Is it normal i love tarantulas
I love tarantulas with the passion! They are soo cute! I just want to hug them!!!! I have one, but i need to buy all tarantulas that exist!! Is this normal?
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I love tarantulas with the passion! They are soo cute! I just want to hug them!!!! I have one, but i need to buy all tarantulas that exist!! Is this normal?
I'm scared to death of spiders, but I don't mind looking at a tame one in a cage. Don't know if I'd touch it though.
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They look utterly disgusting to me but everything must be perceived not discerned.
So all I can say is that it's uncommon.
Catywompus, I keep moulted skins too, and cinnamon toast, I'm a girl with 56 tarantulas and that's nothing, people in our club have typically around 200 to 300....
There's nothing wrong with liking tarantulas. I think they're cool myself. However, I'm concerned that your particular liking for them crosses the line into obsession, so I voted 'no' in your case. As for the guy with 56 tarantulas? That is definitely taking it too far.
I think they look cool, besides that nothing. I'm happy I live in Canada where snow falls from the sky and we don't have giant spiders.
in general, spiders kind of creep me out but tarantulas are the only ones that I've purposely held and allowed to crawl on me.
they are kinda cute!
I'm not a fan of spiders at all, although I respect them. But weirdly, I do like tarantulas. I think tarantulas are to spiders what ladybirds are to beetles.
Yes, I have 56 of them and my collection is still growing! Also joined an arachnid club and go to exhibitions where you can by them much cheaper than shops, and joined the bts. There are so many to choose from!!