Is it normal i'm afraid to help people?
I would love to help people I see stuck on the side of the road. I would love to help people in general. My problem is that given how quick some are to turn around and try to sue or file charges before setting up a lawsuit, I feel some reserve before taking action. Most of the time, I pass for fear of getting found liable because the other guy decided he was going to be a dick that day and make someone's day miserable.
For example: Driving down the interstate one day, I notice a guy fiddling underneath the hood of his car.
I think to ask him if he needed a jump, but since I don't know him, I can't be sure if he'll turn around and call the cops on me for messing with his property or harassing him. Or turn around and sue me later for some bullshit about how I inappropriately installed the jumper cables thus causing him to be out of a car.
I feel like such a scumbag for leaving him out there in the heat, but I can't really bring myself to take any action. Because as a student, I really don't have the money or time to jerk around in court.
Anyone else feel the same way? Any ideas on how to get over it and to cover myself? It disturbs me that I'm so jumpy about helping anyone I don't know.