Is it normal i think about all the bad stuff we have to face when i'm

I'm 19 and 4 months ago I gave birth to a beautiful little boy. I thought about death and bits before but nothing like I do now. Iv always been an emotional person but ever since giving birth it's reached a new level. I see things on the media, iG. Scrolling through Facebook and I came around a horrific video to do with child abuse and then again the next day and also I saw a video of a baby that had a disability. Come the day after it had all hit me I broke down in tears feeling there was no point to this world because it's filled with anger, and violence and it was unfair that life gets taken away from us when sometimes it hasnt even lived. As I laid there crying because so many bad things were happening and there was nothing I can do about it.

A few days later I was laying in bed with my son just thinking and one of the thoughts led me to think about the fact one day he will be standing over me when it's my turn to go. The thought of him growing up makes me sad, and when he was younger if cry all the time about him growing but this thought was new. I can't stand the fact that one day he will be 20 and I will look back and say what my parents say to me now. "You were great at the age of 2" I know theses are all part of life and there isn't anything I can do about it. But I want to know if maybe something is wrong with me? Or.. well I'm unsure. I'm sick if thinking about Un happy thoughts that's just make me sad but there seems to be no stopping it?

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Comments ( 10 )
  • handsignals

    I hope you enjoy everyday with your son and I hope you have fun and he makes you proud, anxiety about him and you being happy everyday is natural, good luck.

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  • dirtybirdy

    Maybe it is postpartum depression and you should see a doctor or try and force yourself out of it, which I think is sometimes possible. Mind over matter and all. But you need to realize that babies can sense emotions and yours can influence his.

    The world has always been full of horrible people and things, and it always will be but there is also a whole lot of good so why not think about that more often and be sure to set a good example. You need to be strong for your son and raise him up right without the horrors of the world taking over your mindset. That will do no good to anyone.

    Good luck mama :)

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  • thegypsysailor

    It's called postpartum depression. See your doctor and he/she will help you through it. It is not uncommon.
    You'll be fine, as will your son. It sounds like he's got a good mum.

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  • I don't understand how some people don't realize all the fucked up things in the world.

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  • spirit

    I will keep a diary of it for the next 2 weeks I think and then maybe see and doctor because you are right it may help us as a family in the end. All your comments have helped me so much. Thank you x

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  • spirit

    Thank you for your replies my partner has suggested to go to the doctors because he thinks I could have depression but in my mind I don't. I don't feel sad all the time I don't have times were I can't cope. So I don't feel the need to. But also I'm worried just incase I might because I would be ashamed.

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    • don't feel ashamed, feel happy that you spoke up , cause in the end it will help your family :D

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    • dirtybirdy

      Keep track of when you feel down the most. It could correlate with your menstrual cycle and you may notice a pattern. Its often the case with women.

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  • Sog

    I think it's normal to be scared about what might be that far in the future - as long as you don't let it paralyze you.

    But you should also be remind yourself that you will have lots of good times together in the meantime. Just take one day at a time.

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  • thr

    I think that when I have a tendency towards sadness and unhappiness, I also have a tendency to think depressive thoughts about the world, and that my mood may rather be the cause of the thoughts than the thoughts being cause of my mood.

    Regardless of that, thoughts about changes of times, death, and meaninglessness can be depressing, and I think the nature of the world and life can be depressing.

    Perhaps it helps to not try to combine thoughts of good things with thoughts of eternity or extended time. If you have good things in your life as it is now, then that won't be changed by the fact that it won't last forever.

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