Is it normal i think muslims are taking over?
There are far too many examples of an ongoing Muslim problem in the west. In the United States, we have a president who may very well be an Islamist, having adopted Islam as a child when he attended school, as well as being the son of a Muslim man (the name "Obama" is of Muslim origin, bearing many similarities to the name "Osama," also the fact that his middle name is being "Hussein"). After destroying the Twin Towers, they want to dance on our graves by building a Mosque on the grounds on which they did it. Hes foreign policy is much too soft on the Muslims, favoring a sort of easy handed approach to what is otherwise a grave and pernicious danger to the west. He will not side with Israel, further adding proof to the notion that he is a Muslim, or at least a Muslim-sympathizer.
There have been whole numbers of Muslim rape gangs throughout Europe, but because the EU is too PC to mention it, nobody within the mainstream has heard of it. They refuse to assimilate into our western cultures, and instead of forcing them to obey the laws of the countries in which they take residence, the governments of the waste just acquiesce to their demands, because to do otherwise would be "Islamophobic" or "Racist".
Most of them want to overtake our governments and would probably use violence to do so, but some of them are smarter about hiding it, instead choosing to fund terrorist groups instead of participating in them directly.