Is it normal i think adam and eve is a metophor for growing up?

I do believe in god and I am trying not to be blasphemous. A lot of the stories in the bible are meant to teach us lessons. However Adam and eve is suppose to be the beginning of time according to Christians. However what if you look at it a different way and apply it to your own life.

Adam and eve were given everything and were innocent. They were taken care of god till that one faithful day. After that they had to work for everything themselves but god still existed. This sounds familiar doesn't it? We are children given everything we need or are suppose to till we hit 18 or whatever year is adult hood in your country.

At which point are tossed into the world ready or not are must do everything for ourselves. Adults drink, drive and have sex and at that point the devil can persuade them to do bad. Children are in fact very protected form the world. Even if they are not will not understand ill in the world till a certain age. What if the apple was a transition and it is a metaphor for entering adult hood?

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73% Normal
Based on 33 votes (24 yes)
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Comments ( 29 )
  • howaminotmyself

    Why are you creating divisions in society?

    Why so literal? The story of Adam and Eve is one of many creation myths. It's a story. And people still tell stories, just take a peek at what Hollywood does. Is Hollywood archaic? Not really.

    A metaphor for archaic learning should really discuss the tools to deliver information, not the content itself.

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    • How am I creating division?

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      • howaminotmyself

        Oops, yes. I meant that as a reply to Mr. This9.

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      • charli.m

        I think she meant to reply to sot9.

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        • ok

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    I think it was a metaphor for a lot of things. The story can be looked at and appreciated in so many different ways, it's unreal. A lot of the Bible is very heavy, metaphorically, and ultimately, it is a guide and teaching tool.

    It's not blasphemous to attempt to make sense of the Bible in your own way. They say that at every stage of your life, read it, and you will get something different out of it that will help you make sense of life.

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    • Theadage

      I couldn't agree with your point more. We're all at different phases of our lives, and we understand things differently at each of these respective phases. Holy books are ambiguous because many people can relate to them that way. I don't think you should take everything literally, but a little faith, and common sense can take you a long way with morals. :)

      Some of us had past experiences with fundamental religious people who ruined the appeal of religion. I used to see it in a negative bias, but I have moved on from that phase. It's really nice to believe in something, it takes some pressure off of my life. Especially thinking about the after-life.

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    Many Bilbe stories, as well as mythology, have subliminal life messages. You're exactly right. It's a story of loss of innocence, coming of age, and submission to authority.

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  • Thatguy777

    I think this is an interesting way to view this. After the fall, God punished us, and made them leave the Garden of Eden and live their own life. In a way this could be a metaphor for growing up and moving out. When you're a child, you're innocent, and I think that is God's way of saying things weren't supposed to be this way. As you get older, you start to understand how the world works, and you start sinning. Of course children sin, but they usually don't know any better. Anyway, sometimes when teens make mistakes, they get kicked out of the house and have to start their own life. This is pretty interesting to look at it in this way.

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  • q25t

    It actually sounds like a pretty good theory overall. There is the problem of adulthood somehow being a punishment, but overall, good theory.

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    • Well that is my point. Is a parent punishing you when they send you off to college? Are they really for making you get a job? or is that just something that happens? I was saying what if god was not punishing his children.

      What if it was a metaphor for growing up. The world that your parents can not always protect you from. During puberty children often rebel and than must go out on there own. They go out into the world alone and have to fend for themselves.

      Is that not everything you go through in your early and late teens years? When you are not home and are an adult you can drink, have sex and must take care of yourself. Now who has the most influence over adults? You can have whores, you can cheat on your wife and so on.

      The devil at this point encourages you to be bad. That is your choice to make. Your parents love you but they can not always protect you from this. God is father to all of us. The apple is forbidden. Everything that is forbidden to children.

      At one point god gave us a choice to believe in him. Do parents not give us a choice to follow the teachings? They can only help so much. We have to be the ones to listen.

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      • disthing

        Well in The Bible he was definitely punishing Adam and Eve. That's a pretty significant part of the story - you can't just glaze over it and pretend actually he was allowing them to roam out of the protection of Eden into the more dangerous wide world because they were old enough.

        I mean you can use the Adam and Eve story as a loose analogy, but I don't agree that is the intended lesson of the story.

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  • disthing

    To me, applying the metaphor of 'the fall of man' to becoming an adult is to equate growing up to being bad, disobedient and sinful.

    God was punishing Adam and Eve for their disobedience and submission to the will of The Devil. As much as childhood is usually a time of innocence and ignorant bliss, and as much as adulthood has burdens and stresses absent from childhood, I don't think it's healthy to see adulthood in a negative way, to feel as though everything was perfect before and now you have to struggle as your punishment for developing a sense of morality and understanding of the world.

    (I'm not a Christian by the way)

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  • anti-hero

    I never thought of it quite like that but you have a valid theory.

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  • "And on the third day, God created the Remington bolt-action rifle, so that Man could fight the dinosaurs. And the homosexuals."

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  • Energy


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  • suckonthis9

    The story of Adam and Eve, as portrayed in the book of Genesis, is not a metaphor for growing up, but it is a metaphor for Archaic learning and understanding.
    This story was probably written sometime between 2,500 and 2,600 years before present. We have learned much since then. Please stop teaching this nonsense to your children.

    The location of this story is unclear, and could be variously near the headwaters of the Tigris or Euphrates rivers (Tabriz, Iran, possibly), in Lebanon, in the Mesopotamian Marshes (Iraq), or in Africa. Which is correct?
    The deity, as portrayed, is named Yahweh. Please use the proper name for a deity. (In this case, Yahweh is also variously known as Jehovah, YHWH, Allah and other variations.)
    Man was not fashioned from dust. Humans (both female and male) were born as infants, just ask your mother and / or grandmother. The first humans, were the result of genetic mutations from a similar species. Please see 'Mitochondrial Eve' and 'Y-chromosomal Adam'. These two individuals were not contemporaries.

    Humans do not have 'dominion' over plants and animals. We need to share this planet with the other life forms that we co-exist with, and are reliant upon, for our very survival. At present, we are doing a very poor job of this.

    Females were not created from males. Females usually have the same number of ribs.

    What species of tree(s) were in this garden?

    What species of snake was in this garden?

    You have used a term which divides people who believe in the teachings of Abraham, from other people who also believe in the teachings of Abraham, as well as from people who are not religious. This might be offensive to some people, whether they are religious or whether they are not religious.

    Why are you creating division in society?

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    • I did not divide anything. I simply presented a theory. I am sorry you are so offended someone else believes differently. Well get over it. I have no children.

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      • suckonthis9

        You did divide people.
        You had these thoughts, ideas or concepts in your mind. You then used these to input the keys on your computer, to spread these divisive messages around the world.
        You had divided people who believe in the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth, from people who also believe in the teachings of Abraham (some also believe in the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth), and from people who have other religious beliefs, as well as from people who are not religious.
        In future, please do not use this divisive term, which means 'the anointed one.'

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        • charli.m

          Your rules divide people.

          Us from you, for one.

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          • suckonthis9

            Please define "us".

            Which Rule(s) divides people?

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            • charli.m

              Us - the majority of users here.

              Your imposition of rules on everyone else, and inability to do anything but behave like a jerk is what divides.

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        • Well I am so sorry I do not believe in YOUR religion. You must be so offended.

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          • suckonthis9

            How do you know this?
            How do you know if I am religious or if I am not religious?
            How do you know if I am one of those who is offended?

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