Is it normal i think people like my sister is a problem for society?
I wanna make this as brief as possible but the goal of this is to see what everyone thinks of my personality compared to my sister and if I'm justified in being angry with her. Much of this is religious, so if you don't like these kinds of conversations, then here's your chance to leave. Also note: this can be a bit long but it's an easy read. Shouldn't take longer than 2 minutes ATM.
Sister (note she's currently 16):
- Is a huge religious nut who believes everyone should convert to her version of Christianity
- Has almost no understanding of science at all
- Does not accept evolution, the Earth's real age, etc
- Denies anything that contradicts what her church teaches her or what she wants to believe
- I've heard her beg my parents to make me go to church again
- Seems to not actively seek 'truth' but happiness (respectable to a degree, I imagine, but I also see this as a weakness in someone's character)
- Makes many rude remarks to the things I like
- For things she thinks I shouldn't like, she scolds me for (Men shouldn't like ponies apparently, they gotta like 'Merica, monster trucks, and other 'manly' stuff)
- She also despises gay people and is homophobic
- She is the same kind of Christian that believes everyone who doesn't believe the same as her will go to hell for eternity
- Is afraid of stepping out of social stigmas
- Wants to be treated like a house-wife by her 'future husband' yet still enjoy equal rights (basically wants to be treated like a fucking princess)
- Can be a closed-minded asshat (everything weird is automatically bad)
- Lies to me and my parents, also tells secrets and spreads gossip which hurts her friends (probably why she loses so many)
- Wanted Romney to win (lolol)
- Has no idea what separation of Church & State is
- Wanted the Mexicans kicked out of the country (We live in the US)
- Constantly complains about other girls on her softball team without END (always a complaint about one at dinner)
- Did I mention she's a huge fundie?
My verdict of her: As you can see...I have a lot to hate her for. I find her a very pathetic and sad excuse for a human being. It isn't all her fault though, she was brainwashed by my parents (who I could also blame even more). She's so 'stupid' that one time we got in a religious argument she started herself, she had plugged her ears and literally went lalalala, trying to ignore me while screaming her bullshit. No joke.
You don't have to read this next part (it's optional), but I suggest you do so you understand why I'm such a polar opposite from her in many ways.
Me (currently 18 at the time):
- I'm a male and straight
- Going in the US AirForce, leaving December 18th
- I consider myself an agnostic-atheist, a skeptic, a liberal, and an intellectual
- I'm mostly honest, but I lie to get my way if it benefits me and hurts nobody else
- Sometimes I think I'm a psychopath (not psychotic, two different things) as I favor/feel remorse for villains (some heroes too). At the same time...I don't think I am because I'm sympathetic to people but when they make me lose my edge, they can burn for all I care.
- I have a hatred for believing in things blindly (hence I'm a huge skeptic; everything has to make logical and coherent sense for me to accept it)
- I love science and technology, but I dislike the human race somewhat because of its...emotions
- I believe in justice, but I also believe in the extermination of problematic individuals
- I sometimes find myself wanting to seek and have power so I can 'do good' by putting humanity on the right track (this is a fantasy for me though I don't plan on going for as I hate politics)
- I seek knowledge and understanding of everything in the known universe ('all that exists')
- I'm not homophobic, racist, or sexist; I base my experiences and opinions of people off of their disposition, goals, and personality
- I support religious freedom, separation of church & state, and the advancement of the human race
- I don't believe in suicide as the answer, but sometimes, admittedly, I have fantasized about offing myself
- I'm kinda shy as well, and have never had a 'real' girlfriend nor really wanted one
- I don't care what people think of me or what I like/believe in
- I've supported and comforted people, and I can't stand the thought of bullying others as I've been bullied
- I've gotten homicidal thoughts about my 'bullies' but only fantasized offing their asses
- I try to act as normal as possible, but it's obvious to many I'm a different person
- I'm of slender build, but I have gone to the gym as of the last year
My Verdict on myself: I think I have some sort of mental disorder, but other than that I'm proud of myself. I've tried not to be biased in my approach to this comparison with me and my sister, but the main point of this I wanted to make was to point out how different we are and how/why we don't get along very well.
I'd also love it if you guys could point out 'fixes' to my current personality to help make me a better person. I'm open to 'fixing' myself.