Is it normal i love people watching?
Studying peoples behaviors and reactions is just so interesting to me.. I also find it fun to watch strangers and guess what they are thinking about and such. is this normal?
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Studying peoples behaviors and reactions is just so interesting to me.. I also find it fun to watch strangers and guess what they are thinking about and such. is this normal?
Me and my wife love people watching. Makes you feel pretty normal after a while dosen't it. We are a world of mutts,all shapes,sizes,color, height and personalities to name a few.We really all need to learn to get along, in the end its all about attitude on life. Might as well enjoy each other
Totally! Look around the train carriage on your commute home and think; "what stories are there here?"
I bet half of them involve sex. Fantasy invention is a mind-reading device that I would use until I found someone who was thinking "I'd love to have sex with that guy". Or, the best of all: " nobody finds me attractive or wants to have sex with me".
That last one is the person I'd like to pleasure all night, and leave with a massive smile on her face. Don't care what she looks like. Just want to know that I made someone happy.
yeah i must say i thoroughly enjoy this behavior as well. I would say its normal just simply an interest you have. Simply dont get caught.
ME TOO!! i love just watching people. people are interesting and do the weirdest things. haha people watching is what inspired me to be a psych major
I've noticed you can tell what someone is going to do, just by their body language. I haven't people watched tho. Might try it some time
Oh me too! Especially at fairs. I can sit for hours and watch the entertainment go by.
I go up to random people, shake their hands, and say I love them...All for their reaction :D
I have a habit of doing this too. Its not all that bad. Just don't do it too much, because sometimes it can be considered rude to stare too long at those you're just simply analyzing, or curious to know. They could think that you're watching them for another reason, like something negative, even when you're just admiring them.