Is it normal i'm fscking tired of people talking about the hurricane?

All I hear is the libs crying over how some people were hit or whatever. Waaa waaaa waaa. Okay well think of WHO was hit by hurricane sandy. Thats right, people who voted for Obama. So its good they deserved it! We should be VERY happy that democrats saw what happens when you fight Gods will. To bad they didnt learn their lesson! That just shows they deserved what happened to them. So stop crying over it and be happy that the democrats are suffering because of the Obamacane!

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Comments ( 9 )
  • dirtybirdy

    What the fucks obama got to do with it you backwards fuckin asshat. You must not know anyone who was effected by that storm. You probably wouldn't care if you did anyway. Why don't you take two seconds to try and imagine what it would be like if everything you had was gone. When you're finally allowed back to your part of town trying to see if your house is still there but all you see is a mountain of sand and splinters. And your buddy down the street has a fuckin sailboat in his living room and your friends from nearby towns still can't access their neighborhood because the fuckin ocean swallowed it. All the places that gave you fond memories growing up are wiped out or burned down. You would be one of the cocksuckers looting houses that were still standing and siphoning gas from cars. Fuck you man. Just die.

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  • Scarlett88

    Did Fox News tell you that it's ok to not care because these people voted for Obama? I bet they did.

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  • mirs

    You shouldn't say stuff like that. People only a mile away from me lost their houses and normality due to the hurricane. It was an abnormal hurricane that deserves attention in order to help people who need help. All of the coast in jersey got hit bad and people lost everything and need help. How would you feel if that was you? No offense, but you should watch what you say when it comes to disasters like this.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    It was a tragedy no one should have to suffer like that.

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  • GotToGoNow

    Blatantly Obama controls the weather and is just a sadistic SOB

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  • Ebil_Lightbulb

    Obvious troll is obvious.

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  • Mando

    You're just nuts and insensitive.

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  • KeddersPrincess

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  • hurricanes are awesome ,i f you're not in one

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