Is it normal i think i have tumors

Everyday after school I come home with throbbing headaches and it makes it hard to do everyday things. I have a bump on the back of my head and I've had it for almost a year and it hasn't gone away, should I get an MRI or is it just a bump and the headaches are normal?

Voting Results
38% Normal
Based on 61 votes (23 yes)
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Comments ( 12 )
  • loopoo

    The lump may just be your head, some people have funny shaped heads, and the headaches you could have eye strain if you don't wear glasses you should go for an eye test, or if they are awful headaches that make you feel sick and sensitive to light it could be migraines which can be triggered by certain food/drink.

    Go to the docs it will put your mind at rest, it won't be anything awful.

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  • DaemonWolf

    In the words of Arnold Schwarzenegger "It's not a tumor!!"

    Seriously get it checked out and put your mind at rest.

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  • bumblecreek

    i'm no doctor, but if it was a tumor, the condition would probably be noticeably bad right now. since you said it's been almost a year.
    but if it bothers you, just go see a doctor. they're always there to help.

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  • gwenygal99

    Should I get checked? I'm scared to ask my parents to bring me becuase I know they would yell at me and say no but my head hurts sooo bad everyday!

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  • Avant-Garde

    See a doctor immediately! Get a brain scan, something could be seriously wrong! Don't put off going either!

    Good Luck.

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  • gwenygal99

    The bumps aren't big though so its not that my head is shaped wierd, it moves. And I think they are migraines but it's not from anything I've always had them an I try everything different

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  • trollx1

    fake and gay

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  • Wendell

    Beat it down with a hammer

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  • tertater

    You may have an AVM. Likely not though. Symptoms happen much longer before what seems yours is ( I believe a year you said).

    Look it up. I'm just leaving this here because I had an AVM and mine was a group of veins that gathered in my head and grew to the size of a golf ball. The AVM caused me to have headaches from birth(I was born with it) and it wasn't found till age 15. BUT a major warning that you must get checked for is if you start getting some shakes(seizures) and black outs(short ones) at the same time.

    I wouldn't worry too much unless you start having the major warnings. Do read the symptoms of the link though, it could possibly calm you down if what they are don't match you.

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  • Musician

    Have you recently cut caffeine out of your diet? I did unintentionally and started getting the most ungodly headaches. Damn they sucked. Anyway, I started back on my usual many-pots-o-coffee routine and they went away.

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  • YawningBober

    Just from past experience I would say you probably don't. It won't hurt to get it checked out but I have thought I had tumors in different areas but it tunrs out I was just worrying. My friend once had a huge tumor on the crest and I then had anxiety about having that tumor in the same spot. It's prooobably nothing, no worries. :>

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  • NotFloydzie

    You don't have tumors. Visit a doctor for those headaches.

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