Is it normal i'm sad, scared and lonely

I'm scared of being lonely and single for the rest of my life. I hear stories about people being single, and dying lonely. I just don't want that to happen to me. I've been single for five years (I'm 18) I still have time, but it makes me wonder if ts going to be like this forever. I'm a pretty attractive guy, and most of the compliments people give me are because of my eyes, smile and personality. If I'm so great and everything, how come I'm still single? Huh??

Shocker: I'm bi (thought I should say that before this next part)

There was a guy I met recently, and we grew pretty close. We would talk about things (non sexual) that we wouldn talk about with his friends. We just really let each other in, and then all of a sudden he's gone (not dead but a new job) it just sucks how whenever I meet someone great, theyre taken or they leave without a word.

Anyone else feel like this?

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Comments ( 19 )
  • Short4Words

    No you're only 18. I wouldn't even say I've been single for so and so, because you were young and not everyone is dating then. Don't place so much on dating and having a partner, it's not everything.

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    • But it would be nice to have someone to be with

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    At 18, it's totally illogical to be drawing conclusions about your life. Your not even fully developed yet. You need time to find out who you are, before you can find someone to share yourself with. Meantime, date, have fun. It will happen when you're ready.

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    • I will :) I'm feeling a little better each day. He's out there doing what makes him happy (and its something legal) and if he's happy then so am I. Thanks to him I know what I want now.

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  • howaminotmyself

    Give it 20 years and see if you still feel the same.

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  • cankerblossomjunglegreen

    Haha yeah I know the feeling. It makes me think that maybe I am doing something wrong but really, we are just young. That's all. I think the older we get and we see others already dating, we wonder why were single. Well, I'm one to care about being with someone for the rest of my life, long relationships. I'm not into a short hook up for sex and making out. I want a real relationship and not many people are into that. But then again, I don't let it get to me. You'll find someone just sit back and let life take it's course.

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  • ucipher8

    Yes. I fell in love with someone who died and no one told me about it. I could;t even grieve. But i believe that i will find someone that looks like her, and treat her as her own person. But i know deep in my heart, it will be the same person that left me in the first place.

    Im 25, and I've been single for 20 years (i like chicks). At a found age, playing pretend house was my favorite game. Now i can play it for real, but just alone, lol.

    We all just gotta wait until we find the right one. If you think this guy is worth it, just keep talking to him. Some guys hear no, and think; No.

    Others hear no, and wind up getting smacked by karma later

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  • Aliceee93

    Did you go out with the guy then? Maybe you haven't had a relationship if your like half and half? Sorry I don't mean to sound rude. But yeh I'm 19 and I feel like I'm going to be alone for ever but apparently you shouldn't go looking for love so I don't know haha. But things happen for a reason so maybe it was best he moved away? As one door shuts another opens ;)

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  • noid

    There are worse things than being alone and single.

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  • This post scares me, not just for the pathetic fear of being alone but also for the absurd age the creator lists, what makes you think being alone is so bad? What do you think everyone who is married or had kids is happy, they won't admit it but given the divorce rate most probably aren't. Also at the end of the day we are all alone and if you are approaching people with your woah is me lonely mindset no wonder you haven't met anyone.

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    • I'm not like this all the time. About 80% of the time I'm happy being single, but then there are just those times when I see people happy in relationships and it just makes me feel kinda sad and lonely. Im not the "whoa is me" type of guy 24/7 so don't even try to say that I am. I just have my moments sometimes. But I know there's someone out there for me. There's someone for everyone.

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      • I hate to say this but that someone for everyone is a load of crap, just like the be yourself people will like you for you. What you should do is live for your own happiness. People who end up married or in relationships with your motivation are rarely happy, they'll put on a great act, but that's all it really is.

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        • Well I'm sorry we have different points of views on this type of thing, but like I said before; I'm not always sad and depressed, I'm actually a pretty damn happy person. We all just have pur moments when we don't feel too great. Maybe you're the negative person.

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          • And maybe everyone you approach thinks you smell bad, ever consider that? Huh? You big smelly!

            But seriously you are too young to panic, but hey its your life, I'm just offering advice, real world advice, not politically correct "happy" advice. Take it or leave it, smelly.

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            • Surprisingly I haven't been worrying much about relationships for the past few days :)

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  • These comments are depressing me. Thanks for the help

    *sarcasm* :(

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  • crazy_asiknowit

    i'm 18 (a normal girl..not bi) and i feel the same...every guy who approaches me is crappy..n the guys whom i approach reject me...i'm forever alone

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  • DavidS.

    you cant keep contact with this person...youre feeling this loss right now

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  • michaels4p5

    you'll get use to the mental-illness as time goes on being alone.

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