Is it normal i'm worried about being single at my age:)?
am 19 but i feel insecure...i've had many complicated relationships but its been two months being single and i cant help it.i just need a guy.iin?
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am 19 but i feel insecure...i've had many complicated relationships but its been two months being single and i cant help it.i just need a guy.iin?
J.C!!! Youre only 19! Why should that kind of shit even matter!! I'm 50,believe it or not and I never gave a fuck about that.
I think its normal, do you value family a lot because maybe it just means you're a total mom :) but like the others have said focus on the books for now don't need to be having babies now.
thanks for ive said ill focus more on books though i also value my social life.....and hmmm i have self-confidence i just hate being single:)
Two months isn't very long... I've been single for nearly two years now! :D
You do not have any self-confident in yourself. You are only 19 and you got to build your life how you want it in the future. Like going to college and making good money. Don't wait for a guy to buy you stuff and be a housewife in the end. Women are better than that. Be educated and self reliant on yourself. Guys like that. They like women who has goals and a bright future. I am 35 and still going to school but does have a career too.
I'm 23 and I'm single. Focus on your schooling for now.
You have a long life ahead of you and years to find someone right for you.
The only reason why you're not getting any responses is because many others have come before you asking the same. It's very common and something many go through.
I'm the same way, I love having a boyfriend. But you are young and you have time to find the right guy.