Is it normal i'm fed up with the war on yule?
I can't say "happy Yule" to anyone without someone getting upset that I'm not saying something politically correct, like "merry Christmas". It's those damn Christian progressives, trying to stamp out our precious pagan tradition. They already destroyed Dies Natalis Solis Invicti, what more do they want? Is it not enough that they took away peoples' ability to celebrate the birth of Mithra on December 25? Now they make it about Jesus, who was born in summer or fall. What will they come for next? How much longer will I be able to wish people a happy Yule for without being killed on the spot under a new law the progressives will surely make? They've taken away enough of my religious freedom. I can no longer enjoy my constitutional right to own thralls to row my longboat or even sail to raid villages. No, I'm not crazy, I really am being oppressed. We must take a stand against the war on Yule.