Is it normal i think graffiti art

Is it normal i view graffitti as an artowrk and all the taggers are underappreciated. I was driving down my lane and ran into a bomb ass piece that read "Butterz 1 wuz here" and i was in dismay of the art. an underground art. its so very underappreciated. i could stare at the pieces for hours at the intricate details. yup its true graffiti is not a crime i was watching COPS and here they had this young man being taken away all the while he was defending "BUT IM AN ARTIST!!!"

is it normal i believe graffitti is an art?

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83% Normal
Based on 36 votes (30 yes)
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Comments ( 8 )
  • funkedup

    Wow, really interesting post in my opinion. Comments on your thoughts:

    "an underground art. its so very underappreciated."

    I'd agree that graffiti, when it's done well is definitely an art. Most things when done well can be considered artful, but as a visual art, and the specific medium, graffiti can be quite beautiful and touching. The invasion of public or private space also has an element of social commentary not atypical of progressive art. Also, mainstream art is often under appreciated at the time is was conceived

    "yup its true graffiti is not a crime"

    Graffiti itself is not a crime, it's the vandalism that is a crime, but few people tag their own property. Some cities set up graffiti zones and contests, which can be pretty cool, but I think everyone recognizes that the subversive and underground nature of graffiti somehow adds to the credibility of the artwork. But art and crime are by no means mutually exclusive. Artists are usually outsiders, or marginal people, and have run ins with the law, look at Chinese artist Ai Weiwei, Pussy Riot, and others, always pushing the envelope.

    "IIN i believe graffitti is an art?"

    Fuck yeah!

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  • Personally, I think tagging looks like shit. I love graffiti done in industrial areas on abandoned buildings, or on the box cars of trains. It brings life and color to otherwise mundane areas via artistic expression.

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  • disthing

    Tagging for the most part is the equivalent of pissing on a corner to mark your territory - and consequently a lot of the people doing it aren't considerate of aesthetics - making their tags look good or mean anything beyond 'I woz 'ere'

    Street art or tags that have some greater meaning I can appreciate. Some graffiti can look beautiful, and can certainly enhance the environment. Sadly that's the exception to the rule.

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  • dom180

    It is art, but the fact that vandalism is criminal activity is what gives graffiti deeper meaning as an art form. It wouldn't have any greater meaning if it wasn't representing an underground, illegal community. If graffiti was safe or controlled or legally sanctioned, it wouldn't be artistically interesting.

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  • Shrunk

    of course it is... well i wish i knew more about graffiti but tbh the "community" of it is kind of.. unnerving. but yeah, i love to see the really well done graffiti on train cars and that sort of thing. i just wonder how they do it, but it seems like most of them are just as arrogant as those in the "fine art" community, no offense.

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  • thr

    If it's done well, yes.

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  • oysterbay

    Some looks so cool from the train window.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Art or not without the consent and approval of the property owner it's vandalism of said property! If taggers truly are and want to be artists they need to go out and buy canvases instead of just defacing the property of others.

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