Is it normal i'm afraid to tell my family i'm crazy?

When I was 12 I was raped by a neighbor. I didn't tell anyone until 3 years later. I was afraid to tell my family because they will judge me. The incident has left bad thoughts like suicide or depression. I can't tell my Family, close friend, or my therapist because I don't want them to think of me differently. It scares me. The thought of people judging me makes me sick to my stomach and I end up crying. I'm sorry if this is long. I just would like to know if it's normal to be this way.

Voting Results
71% Normal
Based on 7 votes (5 yes)
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Comments ( 7 )
  • Of course it's normal hunni, if you can't talk too yoor family about it, I really recommend seeing a councillor, that way yoo will be able too speak about the incident & manage the thoughts in yoor head which might even help yoo too feel a bit better about telling yoor family, I'm really sorry this happened too yoo, good luck ! X

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    • Dad

      Hey yoo, good luck to yoo too (choo-oo-woo)
      You know even YouTube should have shown you how to spell you.
      I'm sorry this has happened to you too (notice one 'to' has only one 'o'? Think of lots of things being 'too' much, that may help)

      How you manage to spell all the other words correctly is beyond me.

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  • @dad thats just how i like too spell :/ i know its not normal, but i do know the differnece & the correct spelling i juat have always text or typed thet way, sorry for offending yoo.

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  • iEatZombies_

    Trust me when I say you'll do yourself no favors by holding it in. Your family won't judge you, but if you're too scared- tell a friend first. A close one. It'll help to have somebody you know whom is outside the situation to open up to.

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  • Garglemysac

    They already know and talk about it when you are not around.

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  • thinkingaboutit

    Aw, common girl! You are not crazy! You did nothing wrong. Do me a solid and call a rape hotline or go to a rape crisis center. My deepest condolences. I know that you think it is wild to tell a parent you were raped, but I swear to you, if your parents give half a shit about you, they will rage at the thought of some creep even looking at you the wrong way. But, if you really find it unbearable to look at them and say it...tell a stranger over the phone. You depend on it. Stay strong. You aren't alone, there are people there to help you. Reach out.

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  • Avant-Garde

    It's normal. If you can't trust anyone, perhaps a forum or online support group would help.

    It's also normal to be wary of professions and friends. A professional whether they're independent or working at a school, if you're a minor than you have little to no rights. The last psychiatrist I had used "mind games" on me and would lie. There's supposed to be patient confidentiality, but he broke the law. I would tell him something and he said that he couldn't tell my family, but as I got older I started to notice things. After everything I said, he would insist that I brought my whole family in there! He'd basically tell them what I had said and ask for their views or if I was "lying"! True, it got to the point where I would lie to him because I couldn't trust him. I'm sure I have a mental illness or two, but he misdiagnosed me and refused to listen to my concerns. He once tricked me into saying I was suicidal and demanded to know if smoked weed! You really need to be careful with doctors!

    Good Luck and stay on your toes!

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