Is it normal i'm tired of feminists putting words into others' mouths?
I was browsing online today and I saw a post by a feminist talking about people complaining about an ad that sexualised men, then giving several examples of ads sexualising women with the claim that no one complained about them. As usual, this attracted the regular feminist echo chamber about how society is insanely misogyinistic, women are little better off than black slaves, it's all part of a conspiracy by the patriarchy for rape culture, etc. What struck me about this post is that I had actually recognised one of the ads as being pulled because of controversy, which is obviously contrary to the femnists' claim that no one cared. So I did some research on the ads, including the one sexualising males.
My first finding was that the negative reaction to the ad that sexualised males, and it might not be the ad you're thinking of, was actually rather quiet. Oh sure there was some, but it was nothing compared to the negative reaction that the ads she claimed no one cared about got. Many of them had enough negative press to get pulled and at least one was outright banned. It's from this specifically that I realised something that I had been trying to put my finger on. Feminists seem to want to feel oppressed and will claim other people are doing whatever it takes for that to be the case. Other rights groups, such as gay rights and race equalists, are eager to find support from people outside their demographic groups. They love it when straight and white people support them and they don't go out of their way to make others seem hateful.
Feminists are different. They decide what you're thinking for you and when they can't find something to gripe about, they invent it. They're much like conservatives in that regard. They're always saying "people say this" instead of actually quoting anyone. They're always saying "people do this" without mentioning a specific time it happened. They describe a lot of actions that just seem to happen "in general" instead of being done by specific people. (They'd only need to produce one example, as most of them believe all men, excuse me, males think and act the same way anyway, oblivious to the hypocrisy of that assumption.) As in the example above, these claims are often contrary to reality. And worst of all, they act like they know you better than you know yourself and psychoanalyse people they've never met with almost no detail to go on. Do you like hot dogs? You're a misogynist because hot dogs are phallic and people who like phallic foods do so out of a hatred of female symbolism. I'm not making that up, I've seen a feminist use that exact line of reasoning to damn someone as sexist.
It's just silly at this point. If feminists want to be taken seriously, they should stop using the techniques of people who don't have a point and base themselves in fact instead of rhetoric. There's a need for a strong gender-based equal rights movement, but right now they're held back by themselves and their own mindsets, which currently only works to replace one form of bigotry with another.