Is it normal i'm scared talking to women

It's happened in the past, in real life and on the internet. I've had bad experiences where after I get a little friendly with a girl or woman, first they ignore me then they emotionally attack me and call me a loser. I never believe I go beyond the socially acceptable boundaries and try to always keep things appropriate. When I say a joke I make it clear I'm only joking. But many women take me too seriously. It's gotten to the point where I'm afraid of opening my mouth or typing anything online in chat forums because I just might offend a female. I also don't think it's right how women think they can insult me over and over because I might have said or done something accidentally that may have offended them. One girl even told me to never talk to her ever again and leave her alone or else she would call the police.

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64% Normal
Based on 45 votes (29 yes)
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Comments ( 7 )
  • RoseIsabella

    Obviously your creeping the ladies out somehow.

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  • Goodvibrations

    I assume you must be talking to some very sensitive ladies and/or you're saying something wrong. But don't be so afraid of talking to women or talking at all for that matter; we're not all praying mantises just waiting to rip your head off!

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  • seakelp

    See a therapist yo. They can help you better than strangers on the internet.

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  • GiveMeAFuckingNameAlready!

    20 years from now those women won't give a shit what you said to them. Don't be afraid to look like an ass it's better then being forgotten.

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    • seakelp

      I disagree.

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  • TrollsAreStupid

    Don't say anything remotely sexual or flirty or anything. Not flirting at all is better than flirting badly, which is what you seem to be doing now. Women probably think you're a perv/trying to get sex with them before you're even in a relationship.

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  • binwon101

    Start reading Cosmopolitan Women's magazine.
    Cosmo really helped me to understand women much better (what makes women tick, what women want) for better communication skills. Learn to just Listen. Women love to talk about their feelings. (I know, boring but learn to be more attentive without joking around sarcastically like Raymond Romano of Everybody Loves Raymond or interrupting)Women just love to vent. Women just want someone to Listen but men tend to be problem-solvers and interrupt with answers that women don't want nor care to hear about!

    <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

    There is nothing wrong with laughing with a girl, if she says something funny or does something silly then it is polite and acceptable to laugh. However, it is not right to make fun of a woman for no reason. Also, if she has done something and is not laughing, always wait for her to laugh first. If ya laugh at her, she will always remember forever. Women never forget and can hold a grudge for 50 yrs. So say Sorry & admit you're wrong & don't make excuses (they really hate that) In my opinion there is nothing worse than a guy that makes really bad sexist jokes in front of women. Some men do it because they are trying to get their attention but really all they are doing is making themselves appear repulsive. If anything the majority of women, on hearing a remark along these lines would become very defensive.

    No girl does wants to hear about a guy’s latest conquest in the bedroom, this is regardless of whether they are a friend or a potential partner. In truth the latter would most definitely ruin any chances of a possible relationship. Women do not want to hear about what a guy gets up to in bed; in my opinion it does not make them appear anymore attractive.

    <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

    (Also don't pick your nose, belch or fart or swear in front of them. For some reason guys feel the need to burp and make other noises really loudly, then on top of this start laughing really loudly. This is not an attractive trait for a lover, friend or long term partner. In my opinion, if a woman starts’ laughing when you do this it is a nervous and uncomfortable laughter.

    What type of talk turns women off?

    a.) To put it bluntly women are turned off by men who across as “needy.” Most men don’t realize that they are coming across “needy” when talking to a woman. But the woman picks up on it quickly. She can very quickly tell that you’re trying too hard to impress her. When a man tries to impress a woman it actually has the opposite effect. It turns her off.

    b.) Women are not attracted to guys that come across as insecure. You can’t talk to women and seem like a nervous wreck and expect her to feel attraction towards you. A woman expects a man to be powerful, confident, and secure with himself. If she senses that you don’t possess those traits (Loser) she will quickly lose attraction towards you. (Also Mama-Boys)

    c.) Women are turned off by guys who are “boring.” If you’re talking a woman you need to know how to keep the conversation fun. If you continually find yourself facing awkward silences, stuck in boring “interview mode” or talking about mundane topics like the weather… you can be sure that the woman you’re talking to will quickly lose interest.

    d.) One of the major factors that will kill a woman’s attraction toward you is displaying a lack of social intelligence. Women are social creatures. And they blindly follow the social “norms.” If a man doesn’t seem aware of what is socially acceptable or “cool” she will quickly dismiss him as being “below” her. An easy way to do display a lack of social intelligence while talking to a woman is to make an inappropriate comment, not take the “cues” she is sending you, or continually tell jokes that no one finds funny.

    Understanding these issues, you really can’t blame a woman for not wanting a weak, insecure, socially clueless, boring, or needy man. Ask yourself… do you find these sort of women attractive?

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