Is it normal i'm afraid of jews?

I think the Jews are evil. They treat Palestinians like insects and think non-Jews are inferior. Furthermore, I'm convinced that they control the media. Hollywood, Google, Facebook and most major American news networks are all owned by Jews, with the exception of Murdoch's empire. It's pretty much illegal to criticize Jews.

To give you an example, Sephardic leader Rabbi Ovadia Yosef said the following during a night sermon:

“Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world; only to serve the People of Israel,” he said during a public discussion of what kind of work non-Jews are allowed to perform on Shabbat.

"Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat," he said to some laughter.

Yosef, the spiritual leader of the Shas Party and the former chief Sephardi rabbi of Israel, also said that the lives of non-Jews are protected in order to prevent financial loss to Jews.

"With gentiles, it will be like any person: They need to die, but God will give them longevity. Why? Imagine that one’s donkey would die, they’d lose their money. This is his servant. That’s why he gets a long life, to work well for this Jew,” said the rabbi, who recently turned 90.

So you see it seems clear to me that the Jews are up to no good and are racists like the Nazi.

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38% Normal
Based on 122 votes (46 yes)
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Comments ( 84 )
  • dom180

    You are stereotyping Jewish people based on the Israeli government. I admit the Israeli government does a lot of awful things, but so does the American government and the Chinese government and the North Korean government and even the British government and you wouldn't judge those people based on the actions of their governments (or maybe you would :P Either way, you shouldn't).

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    • And who are the ones who support Israel and shower it with money, eh? That's right, the jewish lobby in the US. So Jews are responsible for Israeli crimes

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      • dom180

        You're stereotyping again. There's an American evangelical Christian lobby in the US too but that doesn't make all Americans responsible for the things that lobby campaigns for. All Americans are not responsible for the actions of some Americans, just all Jews are not responsible for the actions of some Jews.

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        • They have the power to stop the lobbying and the support to Israel. Yet they don't. Thus, they are guilty.

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          • dom180

            Yes, some Jews are guilty.

            Some Jews.


            (Also, America has a vested interest in having a presence in the middle east. It's not like lobbyists are the sole reason America gives aid to Israel; America also gives aid to Israel because it likes having a hand in middle east politics. Plenty of Jews in Israel recognise that what their government is doing is abhorrent; are you afraid of them too?)

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      • FredSumper23

        I'm going to give my honest thoughts on this. Are you the reincarnation of Adolf Hitler?

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    • suckonthis9

      One division.

      Why are you creating division in society?

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      • BLAh81

        And why are you so goddamn weird?

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        • suckonthis9


          Please do not use any form of the Archaic term pertaining to a fictitious nether world.

          Thank you.

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          • BLAh81

            Wow. Even more reason to repeat my question:

            why are you so goddamn weird?

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            • suckonthis9


              Please do not use any form of the Archaic term pertaining to a fictitious nether world.

              Thank you.

              Please rephrase your question without using this Archaic nonsense.

              Thank you.

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  • anti-hero

    Someone brainwashed you, and they probably only had to use an eyedropper.

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    • Did you bother to read the damned post?

      The OP tells the truth. And yes, sometimes the truth hurts.

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      • robbieforgotpw

        The Jews are the most persecuted or tied with Christians. The UN has always sided against them even when they defend themselves. The land was promised by Jehovah to Abraham and his descendant Jacob (Israel) NOT Ishmael (Arabs).

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        • anti-hero

          He was talking to me, not you. So stay out of my conversation Robbie.

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          • You Jews sure love money.

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            • anti-hero

              I am Jewish now?

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          • robbieforgotpw

            Ok ditto

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        • Are you insane? They should get land just because some old book said so?
          Jews are not persecuted anymore. They control the US and the media. Christians aren't persecuted at all, not since Roman times.

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          • robbieforgotpw

            They're not killing Christians in the middle east in an ongoing campaign right now?
            They're not being called terrorists by our own government now?
            The military had training recently where Evangelical Christians are listed as the #1 terror threat. But you're right Christians haven't had a bulls eye on their back for the longest time.

            More than a book, God gave the Israelites the land.

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            • Clearly you are insane or a troll, or both. Christians control the First World. God doesn't exist. You sit on a throne of lies.

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        • LordFreeholder

          Yes but they're persecuted for a good reason. Imagine getting kicked out of 110 countries and STILL playing the victim.

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        • BLAh81

          There is no Jehovah.

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        • suckonthis9

          Two divisions.

          Why are you creating divisions in society?

          Please see my comment below.

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      • robbieforgotpw

        It also hurts when someone calls BS in response to your lies.
        Why don't you provide proof ?
        Seems that I remember Hitler spewing lies like that in the past.

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      • anti-hero

        Of course I did, that is how I know it is bullshit.

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        • ARE YOU suggesting that the Jews do NOT control the media as well as the government? ARE YOU suggesting that Judaism is NOT a powerfully racist and ethnocentric religion?

          Would you like proof to the contrary? If so, know that I can make it happen. Prepare yourself to lose an argument.

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          • anti-hero

            Control, no. Involved, sure but a lot of people are.

            Racist? No they let Sammy Davis Jr. in.

            Try to prove it to me. I will disprove it.

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            • Alright, now in case you didn't know, I already replied with two different posts, each featuring a link. Both were apparently censored.
              I'd be more than happy to send them to you privately though.

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    • LordFreeholder

      Kys lying talmudic pig.

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    • So why did that rabbi said that non-Jews should be slaves to Jews, and got away with it?

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      • anti-hero

        First, it should be say not said. Second, can you prove that he said that?

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        • It was reported by a number of magazines, even Israeli ones.

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          • anti-hero

            Okay... site them.

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            • Oh, and it's "cite", not "site", Mr. spelling police

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            • Google it, faggot.

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      • suckonthis9

        Two divisions.

        Why are you creating division in society?

        Please see my comment below.

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  • iheartu2013

    Jews are God's chosen people, they have been persecuted for a very long time. They have had to fight for Isreal, and deserve that country.

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    • LordFreeholder

      They are Satan's chosen people, they will worship the antiChrist when he reveals himself as their messiah.

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  • seankessinger

    I wouldn't put much faith in the Jewish media conspiracy. Yeah alot of Jewish people have seats of power. But then again, there are alot of Jewish people... And there are plenty of other religions that have power as well. Just look at the pope. Besides, what is so bad about Jewish people in the first place? Just because they don't sing about Jesus on Sundays doesn't make them evil corporate tyrants that brainwash people with subliminal messages through your TV. This is all extreme stereotyping to get people on a bandwagon. This is exactly the same thing Hitler did and look how much good he did in the world...

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  • Alpha_Dog1337


    You Can't Just Hate An Ethnicty/Religion, And Walk Around Doing It... (Talking About It Etc.)

    That's Like Me Hating Christians Or Catholics, And Thinking It's Normal...

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    • But the Jews hate us and want us to serve them as slaves. Isn't it normal to want to fight back?

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      • BLAh81

        Not all Jews.

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  • capcrunch6

    Silly troll, we don't bite.

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    • You're clearly a JIDF shill trying to derail the discussion.

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      • capcrunch6

        May I ask what is a jidf?

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  • q25t

    Picking one example of a racist rabbi does not make all rabbis racist. It makes that rabbi racist, that's all.

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    • But he's a chief rabbi, in Israel of all places. And was not fired for his remarks.

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      • q25t

        And the imams for Islam in Iran and Saudi Arabia have said some batshit insane things as well. Whenever a religion or any group for that matter is given too much power and left unchecked, it creates this type of mentality. It's happened dozens of times and will likely continue well into the future unfortunately.

        If you want examples of this insanity, we can take a look at Africa. In areas of extremely high Christian population, there are dozens of reported witch hunts and burnings. Just go a quick google search for it.

        Do these actions make Christianity evil? No. Generalizing a large group of people based upon a subset of that group does not work, and it becomes even worse when it is only an individual.

        The chief rabbi in Israel holds quite a lot of power, does he not? If he does, what kind of repercussions could be expected for speaking out against him? The answer to that question likely explains why he wasn't fired. I don't particularly like what he said either, but it's no reason to make a hasty generalization that can't be widely applied.

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        • Public outcry would have been enough to dethrone the chief rabbi. Imagine if Obama said something extremely racist against the latinos. There would be riots and he would be impeached. Yet the Jews said nothing, and implicitly agreed with the rabbi's insane statements.

          Same with the Christians. They use their status and numbers to control the western nations and cause incredible suffering.

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  • BLAh81

    There is no such thing as "the Jews." There is a HUGE difference between Jews who adhere to Judaism and those who don't. Judaism is indeed a hateful religion, I'm with you on that, but that doesn't mean ALL Jews are evil. It "merely" means that SOME Jews (such as this asshole rabbi you quoted) have an evil religion. The claim that "the Jews" control the media is simply bogus.

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  • ants91shearer

    GOD bless the jews, they are doing a good job.

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  • LordFreeholder

    Not normal to be afraid of them but it's normal to dislike them.

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  • 123456789assssssss

    Hi Hitler.

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  • surrey

    I have read that Jews control the media and banks. I do not know if it is true. This is no reason to fear them however Perhaps it is best that they control everything. It all seems to be working ok.

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  • Cheese123

    I'm jewish. I don't control anything. I'm just a teenager sitting on my bed, internet surfing. Maybe you're wrong in some ways. This idea that Jews run everything is silly.

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    • umph

      You control your mouse.

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  • Avant-Garde

    Don't be ridiculous! This is pure and other nonsense. Jews aren't evil, just like they don't have horns underneath their kippahs or are out to steal all of your money. There's good and bad everywhere you look, regardless of religion. Judge the person for themselves, not the group they belong to as a whole.

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  • I contributed a link proving the Jewish domination of Hollywood and the media, and that post is now hidden to lurkers.


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  • russellnb

    I think you could appl;y this thinking to any group and in some cases you would be right and in others you would be wrong. I have a very diverse group of friends and the diversity is the fascinating thing about them.

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  • suckonthis9

    Divisions. 10 Counts (not including four divisions in direct quotations). Irresponsible.

    You have used a term which divides people who believe in the teachings of Abraham, from other people who also believe in the teachings of Abraham. Furthermore, you have also used a term which divides a branch of the aforementioned, from others within this divided group. These terms also divide these people from others, who have other religious beliefs, and from people who are not religious. The use of these terms might be offensive to some people, whether they are religious, or whether they are not religious.

    Why are you creating divisions in society?

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    • suckonthis9

      Why do you think this group of divided people are going above or beyond acceptable limits?

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      • suckonthis9

        Why don't you ask Rabbi Ovadia Yosef why he is creating division in society, instead of parroting this divisive religious propaganda filth all over the world?

        Also, please ask the Rabbi which deity he is referring to.

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        • suckonthis9

          Please do not use -ists or -isms, as these further contribute to, and support divisions in society.

          Please do not use 'race', in this context. Please use 'people' or 'tribe' instead.

          Thank you.

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          • suckonthis9

            Please describe the Physical properties of a 'spirit'.

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