Is it normal i think a lot of atheists are bigoted idiots?
A lot of atheists have a stick up their asses about god not existing. I know atheism is about hating god and the belief of god. I dont get why you have to push it though.
I mean people complained about Christians pushing the belief on others. Yet now atheists push there beliefs on everyone else. Some atheists are just as bad and say "Well I wont date anyone who isnt atheist". Well yeah guess what that anti-religion just turned into a religion.
They demand everyone believes what they do, are close minded and have types of book they read that are pro-Atheist. Now personally I don't care what religion/belief you are. Long as you are not an extremist and a preachy jerk that is fine. I just find it incredibly annoying that they think they have a right to attack people.
I mean I don't go around preaching why my belief is right, and all of you should suffer for not following it. Now I have known Atheists who have said they hate religion but they were never rude to anyone about it. They were some of the nicest most open minded people I have ever met in my life. I really loved hanging out with them. That is not speaking for most of the atheist community though apparently.
I mean even if you have a different belief system I feel really bad when I see someone getting told off by an atheist. Since that atheist is too close minded to accept people might believe differently. I mean what next? You wont like them because they dress differently, that they don't have enough money, they did not go to a rich prestigious university? Maybe the fact they are wear braces and glasses is something you can pick on people for. Maybe making fun of the kid from japan since they bow instead of shaking hands.