Is it normal i think if the world disappeared i wouldn't really mind?

Is it normal I think if everyone in the world just disappeared on day I wouldn't mind one bit? People are so emotional and annoying and I just cant even fit in. When I argue something since I think it made logical sense I am told I am a cunt, dick, worthless heartless creature that needs to burn in the pits of hell.

Sometimes I wish I could just be alone forever and everyone would die of some disease. I wouldn't even open the door when someone came begging for help. If everyone just died and I was alone but still with electricity and able to scavenge food I think I would be at peace.

I cant deal with people and their bull shit anymore. Sick of being told I need to cry at every tragedy in the world. That I need to beg on my feet for forgiveness when I offend someone. To be told im bad for not following another persons opinion.

I wish the world was just robots. They wouldn't argue some emotional point. They would only do what they see necessary and they would not bother me. I would be at peace knowing I was alone and every human in the world was gone. I cant change anymore but I always have to for someone and I think I have much more peace of mind just being the insanely flawed person I am.

Tired of people telling me I am worthless and wanting me to help them. Tired of people using me or connection to me to make themselves look impressive. Sick and tired of knowing that every person you know will leave or betray you. So I wonder why I need anyone at all. Im alone anyways. Why cant it be real? Why do these people need to be here to toy with me. I care not for anyone else anymore. No one cares about me so why does anyone deserve my sympathy?

Voting Results
52% Normal
Based on 33 votes (17 yes)
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Comments ( 17 )
  • Tichi

    You sound depressed or something, dude.

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  • It sounds like you are around a bad group of people.
    Usually when someone tells someone they should feel bad about the way they think, it seems to me that they are being manipulative. Telling someone to feel guilty is a manipulation tactic.
    I agree that most people are overly emotional. I don't get it either, but that's just how some people are.
    I do see why someone would say you are being heartless for wanting everyone to die, but at the same time it's not their job to make you feel anything.
    Try to surround yourself with more supportive people.

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  • Holzman_67

    I don't think it's normal. While I think that's how you feel now, if everything disappeared you would be full of a great emptiness. There is happiness and beauty to be found in this world, it can be hard to see and recognize at times.

    People are emotional because life is hard. As you age things happen in your life which are challenging to deal with. Certainly you understand that. Many people are dealing with so much things in their private lives, but wearing masks of courage in public. Please don't dismiss them as being overemotional and annoying because you don't know their backstory. They could be dealing with the loss of a loved one, feelings of dissidence, abandonment, heartbreak or angst.

    If you are told those things when you argue something then you are wasting your time arguing to people who are surely quite inept at deciphering your argument and level headed enough to validate your points. I wouldn't bother. But perhaps its you and you are exaggerating their response for the purposes of this poll. Perhaps you are coming across as abrasive or overtly annoying and people are having an averse reaction to this. Maybe try a different delivery.

    I think at times everyone prays for solitude and time on their own. I think, however, that these feelings have a time limit on them. I think if you had all the time in the world to yourself then you would get dreadfully lonely. Humans are sociable creatures by nature and even the most antisocial creature still craves for affection or human touch after some time.

    I think you're just feeling low and being melodramatic. While this is fine, please understand that this will pass. You have a whole life to lead and life comes with different chapters, different phases and no matter how bad things seem to be right now, you can stick it out and the adversity of the experience and your perserverence in seeing it through can make you a stronger individual and give you a self esteem which is priceless. Be faithful to that which exists within yourself.

    Man has never made any material as resilient as the human spirit.

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  • Crusades

    Really tough hiding behind a keyboard ,aren't you? OP?

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    • Im not attacking anyone.

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      • Crusades

        Wishing harm upon anyone else doesn't exactly make you harmless...

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      • megadriver

        Wouldn't be that bad really. If most people vanished and only my friends and relatives were left. I'd also get the chance to drive an aircraft carrier! Since there are no people and no rules, a little stroll in a Nimitz class wouldn't hurt anyone XD

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        • thegypsysailor

          Really? And exactly how are you going to operate all the systems on a 1000+ foot long ship alone? Are any of your friends up to running the engine room? How about the space shuttle, if you're going to dream?

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  • Teh4HorsMen

    Of course you wouldn't. You would be dead before you knew what happened.

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  • GiveMeAFuckingNameAlready!

    Im pretty sure you and I might have been separated at birth.

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    • Why do you say that?

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      • GiveMeAFuckingNameAlready!

        You and I are what I call people haters. We hate people!. Good people, bad people, black people, white people, purple people makes no difference. Even the people reading this, don't know them but I hate em!.

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  • LightningBladeKakashiFan73016

    Well, I kind of feel where you're coming from, OP. Personally, if it were to be only me and those I'm closest to left in the world, I'd probably have many Fielddays and do lots of fun stuff. I'd probably be incredibly relieved too (That'd mean much more resources, peace, stuff, freedom, and space for me and my family members! Who wouldn't want that?). I apologize if that makes me sound like a horrible person.

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  • RoseIsabella


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  • semenandgarspunkel

    your probably autistic

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    • Gspyder

      Your probably pretty pathetic.

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    • gummy_jr


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