Is it normal i make a nerdy guy's day?

First off, I'm an alright looking girl, however, this is not the point of my story. Sometimes, when I'm out on the street, and one of those moments in which you end up making eye contact accidentally with a random stranger take place, in my case when it's an average looking guy who I imagine never gets laid, looks like he's never had a girlfriend, spends his day at the computer due to his paleness, etc. well... I usually smile. And I smile good, as in it being sincere. Then they look flustered and smile back, shyly, and I think to myself "I just made his day! He'll be thinking about the girl who smiled at him for no reason all day."

Is it normal of me to think that? Or is it just arrogant? ;)

Voting Results
71% Normal
Based on 114 votes (81 yes)
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Comments ( 46 )
  • NeuroNeptunian

    I thought like you when I was in high school.
    Until I got to know a lot of those guys. Turns out, most of them have had girlfriends or do have girlfriends at some point, don't have that hard of a time getting laid and really aren't "losers" or anything like that, some of them are but most of them are just normal guys that get some pussy but don't run around bragging about it or acting like they conquered Mount Everest on a perpetual basis because they got a few good nights of tang.

    I understand the thought behind it and I guess it's cool and all, but don't judge a book by it's cover, now. Smiling at anyone can make their day, people don't smile enough.

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    • Oh, I definitely don't do that. Having been married to one of those types and having more than a handful of friends like him, I know too well what they are like. But I take it you understood my point. ;)

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      • NeuroNeptunian

        Totally, I got you.

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  • Justsomejerk

    If the average looking guys arent getting laid I'd hate to be a below average looking guy.

    I hope none of them are obsessive rapists.

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  • Captain_Kegstand

    Full of yourself, but I understand the thought behind it and it is kind of sweet!

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  • AssBurgers

    You do sound fairly full of yourself, but sweet at the same time.

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    • shuggy-chan

      full of ass burger

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  • Anime7

    Curious, if it was anybody else would you still smile back? Or is just to men who appear as if they've never been laid?

    Either ways, I think that it's a nice thing to do. However, you shouldn't do it to just virgins. I guarantee you that even non-virgins would appreciate a smile.

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    • Oh yes, by all means. I'm a very smiley person and every so often I have those moments. Sometimes I connect in the same manner with cute elderly people, the homeless or just someone passing by, regardless of gender, age, color, if I happen to make eye contact with them. It's actually very poetic to me.

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      • Anime7

        I'll admit that it would brighten anyone's day to have someone smile at them.

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  • dappled

    Not to give you a big head or anything but I used to be that nerdy guy (what, really?) and yeah, I did think about that girl all day. Sometimes all week.

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    • justsomekidfromcanada

      Ok unless you have a girlfriend that you fucking LOVE; if a really cute girl sends a sincere smile your way than that girls gonna cross your mind during the day. Probably not all week for most but EVERYONE appreciates a smile.

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      • dappled

        Yeah, mostly, but I knew this guy once and he thought he loved his GIRLFRIEND but she'd gone out and bought a parrot and, acting on a whim, she taught the parrot a quick routine which seemed to evoke the spirit of his great-GREAT-great grandfather (a smuggler reputed TO have left hidden riches).

        She let it unfold over the years, always secretly laughing at the guy as his interest GREW in the clues the parrot fed him. He took up metal detecting, GEOLOGY, geography, history, and cartography in his yearning to find the loot.

        Eventually feeling guilty and wondering how to resolve THIS once and for all, she came up with the IDEA of taking a nude picture of herself, burying it, and having the PARROT lead him to it. She hoped his disappointment at lootlessness would be tempered by her NUDITY.

        Alas, it was not SO.

        So yes, while a picture of a really CUTE girl sending a sincere smile his way did make HIM think about her ALL week, what he was thinking WAS whether he could reasonably carry out CAPITAL punishment.

        I know this is only one case, but it was the case uppermost in my mind. The upper case, if you will. ;)

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        • justsomekidfromcanada

          What the fuck did I just read? :0

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          • dappled

            :O I don't know. I wasn't there. What was it?

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            • GuessWho

              I'm guessing that that's part of the 0.13% of interactions observed to have NOT been "convincingly human".

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        • lolol555

          Girlfriend great to grew geology this idea parrot nudity so cute him all was capital?


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          • dappled

            Until the day I die!

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    • It does not make me more or less conceited, this does not affect my "self of steam". It just puts a second smile on my face. :)

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      • dappled

        'Tis good to hear. Your steamy self is held in much esteem! ;)

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  • zchristian

    Im a computer nerd (dont look that much like one though but i did once) I have never had a real girlfriend and i am still a virgin but i dont need smiles from pretty girls to be happy, thinking positive and my good family helps 110% on that...

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  • What if more than one random girl smiled at him that day?

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  • BrendioEEE

    I feel something slutty about this I just can't put my finger on it but my ho detector is beeping !

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  • Hoohahohyahhh

    I think I'm weird because I would feel paranoid if someone smiled at me for no reason. Also, I take it as there is something wrong I'm unaware of on me. Yes, I'm self-concious :[ and being smiled at makes me more self concious

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  • sassafrassi

    hmm, well I smile at everyone I see or accidentally make eye contact with. If I catch someone staring at me in a mean way though I stare right back at them. They usually back down. haha, losers.

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  • Or maybe he's wondering if your laughing at him.

    I think you do sound slightly full of yourself, but whatever.

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    • shuggy-chan

      agreed, bitch thinking she hot shit is what it sounds like to me

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      • Yes, the abundance of confidence part is a little bit off-putting, but it could just be the way it is worded and not entirely how it was intended.

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        • shuggy-chan

          yeah, ive gotten that. maybe i just need my dad made that all, where is my smile?

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      • Not really, Shuggah, I honestly just feel happy about the creation of a memory of "the girl who smiled at ME for no reason". I remember when I was a teenager and a handsome man smiled at me and I would daydream about that smile, about those 5 seconds, for days...

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        • shuggy-chan

          so what if i smile at you then, since im nerdy then will you think about if for mins, hours, YEARS?

          but i get what you mean, im just a lil bitter since im still very in touch with my geeky, nerd roots

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  • chriskar000

    I actually think it's really nice of you, they normally don't get that kind of attention and for you to do that, making their day, is really nice of you.

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  • Allistalla

    Im sure youll make a nerds day one day

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  • disthing

    Are you assuming that all those guys are attracted to you? Just because you're "alright looking", female and smile? And you're assuming they never get laid because they're "average looking", pale and awkward?

    That does come across as arrogant. The fact that you do it in the hopes that they'll be thinking fondly of you all day is also a bit ego-orientated rather than you simply being friendly.

    It's a condescending type of pity.

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    • No, I'm not. ;)
      First, it's not at all a matter of them being *attracted* to me. In my mind it's more about the creation of an image, like a picture you bring home after a long day. It's just a brief and sweet moment in our days. Also, I don't "do it in the hopes of" anything, it just happens, I don't decide to do it *because* the man fits such description.
      I still accept and respect your opinion, though.

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      • disthing

        Well I can totally understand that nice fuzzy feeling you get when you catch someone's eye in the street and you both smile at each other. It's good - uplifting :)

        But you put as the title "is it normal I make a nerdy guy's day". You're assuming your smile makes their day, and they'll be thinking about you all day because you smiled at them.

        When I smile at someone in the street and they smile back, I think "That was nice and friendly" then carry on. You think "I just made that guys day! They'll be thinking about me smiling at them all day!" because they're nerdy and look to you like they don't have sex. So because you think they're nerdy and don't have sex, they'll dwell on that one smile from you all day? Like it's the best thing to happen to them all day? The highlight of that 24 hours - your smile.

        That's pretty much the part that comes across as arrogant and condescending.

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        • Thanks for the thoughts on it. ;)

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        • Yes, I do agree with you, that's the very reason I asked the question. Smiles exchanged for no reason are wonderful. Moot point. I'm well aware that it may all be a fantasy I create in my mind and that the guy, right after passing by, is already trying to pick up his train of thought from the moment immediately "before that stupid bitch interrupted with that fucking smile". Or that, sometimes, he may, in fact, keep the smile for a while. :)

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          • disthing


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  • jucedaguy

    I usually wank all week long to the girls that smile at me

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  • dalmationUntoyourSoul

    sometimes i make a special effort to smile or chat up the shy girls too. nothing wrong with it. it's just those girls that think they're all that get insincere flattery all day and don't need whatever i have, so i'll give it to someone who does.

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  • Boo!

    Well whatever you are for one thing I know you can make someones day. Thats a good thing we all a smile sometimes.

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  • mae94

    be careful or one of them will stalk you

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    • jucedaguy

      Yeah, and steal your panties off the line, like I did the last time some hottie "made my day"

      If only she hadn't laundered them, then she would've made my month!

      God I love my hot cousin.

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  • "an average looking guy" Then he would get laid.

    That is all......oh and you're really lame...meowwwwowow!

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