Is it normal i think labor laws are ruining kids lives?

As you know in a lot of places have labor laws. If you live in a country that is not 3rd world they have a lot of child protection laws. Not to say children should be abused but kids should be able to earn a honest pay. This on top of helping them create a resume will teach them the value of money. However a lot of kids are no longer allowed to do this since they made so many legal laws preventing anyone beside older adults able to run a business. If a 6 year old is selling candy outside his house he can be arrested and hit with a law suit. Great job we are doing! I am sure jail is protecting these kids from hard work! Often certien places will be hit with poverty for a few years in which no one can get any work. So that child either has to be lucky enough to be old enough when jobs are good or wait till they are not and probably not find one. Now does being younger mean you do not deserve to have a job? Does it mean you do not deserve a fair shot? According to law it is. Since they want to protect these kids. If anything its just belittling them.

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54% Normal
Based on 35 votes (19 yes)
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Comments ( 6 )
  • charli.m

    ...I really doubt a 6 year old is going to have a lawsuit on them for a silly little thing like that.

    And I've not seen anything untoward happen to children with paper routes, etc.

    Small kids should be focussed on school and play. Older kids ARE allowed to work, with parental permission. I think 16 and over is ok to work, provided school is going ok. Maybe as young as 14 for some kids, depending on the kid. I'm not sure what the laws are where you are, and I'm not sure what they are here cos frankly, I don't care at this point in my life because it doesn't concern me. But I know my 16 year old cousins have been working part time after school and weekends for at least a year.

    As for children running businesses...why don't you think about the implications of this, and see if you can work out why children generally don't run businesses.

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  • Couman

    Yeah, I agree. The way I see, children are forced to work anyway. When you include homework it can be pretty near a full time job. Why not let them do something useful and actually get paid for it instead of the busywork they do in school?

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  • Energy

    What? Hope you're not talking about USA. Never heard of a child being SUED for selling candy. Lol!

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  • howaminotmyself


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  • birdmany

    Don't worry. Take solace knowing it is just a matter of time before a giant asteroid wipes all of our woes away. :o)

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  • Who_Fan4Life

    I'm sure you're still bitter from buying candy from a kid, and then having the parent sue you.

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