Is it normal i need help right now!???

My daughter lives 1200 miles from me and is 4 months pregnant. Expecting to move in a month to be with her fiancé who lives 2000 miles away from her.
My fear is her current roomate who is (being nice here) another woman. The roommate is getting increasingly violent. She has put away everything in the kitchen that is hers. Took the cable box out of my daughters room. Screams at her to where the neighbors have offered my daughter safety in their place. This week her fiancé was visiting and while my daughter was in the shower, the roommate was kicking and beating the bathroom door because after months of my daughter not cooking for fear of making a mess, she cooked something and left the stove streaky from cleaning. Her fiancé did not intervene. But he was recording the situation. If she broke down the door he would have put her in a choke hold and called 911.
Okay, so is it normal that I want to go there and be her body guard until she can actually move out in 3 weeks?
She is doing her best to stay out of this persons way till then.
Please help! So much more has happened but this story is long enough.

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Comments ( 17 )
  • FocoUS

    I understand you feel the need to get over there but 1200 miles is a long way. It's not like you can just drive to the next city. I think you should tell your daughter you'd feel much better if she stayed with the neighbors.

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  • KeddersPrincess

    This chick has some serious anger problems! Try to get your daughter to move out. Maybe she can stay with one of the neighbors or something, but I definatly wouldn't want her staying with who she's staying with now.

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    • bearcatbanana

      Move out now. Go anywhere but there. Who cares about the money or extra trouble it will cause. That situation is unsafe.

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  • tori

    I meant to get back to this post sooner. It's my post.
    She is safe and sound and away from that horrible place. Her fiancé and her got a place of their own and are soooo happy.
    Thank you everyone for you thoughts.

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  • RaNdOmPoPcOrN

    I imajine you saying this very fast

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  • bigtoy

    Take up the neighbor's offer.

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  • Dad

    Get her out of that angry place.

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    • I'm trying!! Only so much I can do being 1200 miles away. :(
      Just being there on the phone listening to her complain makes her feel better. Shes not wiggin' out or anything, just frustrated about this person on why shes fliiping out so much. I'm glad she has friends there for support too.

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  • why doesn't she just move in with her fiance? He shouldn't mind I mean they will live with each other once they get married right? Plus if the roomie really as bad as you say he should be concerned for her well being

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    • That's where she is moving too. He is concerned. We've talked. She's given notice at work that she is leaving. No one to cover her shift yet. She feels obligated to stay till the day she said she is leaving. She said she feels ok knowing her neighbors will take her in just incase.

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  • Whoa, calm down. You freaking out is only adding to the drama of the situation. I have had dozens and dozens of roommates, it is extremely normal for them to fight over food, noise and laziness. Your daughter probably needs to grow up and handle the situation for herself instead of relying on others to rush in and solve her personal conflicts with others. She's not so pregnant yet that some screaming and yelling is going to hurt her. Stay out of this one Mom.

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    • Yeah. I asked her if she wanted me there. She said no. Even with this women putting a hole in the bathroom door. So, I'm just chomping at the bit till she moves out. It's just a mom thing. A lioness trying to protect her young. I'm just worried for her. Atleast she still acts cheerful. She has neighbors to run to if it gets bad. Even her neighbors say there is something wrong with this woman. They avoid her too.

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      • At least you care about her.

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  • ygrowup

    If it was my daughter and future grandchild, I would move her in a hotel to keep her safe if I had to! Good luck with your choices!

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  • nAt2017

    That sounds horrible! I'd definitely feel protective. If you feel that going to protect her is worth it, then yes, I'd definitely go for it. I probably would.

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    • She says she doesn't want me to make the trip. So I'm counting the 3 weeks till she moves.

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      • nAt2017

        I wish you the best of luck!

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