Is it normal i think people should only speak american in america?

SHUT UP. I have a professional teaching job and it vexes me so when my students talk in a language that isn't American or they act un-American. SHUT UP. For example at least 70% of my class study a foreign language which I think is appalling! The only foreign language we should study is Japanese. In addition we have a student from Canada who speaks the wrong English and I can't help but yell at him when he uses a wrong word because I see this as rude and disrespectful to my culture. His parents have complained to me, but I am not willing to change my ways. It insults me further when someone who is not from the USA takes pride in their culture!!! (Unless they're Japanese) I find this very insulting. If your country's so great then go back there!!!

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Comments ( 81 )
  • j1337

    I think its a troll

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  • This person who made this story is making Americans look bad!

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  • Darkoil

    It's english you fucking retard. It hurts my brain to think someone so stupid is an actual teacher.

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    • Typical arrogant Brit. Get with the times. The irony is that you're telling me this in MY language. I'd advise you to never enter my country.

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      • Wow. You really are moronic. Are you for real when you don't acknowledge that the language you use is the "English" language?

        I think you're a troll, no one can be this stupid.

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        • It would have been the English language a hundred years ago, but it has evolved since then and, as stated before, it no longer can qualify as "English". American is nowhere near as vulgar and we don't use such hideous slang. Of course we do use slang, but it's nowhere near as crude or trashy and in general we're a more developed country with better hygiene.

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          • It has evolved? How so? Give me an example. Was the word "hello" any different to how you say "hello" now? Or was it just the accent that was different?
            Explain to me how it has evolved, give me examples. Better hygiene? You mean with all those factories that cause polution and whatnot? Afterall, America is bigger and therefor has more factories. So, by that logic, America is less hygienic and is poluting the whole world. So much for hygiene, right? Oh, you mean personal hygiene? You mean like all those homeless, redneck, people and all the prostitutes you have in America? I guess that isn't classed as "vulgar" in your country, right?

            Slang is used mostly by the youth of our country, kids are kids, most of them grow out of it.

            But still. I want those examples of how the Americans "evolved" the English language. If you say something that is basically just saying "the accents" then I'll just have to laugh at you.....even more.

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            • Every country has its underclass. I'm sure in England you get your versions of red necks (e.g. street urchins), and prostitutes as well. And what about your poor dental health care and little respect for mouth hygiene? You shouldn't get me started on that. I had to teach a British boy last cemester and every time I saw him I made a note to give him a breath mint.
              And yes, the American language has evolved a lot since we became the world leaders. For a start the way in which words are pronounced. In America we are less likely to drop letters and we have expanded the vocabulary significantly. If I watch British TV I feel physically ill at how much they butcher our language with their trashy slang (and at the state of their teeth.)

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          • Riddler

            So you are an American teacher? and you don't realize that Americans speak English not American? Wow, I think the school needs to have you fired.

            If you are not smart enough to figure this out I cant imagine what kind of backwards shit you are teaching the students.

            Oh I feel so sorry for the US for having such an idiot like you teaching. What the fuck are they thinking?

            They need to do a test on teachers since they seem to be letting some unqualified people through. This is just sad. Stop ruining America and get a job where you are not teaching nonsense.

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      • Darkoil

        You speak english, there's no two ways about it. America doesn't actually have an official language, there is a dialect called american english but it's not a seperate language. I may be arrogant but at least im not an idiot.

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      • InvadingPotatoLeader

        "If your country's so great then go back there!!!"
        As if your ancestors weren't Europeans who migrated to America.
        If you're not a troll, your ignorance, arrogance and stupidity is insulting to me as a fellow human being.
        You make your country look bad, and i doubt that's what Americans want considering the world pretty much see's the US as the agressive toddler of the world.
        Troll or retard, you're pathetic either way.
        "American culture", Lol. You mean European culture.
        Just like the European language you speak and the European ancestry most Americans have.
        Troll or retard, you're pathetic either way.

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  • lol read my profile.

    English is NOT the official language of America.

    wanna know why?

    our founders set it up that way because America was supposed to be the "land of opportunity" not the land of "don't come here because you're not worthy to be American"

    They understood that having the language barrier would hinder immigrants from going after the "American Dream".

    after all, unless you're a Native American Indian, you're just an immigrant.

    we should be speaking Navajo, or Apache if we're going to get technical.

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  • PumpkinKate

    Dude this troll succeeded in trolling this many people with a post THIS stupid?

    I applaud you, Sir Troll. Here, have 3 internets.

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  • MahBoi24

    Obvious troll is PAINFULLY obvious.

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  • stratman

    Dumbass. Speak American? Really? I can't stand people as stupid and just plain ignorant as you.

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  • justaredsheep

    Get a life little girl.

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  • OCDC


    (P.S; Never reproduce....)

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  • pondford

    That only makes you hypocritical. As an educator, a person whose suppose to be unbiased and patient, instead of making the whole world change around your version of English, maybe you should be more open minded of other English, and languages while still keeping your preference for American English.

    Right now, I want to scream at you for being such a narrow minded educator but I won't because you were brought up differently. Ha. Funny, isn't it?

    Being in a new country, it would take a while for them to get use to the customs, values, and such. Trust me, they're trying their best to understand American customs, and values. But making them erase everything they were before coming to America? That would be social suicide. They have to take pride of their previous home residence because it's part of them. It doesn't help that you ask them where they're from before America or give them the 'you-are-a-foreigner-are-you-not?' look. Hypocrite.

    Don't expect them to become the iconic American because, let's face it, nobody could ever be a perfect iconic American citizen. Not even 'the most American' American of all. And the only reason why America isn't boring as blank paper is because there are differences between every individual and one of those many differences is their upbringing.

    Your own behaviour is disrespectful and rude to their individual upbringing. Instead of yelling, perhaps try a kinder approach which would be more effective compliance measure than verbal abuse. Show that you want to help them into knowing America. It would mean no parental complaints while getting good results: it's a win-win situation.

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  • DudeUrFuglyXox

    troll or idiot?

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    • sugarbunny772


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    • chewy


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  • Shackleford96

    No, you SHUT UP!

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  • thetimeofyourlife

    I hate it when people spell and speak 'American English' instead of 'British English' but i think your particular annoyance has routes in xenophobia.

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    • British English is primitive. It's a dying language. Because America is the most powerful country all should learn AMERICAN. British English is a thing of the past.
      And no, I'm not xenophobic. I just find foreigners rude and pig-headed (not Japanese.)

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      • lc1988

        I think China is the most powerful country at the moment. We should all learn chinese!

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      • dappled

        Both British English and American English continued to develop when they diverged. Because of the overpopulation of the UK and how closely we're all packed together, British English evolved at a faster rate and became more intricate and nuanced than American English. The power of American media in this country has forced many to abandon a very layered, multi-faceted and complex language and instead refer to things as cool, each other as dude and eat things suffixed "whizz".

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        • I don't think adding slang words to a language makes its structure less complex.
          Go back to your own country.

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  • So they're allowed to study Japanese? Doesn't that directly conflict with your above sentiment?

    Also, I find you ignorant. It's English, not American.

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    • pondford

      Agreed. It's very contradictory.

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    • It used to be English but now that America is the most important and powerful country it's American. Get your facts straight. I find you very ignorant suggesting that America is still a colony. Open your eyes! We invented EVERYTHING!!! American people are the most intelligent and superior. Either learn American (and YES I mean USA American not the primitive British "English") or get out my country!

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      • No. Your country did not invent everything. Right now, you're typing to me in English, the language of my home country. If you want to type American, I suggest you invent a language called that cause right now, you're typing in English.

        So let's see some examples, my dear troll, here we go -

        I believe Alexander Graham Bell invented the first practical telephone. Now where was he from... oh yeah, he was British! Or to be specific, Scottish.

        What about the Internet? What's that? Another British man!

        So if you're so intelligent and superior, firstly, why are you ranting and raving like a madman? And secondly, try using FACTS to back up your madness.

        You just got burned, best find some ointment, sweetie.

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        • TareBear20


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        • Ranting and raving? Look at your own post, sweetie.
          To me you come across as the typical Brit. Arrogant, rude and believing you're superior in everything. Guess what? We won independence from you when you colonized our country, therefore the language is now ours. Who dominates the media? What language do other countries learn? American. That's right. Face it, English is dying and soon it won't be considered a language at all.
          I refuse to refer to the language I speak as English. English is vulgar and primitive. It is true that 90% of the world's inventions came from America, therefore America has the greatest minds and the language is now ours.
          Word of advise: go back to your own country, sweetie. If your language is so great then why are you even here?

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          • Look at that, you're using an invention of a british person to communicate to use. The internet. They have the greatest minds? Maybe so, maybe not, how does that have anything to do with "you"? You're obviously not one of the greatest minds, let alone an average mind.

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          • They learn English. I don't think I'm better than anyone, that would be you. It's ironic, you're so up yourself and yet accuse others of being the same way.

            And go back to my own country? Go back? Who said I wasn't in England, darling? Right now, I'm in England, surprisingly, we do have internet access here! This is a website, not a country.

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      • You state you were English and then American? You do realise that all white Americans are decendants of British blood?

        I feel sorry for the kids you say you teach. It's people like you that make "your" country look bad.

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  • And what is your fetish for the japs?! Geez no way in hell do you sound American you make us look bad gtfo and go live in stupid Japan!!!!!

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    • By dismissing the nation as "stupid Japan", it seems you are the one guilty of making Americans look bad.

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  • partofeveryone

    Obvious troll is Obvious

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  • AmvEditor

    Since you are so proud of your "American" language let me give you a fun fact straight from wikipedia. "In a typical English dictionary of 80,000 words, which corresponds very roughly to the vocabulary of an educated English speaker, about 5% of the words are borrowed from Greek directly, and about 25% indirectly" 30% of your language exists thanks to the Greeks and the rest thanks to the British.

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    • The Greeks and the British are primitive and stuck in the dark ages. We've taken the language on as our own, filled it out and made it the best language there is. Therefore, it can hardly qualify as "English" anymore. The British took over our land and tried to force their customs on us. We showed them who's boss. Nowadays a Brit will tell you it's their language and believe this makes them superior, but we Americans know the truth. They are just ignorant and up themselves while we invented the AMERICAN of today (which they only can speak because of TV).

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  • BoredGuy

    successful troll is successful

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  • 4392Moron

    Perfectly agree. If you reside in a certain country you should learn to speak their native tongue.

    Only thing that I am against is this, you should not get so up tight about Canadian English in your United States. I am Canadian and at the time I worked with Americans in Windsor, and the different dialects of English was not a bother. I could use Canadian English, but try to stay with my knowledge of United States English since this is mainly an American site.

    And this day and age Americans should learn to speak Chinese instead of Japanese since the Chinks own you guys.

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  • Dot123

    LOL American isn't a language. It's a nation. They speak English.

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  • Avant-Garde

    You've got problems, man!
    I love the Japanese to, but you really should stop being intolerant of others. The universe is filled with a variety of cultures/races and most of them are going to be proud of where they come from.
    Fuck, some might even hate that you're human, but don't you see that you're are doing the same thing to your students?
    Think about that!

    Also, why do you keep screaming "SHUT UP"? Were your students talking whilst you wrote this?

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  • are u the teacher who yells in the kids faces?

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  • Shrunk

    pretty sure this troll is being satirical, and unoriginal at that, is probably not even american, if you take this too seriously then sorry to say you're just as dull as the one you're attempting to insult...

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    • Says who? You? I didn't know you knew me.

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      • Shrunk

        I honestly didn't mean to offend you in particular but Im just saying that Im pretty sure this topic is a joke to make a lot of people look bad

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        • Sorry, I tend to bite without thinking, I should be apologizing, I'm sorry. I guess I was just still grumpy from the idiocy of OP XD But that said, I do agree with you or at the least, hope this is a troll topic. Sorry again :)

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  • Ono

    Well if anyone is an expert on rudeness, ignorance and undeserving it's the op troll.

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  • Arrivedeci13

    Why Japanese?? If you're going to have exception then why Only Japanese? It's normal to be proud of being an American but it's not normal when you're trying to ignores other culture than American and Japanese..

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  • Noooo

    Why the fuck does it matter?

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  • jesusdiedlol

    American language? You mean English? LoL goodness I really hope you're just trolling

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  • jesusdiedlol

    Um you didn't comment on anything I said on my first comment.... Interesting lol catholic? I'm sure you associate yourself with some kind of religion

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    • No.

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  • jesusdiedlol

    And yeah that's right my screen name is Jesus died lol! I'm Going to assume you're a Christian :)

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    • Interesting you should say that because I'm not. I'm not even sure what this has to do with the American language.
      Go back to your own country.

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  • jesusdiedlol

    You do understand that "Native Americans" did not speak English when your people came and slaughtered them and took their land. You've got to be trolling! You're the ignorant one here, and at the end of the day if you're not a native American then your ancestors were NOT American. Fucking idiot. I can talk in any language I please, this is the melting pot hitler so get over it!

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  • I applaud you Sir Troll, I can only hope to reach your obvious level of troll experience one day myself.

    Troll on.

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  • TareBear20

    Do you mean English? I don't have to be a teacher to see that you're a total retard. ^_^

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  • FairyDustYo

    Ehhh so what u gotta deal with it it wont change. Its good fro universities to take foreign languages, Im taking up Spanish, and gonna take up French and German and know bits n pieces of a number of languages. So what?

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  • nowimsureimsane

    I didnt bother reading all the rants but first off its not American its English not sure why you dont know that but i agree..i used to learn other lanquages Russian,Thai,German but it was kind of a fetish for me to be able to speak to women that only knew those lanquages as a white guy but teaching it in school is freaking stupid and just another way of the goverment pushing interbreeding and liberalism its about control and no i have no need to argue with the ones who hate that statement its a simple honest fact
    And for the OP research the Teachers Unions and theyre involvement with the government agencies then youll understand more about why you hate it.gathering their sheeple to take us over...

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  • elel18

    I hope it's real, I hope people like that exist. They would be too funny to oberve not to exist for our selfish enjoyment!
    PS for the author: my native language is not english OOOUUUUHHHHHHHH! Sorry, american!!!

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  • ja16

    Painfully ignorant. You're trying too hard.

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  • Chiapett360

    In america we do not have a national language so get off your big round pompous ass and go suck it. When you yell in people's faces for speaking in other languages they should yell back at you for speaking "american" you stupid little man. you have no respect for our government at all. our founding fathers based this country on the fact that all men are created equal. apparently you missed the memo.

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  • CarsGirlsGunsMoneyMade

    PMSL. Come on, guys, you really can't be this utterly dense, right?

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  • MahBoi24

    I think someone needs to wave a big-ass sign saying "Troll Alert! DO NOT ENGAGE!" Seriously, are people really this gullible?

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  • KokoroComplex

    You're very mature.</end sarcasm>. I love the Japanese language, but that's not the point I'm trying to make. "The wrong English"? Uh, Canadians, British, and Americans all speak ENGLISH... There's no such thing as speaking "American". It's no wonder there are foreigners that hate us. It's undeserving people like you.

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  • sotv4life

    you are a fool

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  • m.a.s97

    I'm pretty sure American isn't a language but, I do think if you move to America you should know some English. I'm not going out of my way to try to understand someone who can't speak English in America.

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  • zchristian

    WOW if this is not a troll someone has problems go get some teraphy...

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  • pogos

    Right on, man. Fuck foreigners.

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  • I don't consider Canada and Mexico to be part of America. They can say what they like, but the people are rude, ignorant and undeserving of American blood.

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