Is it normal i think i can't die?
When I look back at the last 10 years of my life it seems to me that God, fate.. (insert here whatever you believe or don't believe, it doesn't matter) really doesn't want me to die.
I survived a major car crash -drove off a cliff, few minor scratches.
I survived 2 suicide attempts with about 4 years gap between each one. In both of the cases I was saved by someone totally random and didn't ask for help.
I didn't show up to work cause I was hungover when the scaffolds crashed at the construction yard. It was exactly the spot i was supposed to be working on.
I went through a bunch of fights, sometimes knives involved. minor wounds.
I left my job and moved across the country a month before some crazy motherfucker started a spree shooting at my workplace, killing and wounding a bunch of people.
Why does it happen, I don't know. I don't do anything important with my life... actually, I'm barely doing anything at all.
I do believe in God's plan for all of us, but it annoys me that I just don't know what it is and what I'm supposed to do.
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