal haha it's what u love

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    • Hmmaybe

      I'm in the same situation.

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