Is it normal i'm tired of feminists putting words into others' mouths?

I was browsing online today and I saw a post by a feminist talking about people complaining about an ad that sexualised men, then giving several examples of ads sexualising women with the claim that no one complained about them. As usual, this attracted the regular feminist echo chamber about how society is insanely misogyinistic, women are little better off than black slaves, it's all part of a conspiracy by the patriarchy for rape culture, etc. What struck me about this post is that I had actually recognised one of the ads as being pulled because of controversy, which is obviously contrary to the femnists' claim that no one cared. So I did some research on the ads, including the one sexualising males.

My first finding was that the negative reaction to the ad that sexualised males, and it might not be the ad you're thinking of, was actually rather quiet. Oh sure there was some, but it was nothing compared to the negative reaction that the ads she claimed no one cared about got. Many of them had enough negative press to get pulled and at least one was outright banned. It's from this specifically that I realised something that I had been trying to put my finger on. Feminists seem to want to feel oppressed and will claim other people are doing whatever it takes for that to be the case. Other rights groups, such as gay rights and race equalists, are eager to find support from people outside their demographic groups. They love it when straight and white people support them and they don't go out of their way to make others seem hateful.

Feminists are different. They decide what you're thinking for you and when they can't find something to gripe about, they invent it. They're much like conservatives in that regard. They're always saying "people say this" instead of actually quoting anyone. They're always saying "people do this" without mentioning a specific time it happened. They describe a lot of actions that just seem to happen "in general" instead of being done by specific people. (They'd only need to produce one example, as most of them believe all men, excuse me, males think and act the same way anyway, oblivious to the hypocrisy of that assumption.) As in the example above, these claims are often contrary to reality. And worst of all, they act like they know you better than you know yourself and psychoanalyse people they've never met with almost no detail to go on. Do you like hot dogs? You're a misogynist because hot dogs are phallic and people who like phallic foods do so out of a hatred of female symbolism. I'm not making that up, I've seen a feminist use that exact line of reasoning to damn someone as sexist.

It's just silly at this point. If feminists want to be taken seriously, they should stop using the techniques of people who don't have a point and base themselves in fact instead of rhetoric. There's a need for a strong gender-based equal rights movement, but right now they're held back by themselves and their own mindsets, which currently only works to replace one form of bigotry with another.

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87% Normal
Based on 61 votes (53 yes)
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Comments ( 8 )
  • dom180

    People use strawmen in arguments all the time. If everyone listened to what each other actually, literally said rather than trying to interpret it into something else entirely those debates would be much more productive.

    You said that feminists use all these generalisations, but you were generalising yourself when you said that. I just thought I'd point that out. Yes, there are some feminists who are more dedicated to promoting their cause than rationally discussing it, but feminism is hardly unique in that regard - every group has those people (in fact I'm convinced that everyone behaves that way sometimes, myself on this site included. It takes conscious effort for people to be rational if they think they know more than someone else about an issue - that's a generalisation I'm not afraid to make :P).

    EDIT: And yes, it is normal for irrational tactics to tire you, regardless of who deploys them.

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  • GreyWulfen

    "Is it normal I'm tired of feminists"; you could stop after that, yes, it's normal.

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  • x_x

    I didnt read all that shit, i just came here to say if feminists want equal rights, then they should be equal in all regards. Thanks

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    • NormalIsOverratedBeANinja

      Yeah, but this is about the kind of feminists who take offence at every action done by a man, no matter how hypocritical they are.

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  • handsignals

    Hell yes, they don't want to be equal they want to be superior.

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  • They make women look weak, period.

    Any self respecting woman would stay away from them.

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  • 69

    ha! i'm tired of them putting their dicks in my mouth

    joke out of the way, there are feminists and there are feminists. some are stuck in time and actually have no idea what it means or what they're fighting for and are doing so for all the wrong reasons. as i see it feminism to the most radicals has become a substitute for/neo religion, it's just followed not questioned or thought about. it makes life easier when you have a predetermined cause and enemy, so to speak, to go at. you don't have to think of the real issues surrounding your own or anyone else's life, not from a different perspective anyways. not an easy task to think, question, answer, rethink, see your role in society, and so on...

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  • PsycheSlang


    I consider myself a Feminist, so let me try and help you out:

    First of all you have to accept our existence. If you're a man it's probably difficult for you to truly understand WHY some Feminists express themselves-with that passion that so terrifies men. I mean, of course it terrifies guys when women are against the tactics of patriarchy. And by the way, let's not pretend patriarchy doesn't exist because it absolutely does. A lot of women, whether or not they classify themselves as Feminists, if they are self-respecting and strong individuals they will resent what patriarchy does/is doing to their lives. It's all-pervading.

    I was walking down the street the other day and was counting the overwhelming number of exploitative images I saw, portraying women as objects of unnatural glamour or sexual servitude, put forward by a vast media structure, to which the eye of course belongs to the MALE. Yada yada.

    If you're a woman, then surely you must have some sympathy with Feminists? Are you really comfortable with how misogynistic, patronizing, disrespectful and manipulative Western society can be towards women? Can you not see evidence of that all around us in porn, beauty-porn, sex, ECT? And please don't freak out and start branding me, saying I hate men, I hate sex, I'm just an all-round hater, because that's incorrect in every arena you could apply it to.

    But this isn't about me; it's about you and your perspective. Suffice to say that, so long as you don't go on a genocidal rampage, it is your right to get pissed off with or dislike other peoples philosophies and ideals. But intolerence is another thing all together. Feminists have good reason to take a stand against patriarchy; I do believe this is something men will NEVER understand, because they have/are not suffering the abuse women have/are.

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