Is it normal i still feel guilty about my guinea pig?

is it normal that i cant get over the guilt of having a 13 week guinea pig put down because she was so ill. she lost her mum, and refused to eat. i spent a fortune at vets trying to make her better again but it was useless they said she was suffering and wouldnt get better. if by slight chance she did she would have got better she would have no quality of life. i made the choice to have her put down. im asking is it normal to still feel guilty after 3 weeks that i had to have a baby guinea pig put down.

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83% Normal
Based on 88 votes (73 yes)
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Comments ( 14 )
  • alv1592

    Sorry for your loss. It's normal to feel guilty, but at least she's in a better place. Anyone who thinks it's ridiculous to cry over losing a pet has obviously never lost a beloved pet. I cried when I lost my cat last month:(

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  • dappled

    I'm really sorry to hear it. You did everything you could, though. You got medical advice, you footed the bills. You'd be surprised how little some people care about a mere "rodent", even the people you think are decent. But you did your best. The guinea was lucky to have you as an owner.

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  • "One does not need to put their guinea pig down as their lifespan is so frighteningly limited it borders on some form of absurdism"

    - Tommy the cat, MD.

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    • Devyn

      Actually my sisters guinea pigs are about 4 years old now and doing fine (one of them even survived fly strike which is nearly always fatal).

      I don't like to pick fights, but I've generally found your comments unhelpful and occasionally rude. Your quotation mark gimmick also seems silly and attention seeking (what other purpose does it serve). You're not helping the atmosphere here and seem only to answering questions because you have too much time on your hands and want to gain internet fame.

      Comment Hidden ( show )
      • Quotation marks do little to grab attention, so I guess you should think a little harder on that one.

        It's the internet, atmosphere is irrelevant.

        I answer questions, just because you don't like the answer is a poor reflection of yourself rather than me.

        You don't like to pick fights yet you waste your time trying against someone who lords over you.

        You failed at everything, would you like to try again and waste more time?

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  • Derpinalot

    It's normal cuz you feel like you could of tried at that small chance, but instead you chose to put her down. But you need to see that the guinea pig woulda been in more pain if you had kept it alive. So it was kind of you to have taken it out of its pain earlyer then later. Good job! Its problay dancing with its mother somewere happy now. :D you should be proud to say that you tried!

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  • hardass

    thank you for your kind words everyone.

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  • KeddersPrincess

    Aw! I often feel guitly about my dog. He ran away last year and I can't help but to feel like I didn't appreciate him enough.

    You shouldn't feel guilty. You did everything you could, but sometimes these things just happened. I know it's hard that you had to put her down, but it's good that she didn't have to suffer through the pain. I believe that the guilt feeling will pass as you were a good pet owner and tried everything you could, and maybe your just going through a sadness due to the loss of your pet. I hope that all will get better. I know losing a pet is a very hard thing, and no one wants to experience it, but just remember the good times you had with your guinea pig, and always remember that you loved her with all your heart. Sometimes unfortunate things just happen, and there's nothing we can do about it.

    Best wishes :)

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    • dappled

      Aww, I'm so sorry. Losing a dog is pretty much my worst nightmare. My family once lost our dog for an hour and it was horrible. I hope your dog is happy, wherever he is. :/

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      • KeddersPrincess

        Thank you! Me too.

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  • NotStrangeBird

    In Ecuador they eat guinea pigs deep fried.

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    • irrelevant, and probably upsetting for the OP.

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    • Bubbles-for-life

      *Hidden* that is desterbing

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      • NotStrangeBird

        Don't kill the messenger.

        Take it up with the good folks of the Andes mountains.

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