Is it normal i'm tired of "fat pride?"

It wasn't always so bad, but in recent years fat people have started comparing themselves to gay, transgendered, black, and other people who actually have something to complain about. That's bullshit and sane people should have drawn the line before it got here. Fat people aren't "discriminated against" on anywhere near the level of actual minorities, and they bring what happens to them on themselves. Fat activists like to deny the latter by claiming their weight is because of their metabolism, but anyone with even a cursory knowledge of biology knows it's the other way around, that one's metabolism changes depending on diet. This shows that fat activists have a distinct anti-science agenda and are thereby as much of a threat to rationality as the fundies, as it is as flagrant a rejection of intellectualism as denying evolution. Very few people have a real disorder that actually justifies significant weight gain, so fat activists are just trying to act like their actions aren't their own fault. They also like to say that being fat is "okay." Here's a tip: anything that kills you and causes disease isn't "okay" by any definiton. Being fat isn't just another meaningless part of one's image, it's about a lack of self-control which is something that should never be commended. I'm tired of people who blame something out of their control for being fat then can be seen eating an entire carton of ice cream during lunch break. Honestly, I used to sympathize with fat people, even identify with them a little, until I became more socially conscious and realised that most of them have personalities as vile as their bloated bodies. That should have been obvious from the start, because it takes a certain kind of person to let themselves go like that. Sure, it might be hard to turn yourself around if you have poor impulse control. Guess what: life is hard, so that's not a good excuse for not doing something. We all have problems, but some of us don't act like we're better than others for not dealing with them and handle our issues more gracefully. It's time to stop pretending that people aren't in control of their own actions. That people of different sexual orientations, genders and ethnicities are becoming more accepted is a victory for humanity. That being fat is becoming accepted is a defiance of reason.

Voting Results
74% Normal
Based on 107 votes (79 yes)
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Comments ( 25 )
  • Terence_the_viking

    Is it normal I'm tired of giant walls of text.

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    • disthing


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    • KyleTheCritic

      I didn't even finish reading the actual post. I got too bored.

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  • LittleMissy

    The very fact that you wrote so much about this suggests that you care a little too much about it. I have an idea: Judge less and be happy. It will make you look younger for longer.

    People who are overweight are People who are overweight. Nothing more, nothing less. They deserve respect just like anybody else.

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  • dom180

    It isn't an issue of whether they "bring it on themselves" or not. People have a right to be fat and not get treated like shit because of it. Whether it's their fault or not isn't relevant. That's victim-blaming.

    As much as metabolism is dependent on diet, some people do have a naturally faster or slower metabolism. You can change that within a certain limit, but a certain amount isn't in your control. You can't really deny that it isn't all down to behaviour, or even mostly down to behaviour. I can probably even link you to studies which show the link between genetics and enzymes relating to obesity if you want. After all, we wouldn't want to show an "anti-science agenda", would we? :P There are a lot of people who have a terribly fatty diet and don't work it off, but still don't gain much weight; doesn't that falsify your hypothesis that metabolism is all behaviour?

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    • Devyn

      "As much as metabolism is dependent on diet, some people do have a naturally faster or slower metabolism. You can change that within a certain limit, but a certain amount isn't in your control"

      I disagree with this from experience. I have a naturally slower metabolism and a sedentary life style. I used to eat a little less than most people and was borderline overweight (BMI of 26), I simply decided to eat less and within 6 months I lost 20% of my body weight and my BMI was down to 18.5 where it's been stable for over a year. I just accept that I'm small and sedentary and so can't eat anywhere as near as much as most people do.

      Metabolism isn't all behaviour but you can adapt your behaviour to your metabolism. So people can choose not to be fat.

      I also disagree that people have the right to be fat, for the same reason why people don't have the right to do cocaine or heroine. Being fat is very unhealthy and being fat encourages others to be fat (the more fat people there are the more socially acceptable it is and fat parents tend to be less careful about keeping giving their children a healthy upbringing), so being fat is contributing to the poor health and reduced life expectancy of others.

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      • dom180

        With all due respect, you are one data point out of seven billion. Just because some people are able to lose weight doesn't mean everyone even *can* lose weight.

        My point is that even if you adapt your behaviour to your metabolism, your metabolism can adapt itself to compensate. There are genes producing enzymes for fat storage which are activated in some people once they lose weight and become not fat. That's a reason some people find losing weight so difficult, and it's a biological reason beyond their control.

        Here's the main problem I see with what you're saying. With your first point you're championing the power of the individual to make their own decisions about their weight, saying that "people can choose not to be fat". But in your second point you're saying that one person's choice in being fat somehow makes other people become fat too, so you're saying other people *don't* have a choice about whether they're fat or not (if people truly have a choice about being fat, why would other people's weight cause them to become fat?). So those are two completely contradictory points.

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      • disthing

        People absolutely have the 'right' to be fat. People have the right to do what they want with their bodies. Pierce them, cut them, tattoo them, nip and tuck them, pour alcohol and other drugs into them, fatten them up, slim them down etc.

        That's the individual's choice.

        The problem is when it becomes a burden on society, but it's only a burden if society accommodates such extreme behaviour. By accommodate, I mean make special arrangements for and bare the negative consequences of such extreme behaviour.

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  • disthing



    Anyway, most of us are aware that being too overweight has health implications, therefore promoting being overweight is like promoting smoking or heavy drinking. Not a good idea.

    However, I'd say the amount of fat people who are actually happy to be fat is far fewer than those who hate being fat - so this fat pride epidemic you seem to perceive doesn't ring true to me.

    Also when you say cuntish things like "most of them [fat people] have personalities as vile as their bloated bodies" it's hard to take your point seriously.

    I'd say just as the obese have blown themselves out of proportion, you've blown this 'fat-pride' issue out of proportion. Keep things in perspective. Also try and see the humanity underneath all that fat; they're just people with excessive fat in common, that's it. They deserve to be given a chance like any of us.

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    • RomeoDeMontague

      Not agreeing with the Op however they have been making a lot of plus size model shows. That are heavy and ok with it. That are happy to promote plus size cloth for ladies. Perhaps this is where they are getting the idea of it being promoted.

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      • disthing

        Maybe that's an American trend?

        I haven't seen it round these parts. The only shows where obesity is a selling-point here is those one-off shock-docs about someone so fat they can't walk and will die if they eat one more doughnut.

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        • RomeoDeMontague

          Well they are a lot more open about it. They did not use to be so proud. Since for a long time they use to ostracize fat people. When they started the anti bullying campaign this kind of went along with it. So people who were bullied like nerds, gays, fat people suddenly were told its ok to be who you are. If you have a fat model though its also bad to have an anorexic one it says its ok to be fat.

          It says you can be fat and pretty. Which means that people are no longer going to try to lose weight. Since they say "Well she’s fat, rich and pretty"! I can do it to. Which is honestly not a great message but it means that people will not get picked on as much for these issues.

          Though given the sedentary life styles we have taken on and the quick convenience of McDonalds compared to a home cooked meal. This was bound to happen. They also have the plus size model beauty pageants which feature plus size models from different areas. No I do not watch any of these. I have heard of them though. Though people will be fat for a number of reasons.

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          • disthing

            As obesity becomes more prevalent, inevitably it's more visible and more tolerated.

            However I know nobody personally who is proud to be fat. I know many who are unhappy about their excess weight.

            I also think beauty pageants are shit regardless of whether they promote fake titted, skinny airheads or enormous, flabulous overeaters.

            My point was I don't think 'fat pride' is particularly common.

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  • Maki_P

    You're attitude is terrible, you have no right to insult or shame fat people.
    Most people who are obese are unhappy with their bodies and don't need you insulting them for it; also it's not about self-control, lifestyle and self-steem, and access to healthier options are factors there.
    And some fat people are actually healthier than many thin people (not obese, mind you just big).

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  • anti-hero

    Not going to lie. Didn't have the eyes to read your wall of text. (you know there are such things as paragraphs, right?) Anyway, just know that my answer is based solely on the title...

    I didn't know there was such a thing as fat pride. It is nothing to be proud of... fat acceptance makes more sense. I am sure they are not proud to be fat and if they say they are... well, my bet is that they are using that as a defense mechanism.

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  • penguin1

    Being overweight isn't a choice! A lot of
    people have ilness that causes it. It's not fun being overweight. People don't want it. And it's harder to lose weight than you might hink. Instead of running down these people, why don't you try encouraging them to lose weight?

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  • NormalIsOverratedBeANinja

    I agree weight shouldn't be compared with race or sexuality, since it is controllable to some degree. But you can't just lump all fat people together and say they're evil. You don't know anything about them. To stereotype someone based on NOTHING, just because weight might not be the top thing on their mind? It may not be like racism, but it's still prejudice, and you're still one messed up human being.

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  • Fabulous

    Yeah I agree

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  • Nokiot9

    Hahahaha you guys are gonna hate me for this but me and my gf were just talking about this yesterday. That stupid song came on the radio "mama told me don't worry about your size, men like a lil something to hold onto at night, all the right junk in all the right places." When did being fat become ok? I mean I like a woman with a little bit of meat on her bones, but this 'love who you are' crap has to end somewhere! And why does someone always bring up HTD when a topic like this comes up? We are talking about people who have some modicum of control over it. People who don't take meds and have glandular problems. Like Lois' brother Patrick from family guy,"fat people are immoral" lol.

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  • RainbowFlash

    If you choose to be fat, as in you actually have a choice and not a health problem, then you should forfeit any government provided health care. The same goes with drug abusers.

    If you want to destroy yourself then fine, go ahead and do it. Just don't expect anyone to pity you or pay for your health care.

    I work out to maintain a healthy standard of living. I watch my diet and do the "right things" to be a healthy weight. Should I have "healthy pride"?

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  • robbieforgotpw

    do you know what their banner looks like?

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  • RomeoDeMontague

    Saying one group is better then the other is not helping anything. In fact that is what creates prejudice and racism. So you are prejudice and deserve to be laughed at for all your faults. Also some people are fat for the reasons they are lazy and wont take care of themselves.

    If a grown adult is fat to the point they can not get out of bed since they just would not stop eating and eat themselves into a comma. Well those fuckers brought it on themselves. If instead in staying inside are given the choice to play outside but would rather play video-games munching on Cheetos well yeah that's why!

    Diet is not the only thing that can result in low metabolism. It also has to do with exercise. In fact you can eat all the junk you want long as you burn it off. Yeah its not the healthiest living but you will stay thin. I personally do not care if people are fat its more why they are fat.

    If you are fat since you are lazy and refuse to stop eating that's their fault. If you are fat since you had kids, are old and cant move a lot of something like that no I would not judge people for that. A lot of children are also getting fat at age 4. When you are 4 and 200 pounds that's the parents fault. As they should be feeding you a balanced diet.

    I also dont think what you describe is fat pride. More not caring that you are fat. Like people who wear glasses. They know they can not see and might go blind one day. However despite this they dont feel bad about wearing glasses and a lot of them like certien styles which they get. Its not BLIND PRIDE! They just do not feel horrible about the impairment.

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  • KyleTheCritic

    Why do gay people, black people, and transgender people have something to complain about? I also do agree there shouldn't be fat pride. There's no reason to be proud of being fat.

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  • lee21

    I agree with the OP.

    Fat people need to develop SELF CONTROL and SELF RESPECT.

    There is no such thing as not being able to lose weight.

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    • Koda

      Wow, so much ignorance here. Hypothyroid people can find it impossible to lose weight in any significant amount even with exercise and a low calorie diet. Mind you, you can't become 347 lbs without eating your way there, but there are many overweight people with thyroid and other problems who gained weight as soon as they were born and have never been thin despite eating less than their peers. To make matters worse, most of the "fixes" just cause more side-effects. Sure, there shouldn't be any pride in being an unhealthy weight, but I can say what you all are doing is discriminating, and if you can't bother to know the facts before you speak, you're just as bad as any racist.

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