Is it normal i'm a boy and don't play football
My best friends at school all play football but I don't ! Is it normal that I don't play football??
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My best friends at school all play football but I don't ! Is it normal that I don't play football??
I fucking hate football with a passion, but not by my will I was trushed in to the realm of football and totally hate my stepmother for it. I never played or liked football and still dont.
I think football is a "gateway" for manly gay men. Then the dicksucking it gets, bugs the hell out of me. I dont give a fuck about any of the football players and their lives or thier stats.
The NFL and all who enjoy it (the players included) Can kick serious rocks!
Football sucks major cock!!!!!!!
I almost can't believe this is actually being asked. YES, it is completely normal that you don't like football. Just because you are a male doesn't mean you have to like the popular manly sport that the majority seem to be into. You don't even have to like any sports if you don't want to. I'm a male and I HATE sports. Always have.
Don't you listen to the news? There's all kinds of evidence of brain injury from the brutal sport. Be glad you stay away from it.
Football is generally for losers who didnt find a decent hobby or interest.
Yeah its normal. Ive seen some people excluded from groups because they dont. I dont play it often (im a good goalie and i like watching it with my friends) But good people tend to overlook this, all my friends play it, i dont really.
If every boy in your school played then you would have a big-ass football team.
GOOD! You're going to need those healthy body parts when you have to work!!
It's normal. However, I grew up in a town where high school football games were a weekly holiday and those who didn't play football were the ones with overprotective mothers worried they may be killed whilst playing. Boys who willingly did not play football often played tennis. Or were on the swim team. No shame.
Well, yes it is very normal. You don't have to play football to be a male. I'm quite tall and instead of people asking me if I play tennis, they ask "Do you play basketball?" HECK NO, I don't like the sport. >,> But people see my height and its all they can think about. I wish I was shorter and quite round so people would ask me instead, "Are you a sumo wrestler?" in which I could throw salt at them or double palm them out of my way. Then again, people don't ask if others are sumo wrestlers, oh well.