Is it normal i think it would be a disaster if women ruled the world?

I don't want to insult women as a whole by writing this. I do not think women aren't smart or anything. I thing they just wouldn't be good leaders. They are selfish and egotistical, therefor they wouldn't be able to ensure people a decent living standard because they would make laws and rules in such a way that it would just benefit themselves. Women lack the ability to empathize on the same level as men do. It's just in their nature to be like that. So a feminine majority and influential figure in the most important positions of power would be very detrimental to society. Frankly, i think chaos would ensue. I think women and men working together as a team, giving advice to each other and contributing with ideas and balanced work ethics would lead to a more unbiased universal way of ruling the world. But only women in complete power would be really bad because it would lack rational thinking and every decision would be made based on emotions.

"Husband–One who has several small mouths to feed and one big mouth to listen to.

Wife–A slave who demands to be set on a throne." ~Balzak

Voting Results
54% Normal
Based on 71 votes (38 yes)
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Comments ( 71 )
  • thegypsysailor

    Wow, are you trolling or what? Nobody with the tiniest bit of intelligence could expect this post to be a rational discussion between the sexes when you propose such an idiotic theory.
    Quickly, go bury your head in the sand and leave your ass sticking up in the air, because you are obviously only capable of talking out of you ass and thinking with your little head.

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    • Did your wife tell you to say that?

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      • thegypsysailor

        She doesn't waste her time with IIN. She has no patience for the insanity that is rampant on here.

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      • Shroot

        Hahahah probably!

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  • Gonfaloniere

    Women do run the is just behind the scenes. It has been like that for centuries, but the men have written the HIStory from their perspective.

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  • iEatZombies_

    Dear God I can't it. This whole post. Redundancy, hypocrisy, stereotypical, predictable, sad.

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    • iEatZombies_

      take* it

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      • haha , late reaction. Typically female!

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        • iEatZombies_

          You just made yourself a complete example of my comment in yours, even the predictable part...

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  • gorillaphant

    Well duh, of course the world would crumble if a woman tried to lead a patriarchal society. That's like asking a man to lead a matriarchal society.

    Did you even think about what it means to have a gender based power structure? Why do you think the world has so many issues? It has nothing to do with woman leading and everything to do with the fact that they aren't.

    It takes both genders. Balance.

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  • Aliceee93

    I should rule the world :D mwahaha

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    • Shroot

      Fuck that

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      • Aliceee93

        You're a bully.

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        • Shroot


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          • Aliceee93

            I haven't done anything wrong :'(
            You'll be sorry.

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    • anti-hero

      Alice for President (of the world)!

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      • Aliceee93

        Now, kiss my feet.

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        • anti-hero

          You won't get votes that way... I am taking over as your campaign manager.

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          • Aliceee93


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  • Freedom_


    Men don't have emotions nor ulterior motives so obviously they are doing much better than would be women in the same positions as men.

    Your notions are ridiculous. YOU lack rational thinking. Is that because YOU are a woman?

    With that said, I do agree that a gender-balanced (not to mention racial and social class balanced) powerhouse would be much more effective than having ONLY men or ONLY women in control. I think you are onto something there. Equality can never be achieved with 50 rich old white men deciding the fate of 100 million underprivileged men and women over their fancy caviar dinner and chardonnay. Nor with 50 rich old white women in control. Even if they are black or mixed, those currently in power were raised in a RICH, WHITE world and they know NOTHING of the struggle.

    Please refrain from justifying any exclusion of race, sex, gender, class, creed sexual preference, etc. from any form of leadership based on nothing but the stereotypes associated with them. You sound like you may be young, but intelligent, and I have hopes that you will change your mind and see what is really in front of you someday. It takes time,effort and experience to realize what true equality and inequality is. Erase these stereotypes from your mind and you will find yourself much closer to the truth. Talk to women, men, people of all races, from all regions and continents and of all beliefs with an open heart and you will find that these are not the things that divide us. Those currently in power are narcissistic sociopaths who want to brainwash you and control you to be a good consumer so they can keep their excessive wealth for themselves and that is what truly divides us (not to say that all rich people are bad). They have turned man against woman and woman against woman, race against race, and rich against poor. We need to turn the tides and Come Together (♫right now, over me♫). That is all.

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  • EccentricWeird

    inb4 shitstorm!

    ... oh wait

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  • Unimportant

    I think it's generally a bad idea to give the power to rule the world to one gender.

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  • meaniehead :(

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  • lonelygirlx

    It would be awful if one person ruled the world, regardless of gender.

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  • dom180

    "I don't think women aren't smart. I just think they lack rational thinking".


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    • They are able to think rationally, the problem is that their emotions would override their ability to be rational. That's what i wanted to say. I'm sorry. Maybe i should have worded it differently.

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      • dom180

        I'm just pointing out that your logic seems confused. And your elaboration hardly makes things better; all women are not soft and flaky and clouded by emotions any more than men are. And to say that women are both too emotional and not empathic enough is direct contradiction.

        Women and men aren't naturally different. Women and men score similarly on intelligence tests, and often women score higher. To make a distinction that women are too emotional to be leaders is just sexist. There have been plenty of female leaders in the past who have been no more irrational than male leaders. And it's not like male political leaders make rational decisions for the good of the people very often anyway :P

        No-one should rule the world, but I agree that if someone has to it should be men and women in equal parts.

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      • disthing

        "Their emotions would override their ability to be rational"

        This isn't in any way exclusive to females.

        How many wars have been started by men and fought by men because emotion has clouded good judgement?

        That we can't always control our emotions is a human (animal) thing. Not gender specific.

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        • dom180

          And I agree entirely, as usual. Aggression and paternal protectiveness is just as much an irrational emotion as mercy and maternal caringness is.

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      • Riddler

        Not all women are egotistical and selfish. I am sure there is just as many egotistical men. You may not have noticed but most of Americas leaders are men. They are still not very good leaders. Shit is shit no matter the gender. I guess crying that you are in the friend zone is just as rational when in reality you just didn't have the nerve to ask the chick out. Saying a woman is a bitch for not dating you since all none bitchy women would love you seems very egotistical.

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  • GiveMeAFuckingNameAlready!

    I completely agree with you sir. The last thing we need is for a woman to p.m.s. and start WW3.

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  • robbieforgotpw

    Would women still allow me to shart my shorts?

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    • yes but only from fear :D

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  • You have some of the most flawed logic I have ever seen. I feel truly sorry for your mind.

    On a side note, you are a sexist fuckwad in denial.

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    • You must be a woman. You have a really big mouth. You better make up for it by making a hell of a good sandwich!

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      • Sensate

        yeah, you're not a troll at all

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      • You say that as if having a big mouth is a bad thing haha. Are you crusades? I haven't seen that trollie pollie on here yet. Apparently my "vocabulary" isn't big enough (I hate it when people say that *eye roll*) so I shall elaborate upon my above statement! Rather, I would, if I actually cared about debating with you:/ which I do not. I just wanted to express my sympathy regarding your logic. I feel really sorry for narrow minded people like you.

        Or ya know, you could be an expert troll. Or maybe you were born that way. I can't tell...

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      • lonelygirlx

        A) By my experience, men actually make better sandwiches.
        B) No, I'm not a feminist, I don't agree with everything they stand for.
        C) He isn't a 'sexist fuckwad in denial' (and maybe you should try to enhance your vocabulary and people may take you more seriously). Everything he said is true FOR SOME PEOPLE. Women can be egotistical - but guess what, SO CAN MEN. Feminism has taken a route towards sexism and I despise that, equality is the way forward. If you read it properly (I presume you read the first sentence and ran straight to the comment box) you'd see he actually suggests women and men working together would be more beneficial, what's so sexist about that?

        However, poll creator, you didn't help your case by assuming she was female.

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        • Dude, who cares about gender. If it's a guy or girl, what does it matter as long as it is the person best suited for the position? Women, men, they are still people, who gives a damn about their gender.

          To say such broad generalizations like "they are all selfish and egotistical" annoys me. The Op talks like there is team red and team blue who need to work together, when really, everyone is a human. That mindset, saying women shouldn't be in control, is completely stupid. And so is saying "Men shouldn't be in control". Whoever is best suited to lead needs to be in control, whether it be a man or a woman. I don't think people should care so much about gender.

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  • loopoo

    Men are power hungry, always want to out do other men, that makes them the worst choice to 'rule the world. Just the way they're made. Soz.

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    • If that was the case, then how did they all work together and create the civilization and the majority in it today together if they were too busy trying to de-throne men that were their bosses...? You're wrong.

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  • I think you're quite sexist. I persnally think men are better in control of maintaining the world myself and that it wouldn't be so easily maintained or progressed due to not being maintined very well.

    I would go on and on as to why, but judgey bitch explains why I believe so:

    Men do and choose to do so much of the work we rely on to maintain at this level of civilization, however in comparison with he jobs women choose, you can't really say the same.

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    • gorillaphant

      The work we rely on to maintain this level of civilization will be our detriment. This is not a good thing. Just because we can, just because we are willing, doesn't mean we should.

      Although calling the modern world a high level of civilization is debatable.

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    • Freedom_

      You're forgetting an essential piece of history, dear friend - World War II, the time when nearly 50% of labor duties were taken on by women. Just because women don't do the bulk of the work doesn't necessarily mean they are incapable. It is true that most women weren't blessed with the natural physical strength of men, but all that means is that they must be willing to work harder for such strength. The willpower to do so is not gender specific.

      Furthermore, women are discouraged from pursuing labor occupations by society. I think if it weren't so taboo for a woman to do physical labor (if women were portrayed in movies, commercials, ads, etc.. as construction workers rather than as make-up models) that is what more women would conform to. I work a somewhat laborious job myself and sometimes I feel like I probably look dirty and undesirable to society because of it, but despite this notion embedded deep in my mind through years of conditioning I truly enjoy the physicality of my work and would like to become stronger so I can do better.

      I admire the strength of men and I appreciate the labor they do for society as a whole. I think there are many opportunities for those who possess a masculine strength; it is far easier for a man with muscles to find work than a woman with smarts, but women are told to be smart while men are told to be strong. For a woman to do the opposite is simply discouraged by mainstream media. But it is my belief that if a woman wants to mine coals there is no reason why she cannot train herself to be able to do so at the same level as a man, she would just have to work harder to get to that point. Of course, the average man (strenghwise) is equal to the superior woman, but either way the job would get done.

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      • Reminds me of a GirlWritesWhat video. Yes, women did do that, however it was not to the same satisfaction as the male equivilent nor was it the harder jobs, it was the easier jobs, such as shoveling coal, and so on. A lot of the work didn't even involve the things men previously done before women were needed to help, like you explained with the less than 50% of work part.

        That being said, if willpower is not gender specific, then why are women not doing those roles now mentioned in what "Judgybitch" mentioned? You also forget that not all of those jobs hold physical labour need, such as piloting.

        Women are discouraged? By who? Where does society shun women for doing this? I must of walked past the posters. If anything, in today's society, women are encouraged to do all work, science, math, engineering, and all sorts of male dominated fielfs, but would still prefer learning other skills and persue different knowledge. Reminds me of an article in the newspaper I seen about a month or less ago about how women are shying away from science and math for English and the arts, and like I said, with how women are encouraged in to education by society, especially science, yet they still shy away from it, shows me that they just aren't interested nor willing. It's sexual dimorphism.

        Your arguement about women being portrayed in media somehow motivates them to distance themselves from those areas are ridiculous, by that you can then imply that society encourages men to be terrorists, villains, bad guys, criminals, and so on simply because more of those characters are male. If that's also the case, society is trying to encourage men to be stupid, clumsy oafs with the amount of advertisements and media outlets depicting men as such.

        I think the whole "society doesn't allow me to" excuse is just that; an excuse. It could be used for nearly, if not all issues on how we differ from men and women.

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        • dom180

          The prevailing macho culture of the people within STEM fields discourages many women from the start. Since you're not a person in a STEM field, I wouldn't expect you to know that.

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          • I took an animal care course which is female dominated. There is a "fem culture" within that field discouraging men from the start. Since you're not a person in that field, I don't expect you to know that.

            How are women being discouraged from society in those fields? Why is a "macho" culture existing if it is true? Did you consider the reason why it's like that is because an overwhelming majority of people working to gain entry in those fields and so gain position in those fields are male? The same could be said about nurses, could it not, simply in the reverse of a "macho culture"?

            Explain your point. You and I both know I don't work with statements alone.

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            • dom180

              "Reminds me of an article in the newspaper I seen about a month or less ago about how women are shying away from SCIENCE AND MATH for English and the arts, and like I said, with how women are encouraged in to education by society, ESPECIALLY SCIENCE, yet they still shy away from it, shows me that they just aren't interested nor willing. It's sexual dimorphism."

              ^^ The topic was STEM fields. That's why I only talked about STEM fields.

              I see. You think I was generalising from STEM to all subjects. I wasn't, I was just explaining why women are discouraged from STEM specifically i.e. effort attempting to get women more interested in STEM fields is going against the tide that exists within those fields. It isn't because women are just naturally uninterested in natural science. 90% of the people in engineering lectures at my university are men.

              I understand there is such a thing as female-majority and female-dominated fields, and that there are cultural and subcultural discourses that discourage men from taking part in them. I am in one field myself - the social sciences. Only 10% of the students in my lectures are men.

              I specifically said *from the start*. That is, the macho culture discourages women from working to get into STEM fields *in the first place*.

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    • Women choose easier jobs because they know their capabilities(or lack of) so they wouldn't try and make a fool out of themselves. Their image and reputation is more important to them than their curiosity to explore the unknown.

      "A woman wouldn't vote for Hillary Clinton. She embarrassed herself by not pleasing her man. And women know it."

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      • disthing

        You have a distorted view of women.

        Have you ever spoken to any real life women?

        Because, if the impression you get is that they all have greatly limited capabilities and only care about their reputations, you need to get out more.

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      • Can't say I really agree with you on this.

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  • MissDethstar

    Should I want to beat the crappy ass of the sexist male like you or should I want to beat the ass of the stupid women who makes us women look that bad ? Hate them all. Problem solved. ( If you observe closely I am expressing my overly intense female emotions because my vagina forbid me of having any rational thoughts )

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  • This post is hilarious, I can't say I totally agree with it, can't say I disagree with it either.

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  • Anonnet

    I agreed with the title and voted Yes, and then I read the paragraph and now I'm disgusted.

    To clarify, I didn't agree thinking that men are better than women. I'm kind of an anarchist, and I don't believe anyone should be "ruling the world". If women ruled the world, things would be just as disastrous as they are now.

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  • Ive known some pretty emotionally sensitive men too. I dont think its as much of a gender thing, but emotionally unstable people in general do not make good leaders.

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  • ㅤㅤㅤ

    "If women ruled the world, there would be no wars. They'd just gossip and not talk to eachother." - quote by some guy idk

    I'd look foeard to a more fashionable future

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  • disthing

    It would probably be a disaster if any single group 'ruled the world'.

    Men don't rule the world. Neither do women. Neither gender should have total dominance over the entire population based of what's between their legs.

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  • SubstationSubCurb111713

    I'm not sure any gender could really rule the world. I've heard there are many countries and cultures in it.

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  • green_boogers

    I have seen all women work teams in industry. The women were all very intelligent but the teams became unproductive because of back biting and bitchy rivalries. The same women became high quality producer when they were reassigned to work groups that were gender balanced (50/50).

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  • Sog

    Men are just as selfish and egotistical as women. It just manifests itself in a different way.

    I think there is something to be said about the competitive nature of men which drives him to succeed though. That's not to say that women can't be driven or competitive, but generally those traits are more associated with men.

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  • Couman

    Take the queen of England for instance. She just sits around in the palace and can't be bothered to do more than read a list of stupid laws other people wrote for her once or twice a year. I'd get fired if I tried to do my job that way.

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    • SubstationSubCurb111713

      She's 88 years old and she's still doing a job. What age do you plan on retiring at, by the way?

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  • davesumba

    I absolutely 100% agree. I'm moving my ass out of America if a woman ever gets elected, before she runs the country to the ground.

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