Is it normal i'm scared of people hearing me poop?
When I poop I turn on the water and everything because I'm so scared people might hear me. Does anyone else do this?
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When I poop I turn on the water and everything because I'm so scared people might hear me. Does anyone else do this?
Why waste the poor water? You should just yell out loud: YES I'M TAKING A SHIT, HAS NOBODY HEARD WHAT TAKING A SHIT SOUNDS LIKE?
i am the same. i cannot have anyone near the door and I even avoid going at other peoples houses in case they hear.
I do not care who hears me everybody poops. It depends, if I’m constipated I’ll push and grunt and make noises if it’s not then I push regular push out and fart and just poop
Oh god. XD I used to be pretty self concious as far as that goes. Only time I still feel weird is if I'm crapping in a public place I frequent a lot. As opposed to somewhere I'll never be again. Or at a friend's house. I wait until people aren't around or asleep. Not sure why I do it, I think it might have to do with self esteem possibly, and pressures to be polite. I'd say it's perfectly normal though.
i sometimes turn the ceiling fan on, but my family has picked up on th fact that I turn that on when shitting, so it's almost like an alert to the whole house "hey! I'm taking a dump!" So sometimes before a shower, I turn the shower on, take a dump as I wait for the water to get hot, then shower. Perfectly normal.
Everytime when I have to poo I turn up the radio or when the washing machine is running.
ha i do some times..but my sis will make us drive her all the way home from eny where so she can poo
LoL momonator! I don't do this but I also don't like using public restrooms when I have to poop. It is embarrassing in that case for me.
I think it's normal to feel scared or embarrassed to the point of turning on the water and the fan, too (if the bathroom hopefully has one), but it's too bad because everyone has to do it and we can't help it that it makes noise! Oh my gosh! But I do the same thing and totally hate having to use public restrooms where others can just walk in and hear me.
I don't do this. I have never heard of anyone doing this. I don't understand your reasons for doing this. Not normal.