Is it normal i skip my periods??

i am a virgin and the last time i had my period was june 5th. i was suppose to have my next period around july 3rd-7th but i didnt. today is august 18th and im really worried. i never had sex also. somewhere around june i was playing around with my sister and she kneed me very hard on the spot. would that cause my missing periods too?? please help!!

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Comments ( 4 )
  • CrimsonEye

    Lol no I don't think your sis caused that. When you are younger its normal to miss them. It's only been two months, I wonder if you have been on contraception earlier...

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  • Derpity

    Are your periods usually regular? I don't know how old you are, but if you haven't had it very long, it's quite normal to have irregular periods for definitely the first year.
    Also, things like weight changes, exercise and stress can really affect your period month to month.
    As well, my sister has pretty irregular periods and often has 45-50 day long cycles. According to her doctor, that just means that she isn't ovulating properly, so getting pregnant can be difficult because of that, which isn't a problem for her because she doesn't want to get pregnant.
    As said by others, if you're really worried talk to your mom and go to a doctor.

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  • unionclocks

    if ur under 23 years or so old then its perfectly normal for it not to occur every month (generally it takes a couple years for it to even out, about 10 years being the maximum norm).

    PLUS theres a whole bunch of other factors in, including any form of birth control (pills or otherwise, all of them can prolong & alter the length of different stages of the menstral cycle) and general health.
    I say general health because if you skip a lot of meals then you can prolong ur period even more (many people with under-eating disorders eat so little that they dont get their period at all, even at 30 years old) and a lot of mental health issues (including but not limited to depression & anxiety) have also been linked to unnusual menstral cycle patterns. ESSENTIALLY if ur healthy its probably normal if ur not healthy then that may contribute.

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  • Ellenna

    Depending on how young you are, erratic periods are quite normal and anyway we're not 28 day machines.

    What spot? Menstruation comes from the uterus which is fairly well protected; if you mean your vaginal area that shouldn't affect anything, but if you're worried see a doctor

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