Is it normal i think christians are evil?

Since the beginning of their religion, Christians have tormented and persecuted anyone and anything deemed unholy.

Say you don't believe in their god near a group of them and you may be cussed out, beat up or even shot. They are in every way just as bad as Muslims and Satanists.

Christians say they stand for good but Christian countries are the most ruthless in wars and torture.

Some examples:
1. The killing of innocent people in Muslim countries. Not the terrorists. Christians have even killed women and children who were just in the wrong place.

2. The inquisition (need I say more?)

3. The crusades. There is no such thing as a "holy" war in any other religion except Islam. The Christians not only killed anyone in their paths but they also tortured prisoners and raped women.

4. The Salem witch trials.

If you don't see why this religion is evil in my eyes, then I may have lost all hope in humanity. So I think I'm normal.

Voting Results
51% Normal
Based on 71 votes (36 yes)
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Comments ( 60 )
  • _Mehhhh_

    My comment got deleted? Ok I'll just type it again.

    Abrahamic religion is a cancer, and it's all the same. You give either Christianity, Islam and presumably Judaism political power, you get the same fucking results; gruesome public executions for bullshit "blasphemy" and "sexual" offenses, total repression of women as well as sexual repression of LGBT people, racial hatred at lot of times.

    It happened in Medieval Europe under divine Christian law exactly the same as it's currently happening under Islamic Law in several countries across South/West Asia and North Africa. It's the exact same culture. The only reason Christianity looks like this cuddly benign religion with it's pot-smoking hippie founder is because it has had all it's political power stripped away.

    I don't find "Satanism" offensive because it's as bullshit as Christianity, but they at least keep their affairs private for the most part.

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    • LittleGirlRapedAndSodomised#1A

      Yeah your comment got deleted by the automoderation sweetheart, if it's long and to be correct and worth your time always copy that shit before hitting submit.

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    • Let's not forget science. They repress science too. Which led to the dark ages.

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      • _Mehhhh_

        Exactly. No telling where we'd be today had basically everything that happened from about 500AD-1800AD not happened the way it did.

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      • walkingdildo

        There was no Dark Ages. This has been refuted by historians long ago.

        Furthermore, have you heard of the Islamic Golden Age?

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        • _Mehhhh_

          The "Islamic Golden Age" was an age where the Islamic civilization merely claimed already existing ideas as their own.

          They were not the first civilization to do irrigation or terraced farming, or the first have decent knowledge of human biology. The "Arab numerical system" that often gets credited to this so-called "Golden Age" was also inspired by South Asian/Desi culture, not something Muslims invented.

          Also just because they were (relatively) scientifically forward for the era, that doesn't suddenly undo all the violence. I love how Muslims bitch about "The Crusades!" while ignoring that the Crusades happened AFTER 4 centuries of rapid and very violent conquest of what remained of classical civilisation by Muslims. I'm not defending The Crusades either, but it's the selective outrage that kills me.

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          • walkingdildo

            "was an age where the Islamic civilization merely claimed already existing ideas as their own."

            This is actually nonsense. They invented many mathematical concepts, discovered and named many stars and questioned natural philosophers long held by Europe as true. So Indians invented algebra and algorithms, did they?

            It's not selective outrage, and you're straw manning me. This wasn't about white washing the crimes of some Muslims. The point is that you can't lambast a whole group.

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            • _Mehhhh_

              Nope, Indians (although they weren't the only ones) developed the concept of the number 0 and use of decimals.

              Algebra and algorithms would be credited to The Babylonians though.

              What I'll give Islam is that it documented and popularised this earlier knowledge. Sure, they did that. Invent it though? No. The dark ages were the dark ages, however much historical revisionists want to pretend otherwise.

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        • Have you heard of ISIS? Have you heard of the KKK?

          Further proof that religious people say anything to convince themselves that their faith does more good than harm but without their faith, a lot of evil organizations wouldn't exist based around it.

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          • walkingdildo

            Whataboutery. A complete red herring unrelated to my comment.

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            • Sorry. Thought you were acting like the crazy people on here defending religion. One of them won't shut up or listen to reason. And keeps repeating the same incorrect statements. Like any Christian, Im sure after I call this out, he will resort to name calling and "you're going to hell."

              If Christians aren't evil, they certainly are stupid and bullheaded.

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  • 5. door to door soliciting

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    • LittleGirlRapedAndSodomised#1A

      Don't talk shot about TOTAL

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      • wigz

        Bob Saget!

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  • _Mehhhh_

    Abrahamic religions in particular are a fucking cancer.

    People love to paint Christianity (especially compared to Islam) as this beautiful benign religion with their pot-smoking peaceful hippie Jesus. It's a lie.

    Christianity looks like this today, because we've had 500 years of secularism gradually peeling back religious power and privilege in The West. 1000 years ago in Medieval Christendom? People being burned alive, women having strict gender-coded rules, death sentences for heresy and blasphemy, religious intolerance for minorities, LGBT people trampled all over.

    Sound familiar? Oh yeah, that's Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and Bangladesh today. Different prophet, same fucking culture.

    Satanism is just silly to me. I don't find it offensive because it's as bullshit as the original religion the idea stems from, and at least Satanists generally keep themselves to themselves.

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  • By all means. Thumb down every post that mentions not believing in God. You're only proving my point. Christians can't take anyone disagreeing with them.

    They are the most irrational group of people on the face of the planet and the hardest to reason with.

    Did you know if you're christian, your bible tells you that the sun was made by some flying magic being in the sky in one day? Did you know the sun was actually born from a nebula in space like every other star? Mindblown.

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    • Brett_Keane

      You only hate the Jesus individual because you haven't been touched by his situation yet. I for one, used to be an atheist individual, but then I learned to accept Jesus as my lord and saviour situation. But just because I worship Jesus dosen't mean I'm a Christian individual, although I do have a "God believerism" situation.

      It is bad for you atheist individuals to be mean to us Jesus lovers. I know this particular individual who makes YouTube video situations at me. He won't stop attacking my family situation. He cyber-bullies me, even though he is the individual who sticks bananas up his ass.

      I can't do anything to stop it, since I am a bedridden, Mac n' Cheese addicted manatee.

      If you want proof, go see my YouTube channel situation: God is Great and Loves Brett Keane.

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      • Murun

        Nobody's hating Jesus.. Just the stupid religion in his name.

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  • walkingdildo

    As a nontheist (strictly an atheist, but I am actually a "pagan" of sorts) who left Christianity, I can say whole heartedly that the reason religionists kill is not so much for their god, but for their nationalism.

    A "Christian" government does not care about the Killing Fields of Cambodia, or the child-witch atrocities of central Africa. Why? It plays no role in the land of their religion. They see Europe, North America and the Near East as "rightfully theirs". These are places they will kill for. Land. Power over people. It's not about spreading their religion for the good of mankind at all.

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  • LittleGirlRapedAndSodomised#1A

    I don't understand why so much people on this website hate Christianity unless it's just a few Jews with multiple accounts I suppose that makes sense.

    The Christian Crusades converted a few chief masters of the animals of Papaua new guinea-pigs BITCH.

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    • Im an atheist, smartass. Religion is dumb. Period. But especially christianity.

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      • LittleGirlRapedAndSodomised#1A

        Would you prefer Islam over Christianity?

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        • Both are horrid. As are the jews. But christianity caused the dark ages and christians are probably the reason it took so long for medicine to advance.

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          • LittleGirlRapedAndSodomised#1A

            You're anti-Semitic, totally understandable....

            Everything else you're just trolling.

            You didn't answer the question, if you had to choose between Islam or Christianity which would you choose?

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            • Wow that's hard. A perfect world wouldn't have either. And you dont know what trolling is.

              Trolling is when you say something online with the attempt to upset someone. Which I did not. Just because you didn't like what I said doesn't mean it's a troll.

              And if I had to choose between any of the three abrahamic religions, Id shoot myself.

              That being said since both are equally bad, I randomly pick christianity. To please you so I don't "troll".

              You should look up what troll actually means tho. Before you use it incorrectly again.

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  • Cheet0


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    • jillann123


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  • theMonkey

    Flying spaghetti monster for the WIN!

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  • ThatScarletteGirl_

    All religions are same.

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    • Though the abrahamic religions have killed, tortured, raped and persecuted the most people of all. A hindu, a buddhist, or a shinto will all stick to their own business.

      But a christian or a muslim will attack anyone or anything that disagrees with their spirituality. Surely, you know this.

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      • walkingdildo

        You clearly no nothing about Hindus, Buddhists or Shintoists.

        There is a reason the current Indian government is nicknamed "The Hindu Taliban"

        Buddhists trained Chinese soldiers.

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        • Well then, I have to agree with first post. All religion is bad.

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          • walkingdildo

            What have neopagans done wrong? ;)

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            • Depends. Are you a nut job here to defend religion because I dont play along with your imaginary friend?

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      • Terence_the_viking

        Urm no they don't.

        They only defend themselves when it is necessary.

        Don't let the actions of a few muddy the truth.

        The bible says thou shalt not kill

        The Quran says killing one innocent is the same as killing the whole of humanity.

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        • You're so right. They always kill for defense. (sarcasm)

          Because the KKK defend themselves when they kill random blacks.

          Because they had to kill all of those people during the inquisition because they could have killed them all with their "blasphemy".

          Because they had to protect themselves from strange women by gathering in mobs and burning them during the Salem witch trials.

          The holes in your logic. Do you see it?

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          • Terence_the_viking

            KKK? are you serious?

            KKK don't represent any religion. They are White Supremacists.

            If Christians and Muslims were as bad as all that why aren't we already dead?

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            • Stop defending religion already. It's not like it does any good. Shit. Christians dont even thank police, doctors or firefighters.

              Whenever someone saves a christian's life, who do they thank then? Their imaginary friend.

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            • Because their aim isn't to kill everyone. Then there would be no one to rule and conquer. That's all they seek to do. Rule, conquer, and force their religion down everyone's throats.

              And if you ever actually researched the KKK, their argument is that the Christian god doesn't like black, gays, or those with disabilities.

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      • ThatScarletteGirl_

        All people are not same. All Christians are not bad and in the same way all Muslims are not bad.

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        • So if someone came up to you and said they didn't believe in your god, you wouldn't start persecuting them right there and tell them they're going to Hell. Because that's a thing. Christians will say they dont do that shit, but I've witnessed it and even been a victim of it most of my life.

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          • User-name

            So because you've seen things it automatically condemns the entire belief system? I'm not a fan of how condescending most Christians are myself, but having grown up around the religion (converting to agnosticism early on), I've witnessed a lot of good come from their overarching fear of death.

            I'm not in any way calling them saints, but they aren't all preachy. Some respect other people's rights to their beliefs, while others adopt the "love the sinner hate the sin" mentality.

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  • Its ironic, sometimes I think Christians are the devil worshippers themselves, shit I could be right its all a bluff! I should start my own question about this!

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  • skarpella23

    christians are just as evil as muslim .. it all about domination fellas.

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  • Goomats

    Yeah, some Christians have done some bad things, but if you look at history, EVERY group of people have done some bad things. It's xenophobia and assuming the worst about a group of people (like you're doing) that usually starts these bad things.

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  • jillann123

    I think any religion that believes in "eternal damnation" is EVIL. And that their God is evil. Religions make no sense when they preach about "God sending you to hell to burn forever". Of course, they will say stupid things like "God doesn't send you there, you send yourself". Give me a break! How could a truly loving God not care if "his children" are burning for all eternity? Religion is invented by morons. And weak minded people who have a great need to believe in what they're taught instead of having a mind of their own and doing some research. I believe there has to be a supreme being. But a man in the sky who sends you to burn forever? I can't believe any truly intelligent person believes this. I'm sure I will get replies from people telling me that I am headed for hell and that they will pray for me. Don't waste your time replying. I don't read anything that's written by a moron.

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  • CreamPuffs

    A lot of Christians are just decent people who were brainwashed as children. Don't group them all together as one being.

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    • Yes. They were brainwashed. But read the bible. They were brainwashed to judge and have very little tolerance for gays or the mentally ill.

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      • CreamPuffs

        They potentially could be taught to be better though.

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        • Potentially. But most never are and in turn, brainwash their children as well. And so the disease spreads. That's why christianity should end.

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          • CreamPuffs

            I agree Christianity should end. It spreads a lot of ignorance and bigotry. I personally am 100% atheist. But a lot of Christians don't actually follow their faith completely, not believing every word the Bible has to say. So surely not all of them are sinister creatures.

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