Is it normal i love my dogs so much?
I have had two dogs for over 7 years. My mom and my sister originally picked them out and they were family dogs. After a few months my sister lost interest in hers (she was 18 at the time, I was 17). My mom lost interest in the other one when my other sister had a baby. I started providing their food and taking almost full responsibility for them when they were about 3.
I got a good job offer away from town and took it. I took the dogs with me and still have them.
I met a great girl and we moved in together after a year or so. We have been together for over 3 years and are happy. I love her so much and we will probably be married soon. She also has a six year old son (before me)
When she moved in my dogs were not very well trained and I didn't take them out enough. So they peed in the house sometimes and the carpets weren't great.
We trained the dogs and they are much better. They may have an accident in the house maybe once every couple months (pretty much only if we don't take them out when they need).
The dogs are still hands down the biggest reason we fight. Things like: she doesn't like to bring their food out, take them out, or they make noise when they roughhouse(not barking just soft growling sounds).
I feel she likes to bring these things up because of all the things I've given up to help her take care of her son.
I love her more than I love my dogs. But I refuse to give them up because she seems to not like them. Is this normal thinking?