Is it normal i think a lot of atheists are bigoted idiots?

A lot of atheists have a stick up their asses about god not existing. I know atheism is about hating god and the belief of god. I dont get why you have to push it though.

I mean people complained about Christians pushing the belief on others. Yet now atheists push there beliefs on everyone else. Some atheists are just as bad and say "Well I wont date anyone who isnt atheist". Well yeah guess what that anti-religion just turned into a religion.

They demand everyone believes what they do, are close minded and have types of book they read that are pro-Atheist. Now personally I don't care what religion/belief you are. Long as you are not an extremist and a preachy jerk that is fine. I just find it incredibly annoying that they think they have a right to attack people.

I mean I don't go around preaching why my belief is right, and all of you should suffer for not following it. Now I have known Atheists who have said they hate religion but they were never rude to anyone about it. They were some of the nicest most open minded people I have ever met in my life. I really loved hanging out with them. That is not speaking for most of the atheist community though apparently.

I mean even if you have a different belief system I feel really bad when I see someone getting told off by an atheist. Since that atheist is too close minded to accept people might believe differently. I mean what next? You wont like them because they dress differently, that they don't have enough money, they did not go to a rich prestigious university? Maybe the fact they are wear braces and glasses is something you can pick on people for. Maybe making fun of the kid from japan since they bow instead of shaking hands.

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Comments ( 44 )
  • dinz

    OP - I would ask you to practice what you preach because you are doing what you are condemning Atheists of doing yourself.

    As an Atheist I do not hate God or religion, I simply do not acknowledge the existence of one. Unfortunately just like all groups there is always a minority who hold more extreme views which I understand you are trying to address but it isn't fair to have all of us shoved under the one umbrella just as some atheists assume you Christians are all part of the Westboro Church.

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  • dom180

    You're doing exactly what you're accusing them of doing.

    Also, I don't know if you know what "atheism" and "religion" mean.

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    • Lets compare shall we?

      Religious members:

      spread their teachings and try to convert others

      believe what they follow is correct

      Have a set of code and ethics based on that belief

      Have figures that they worship or trust in

      Have books that are very important to that religion that teaches its values

      Atheists: have a need to preach to others and try to convert everyone to there belief system. Sounds like something a christian would do doesn't it?

      Have a code of ethics they must follow: I did look this up and its basically be anti religion = Anti theist meaning Anti belief in an entity(god).

      Believe what they follow is correct(Yes)

      If Atheism is not a religion why is there atheists who have such an urge to preach it to others? As though they are going to save their souls by supposedly enlightening them? Please do explain that.

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      • dom180

        Most atheists are not anti-theists.

        Most atheists really don't care what you believe.

        Most Christians do not spend their time trying to convert non-believers.

        There is no such thing as a code of ethics for atheists; atheists choose their own code of ethics.

        Members of a religion believe in a God. That is the very definition of a religion. Therefore, atheism is by definition not a religion.

        I hope I have explained that adequately.

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        • It translated to "Against religion" or "Anti-theist". Actually no it is not. Its a set of beliefs or practices believed and followed by a number of people. Like Buddhism is also a religion. He is not a god and died a long time ago.

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          • whitefiredarksun

            Buddhism is a philosophy -- not a religion. Get it right.

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            • If its not a religion why does everyone consider it religion?

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          • SilasMann

            Anti-thiest is against god, not against religion.
            It's a lack of belief in a deity, not all religion.

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  • idylle

    Guys guys calm down. Everybody believes in what they believe and nobody can judge them. End of the conversation.

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    • Zero0

      only god can ;)

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  • TweedRanger

    I think you're right, a lot of atheists are bigots, and are often very ignorant about the religions they claim to not be true and are often hypocrites. That's not to say they all are, and it's certainly not limited to atheists, a lot of theists are just as bad.
    I would have to disagree with your statement that atheism has turned into a religion, purely because of semantics and the definition of religion. Just because many militant atheists conduct themselves similarly to militant religious zealots, it doesn't mean atheism is a religion.

    What annoys me, is how so many atheists think they're more intelligent than theists or that being an atheist somehow makes them a scientist. Richard Dawkins has a lot to answer for!

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    • Exactly! Also if Atheism is not a religion it should not be preached as one. I do not understand why some Atheist have such a need to convert people. When the teaching itself does not believe in religion.

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      • TweedRanger

        It's an ideology, many supporters of certain ideologies seek to bring others round to that way of thinking. Seeking to convert may be a tactic of religious groups but it's not a religious act as the same method is also used in other areas such as politics. By the same token you must believe socialism is a religion.
        By definition a religion is concerned with spiritulaity, the supernatural and (usually) the worship of a deity - atheism rejects these things, therefore it is not a religion.

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        • No its a type of government. Also you living under one government does not mean you believe in it. It means you are forced to live under it. Do you know who really rules government? Those people in office. What are we to them? We are worthless ants under their boots. So that is just silly.

          Why do you think the governments always collapse? One side feels ignored and left out and revolt. It has happened in history ad it might happen again in other places. So you are flawed in believing that having a government of one type means you follow what it teaches.

          Why do you think we have protest? Why do we have war? Why do we have civil war? That is why... Its always a hand full of people controlling a large people. Does it mean we agree? No it does not it means we are all stuck listening to the fuckholes upstairs which all equally hate. Unless of course they bribe us. Yes they bribe us. Does that means we agree? NO! ITS MEANS WE WANT THE MONEY, TOYS, PRIZES THEY PROMISED.

          So no its not a religion since no one is actually ever agreeing with each other. We all fucking hate each other and will fight each other praying the guy with at least ONE of our ideals win. But think about it do we ever win EVER? lets say there is a democrat and he believe in abortion but not gay marriage or anything else the party believes in who do they vote for "ABORTION MAN" and what do they lose well everything else they disagree with.

          Who are the people in office? A bunch of rich fucks who came from rich families and were groomed for these kind of positions. Who generally will only go for their own interests or the parties interest. Does that mean that little democrat wins? No it means he got fucked over like the rest of us.

          Republican, Democrat independent the guy winning is upstairs... We don't have a choice. We never have a choice. We can vote but majority rules. Even in this case people cheat. Is there any punishment for cheating? NOPE whoever is under that guy steps up. Probably helped in by the CHEATER. So yeah... So run that idea again.

          That goes for every government in history. Who wins in communism GOVERNMENT, who wins in a monarch GOVERNMENT, and who wins in democracy GOVERNMENT. Just a bunch o rich idiots who were born into money and always will have money. That is how it works. Money makes money makes money. How are they born into they were lucky as hell! So don't assume being under one government means any of us actually agree with each other. Since it doesn't.

          Government is the only winners. One tiny group of people does not make that country. However that group controls it. Does it mean we like it? Does it mean we even like each other? No we are all complex and different. Fact of the matter is we all lose.

          You think anyone in those parties like that party? No, you know why they picked it since they hated the other guys worse. The enemy of your enemy is your friend. Lets say its abortion vs non abortion.

          If that's the most extreme issue a lot of people are probobly going to go with whatever side agrees with there view on abortion. Does it mean they agree with that side or just that was the most extreme issue?

          Yeah sorry I know I went way way off topic here. Its forced on people who do not believe or remotely like it. Simply being under something does not mean you care for it. So you can not really be counted as part of that ideal or belief. It just means they listen to you since they know better.

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          • TweedRanger

            I read the first paragraph, in which you'd missed my point entirely, so I didn't read further. Sorry

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  • Unimportant

    There are a lot of bigoted idiots among atheists, of course. Although I think that the percentage of idiots, who don't accept anything except for their own religion, is significantly higher.

    Me, personally? I'm glad you asked. I could never marry a religious person. Because they always want to enforce their religion on their children, they don't leave their children a choice - which pretty much borders on child abuse, if you ask me.

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  • PatrickZ

    I am an atheist, but I absolutely do not hate religion! It just comes down to wether you believe what your religion tells you is actually true or not, and for me it's not true. But that doesn't mean there are no good things in religion, quite the opposite!

    Religion can be a compass for people to guide on in their life. Something that tells them what's the right thing to do. However, some people got a different compass. But who can tell wich compass is better? Or are they perhaps both just as good?

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    • true

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  • iheartu2013

    To OP I understand what you are talking about. But we smile and love them anyway. I don't think you are doing what you think they are doing, because you are not throwing God in there face. Most of us don't throw God in people's face.

    What Atheists don't understand is that Christians are called by Jesus himself to bring more people to him, to be saved. We can bring it to them, but we can't force it down there throats.

    The only reason I can think of that Atheists try to force it down others throats is because they are trying to keep themselves convinced, as they are not called to it.

    All I can say is that Jesus says to love one another.

    I mean no harm by what I have said. Have a wonderful day!

    God Bless you and yours.

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    • I wish I could give you more thumbs up.

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  • Erik963

    I am an atheist but not an extremist but after reading your long reply I have every right to think that god obsessed assholes are thousands of times worse.

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  • Jfdp

    Athiests I have noticed , especially on online chatrooms seem to find great joy in belittling anybody who's even remotely religious, diging up every scrap of evidence they can find to disprove any creationist theory, Since athiests are (Generally speaking) also your more liberal types I find it weird that they who preach tolerance always go on the inquisition like that for anyone who dare doesn't agree with them

    You know a sad fact? No matter we personally feel about a certain topic- you cant expect the whole world to suddenly adjust to your way of thinking- Ita their lives after all

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    • Exactly.

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  • The OP reeks of contradiction.

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  • notrea11y

    Atheism should be considered a personality disorder.

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  • filiasan

    I'm hearing a lot of "No I'm not. You are!" over there.

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  • Annapurna

    Many people are bigoted idiots. Some people are atheists. Logically some atheists are inevitably bigoted idiots. I think people who keeps asking "If God this, so why that?", sure of making people think about it, are terribly insecure. I know I found the truth in my mind, but when I try to explain it, it incredibly turns into a fallacious combination of words. That's why I think that if you know the truth about something on which people keep pining, it's no use trying to make them understand.

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    • whitefiredarksun

      I think if it sounds crazy when you say it out loud it's probably crazy.

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      • Well they probobly thought the man who said he wanted to fly like a bird sounded insane. Yet we have airplanes. So I really think what "Sounds" crazy is open for interpretation.

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  • Dot123

    Gods were just simply extraterrestrials protruded as these divine beings descending from the heavens.

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    • Yes I have heard this theory before. That sounds like a very interesting theory. They would have much more advanced technology. To us they might have seemed like gods. However on the space journeys they have not found a lot beside a strange looking bug, and bacteria. So which galaxy do you think they come from?

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      • Dot123

        According to the theory. These ancient astronauts jump started human kind and formed our culture with their advanced extraterrestrial technology and hybridizing to form modern humans. There is many galaxies for which these astronauts come from. They're multidimensional beings with the power to travel through wormholes and parallel universes.

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        • Sounds like something out of Dr.Who.

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          • Dot123

            Ancient astronauts.

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            • I saw the documentary's. They have this show where they study alien encounters in history. Its really weird. It says that during every alien spotting reported to the media 2 men in black suits and sunglasses came to question the people who reported it.

              After which they told them not to tell anyone about the alien events. Also talks about incidents that the government tried to cover up in the past that people reported. Its really interesting but really creepy. I don't remember what its called though. It comes on at like 3 in the morning. This is was on one of the lower channels.

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        • whitefiredarksun

          LOL.... Cool story, bro.

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