Is it normal i'm tired of people making fun of romney's airplane joke?

they say you can't open a window on a plane and they keep using science to try to make fun of him for saying that. well of course science would say that because science is a liberal athiest institution that just says things to hate conservatives. they talk about something called air pressure well i don't see anything about air pressure in the bible which is the only science book i trust so i know its made up. air pressure is just another lie the liberals tell to make conservatives look bad and they teach this crap in schools to which just goes to show how much damage obama is doing. lets end the smere and get obama out of office!

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Comments ( 14 )
  • I really should keep better track of current events.

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  • dappled

    Of course you can open a window on a plane. This plane doesn't even have windows:

    Perhaps not wise to have an open craft at higher altitudes, though. Like, the International Space Station is probably not the best place to open a window.

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  • GoraIntoDesiGals

    So you believe the bible over Science? Hmmm reminds me of a cartoon with a sheep floating in the air thinking "I don't believe in gravity"

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    • drugsrbadmkay

      Beat me to it, lol yes you know gravity is just a theory.

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    • Legion

      I dont believe in gravity, so why am i not floating? :(

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      • GoraIntoDesiGals

        My very point is that belief doesn't create reality.

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        • Legion

          i know, lol

          *slowly starts floating upwards* Yes! :)
          *looks up, sees giant fan* i mean, nooooo!*

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  • thanksforthefreecar

    YoU trollin?

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  • NotStrangeBird

    My tires are low. I guess I'd better add some magical Jesus juice to make them rounder.

    While I'm at the garage I'd better not catch the mechanic using any air. Impact guns are the tools of Satan.

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  • dom180

    Not subtle enough.

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    Alright, so most of you know that I am a Mormon and I go to a Mormon church and some of the people there support him but we don't talk about politics in church very often because we have very diverse beliefs in our particular ward.

    Anywho, a few months ago, I was in YSA (For single adults between 18-30) and I was in the Relief Society (women's group meeting) and we were talking about the end times and how the world is changing and what not and what will signify the end of days, and some girl pipes up "We know the end times are coming because of Romney running for office and then there will be a Mormon leading the free world! It is truly a sign of the times!".

    Everyone just went silent and looked at her like she was retarded for a few seconds before some other girl broke the silence with a "Yeaahh... anywaaaaayyy does anyone have any OTHER examples?". That shit was funny.

    Just thought I'd share.

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  • howaminotmyself

    Airplanes aren't in the bible either. It must be the devil flying about! And it ate Romney. Oh no! Someone save him!

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  • Justsomejerk

    This is why I come here.

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  • kelili

    You're so funny! You have been able to make Romney seems more ridiculous than he actually is. LOL

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