Is it normal i think republicans are less intelligent?

I think that generally republican policies benefit the rich. The democratic party has become worse about this as well. But so many poor people vote republican not knowing that they are most likely making their financial situation worse.
Since the vast majority of the population has such a small portion of the wealth. It seems to me that supporting a person, or a person that represents policies, that hinder your chances of being successful and financially secure is unintelligent.
Is it normal to think this way?

Voting Results
62% Normal
Based on 50 votes (31 yes)
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Comments ( 15 )
  • suckonthis9

    We need to get out of this Republican versus Democrat trap.

    Both parties are corrupt.

    In fact, we need to get out of this Archaic nation-state idea altogether.

    What we need to do, is to have a new 'continental congress', except this time, in the Northern New World, everything from the Canadian Arctic to the Darién Gap, probably including the Caribbean Islands, and possibly Greenland. Then we could more effectively manage the surrounding Oceans and Seas in shared sustainable management strategies.

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  • ProseAthlete

    Just because you disagree with someone doesn't make them stupid. I agree that there are a lot of stupid Republicans, especially the far right "family values" social Republicans, but aren't there a lot of incredibly ignorant Democrats, too -- PETA members, for instance, or slacktivists who think that changing their FB pictures somehow contributes meaningfully to a cause?

    No party has a monopoly on stupidity. Underestimating your political opponent is always a bad idea.

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    • dontgetfatdietingsucks

      Thank you Prose. That is an excellent answer. I guess I didn't think of all the ignorant "just wanna get high" democrats. I guess I am just frustrated about the rich getting richer. Every side has it's stupid people.

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      • ProseAthlete

        I so agree with you -- that's why I'm registered independent. Not that there aren't plenty of stupid people who are also registered independent, but at least we are all kinds of stupid instead of specific brands of stupid. :D

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        • dontgetfatdietingsucks

          You are great. I like that there are people that are open to opinion like you, who don't lose it over beliefs and can see two sides of something.

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    • "Just because you disagree with someone doesn't make them stupid"

      Shhhhh, these people will never understand that.

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    • NeuroNeptunian

      This. Yes.

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  • RomeoDeMontague

    Most republicans are business and most democrats are lawyers. I think both parties are smart in a different way. Most politicians are rich so if we go by your logic we need to get rid of all politicians since they make too much money. Both sides are also very biased to there own set of values. Democrats will reject anyone who does not follow their exact view. They have democrats who are kind of liberal and the democrats don’t want them. They have republicans like log cabin who are not respected as republican.

    Republicans want low tax and democrats want to tax everything and would probably be content with communism. So its logic vs feelings. Though neither side is perfect and both ideals have issues. What we need is a kind of in between that meets half way but we never do. This is the reason why. People are too bull headed. If you tell Christians that you are atheist and gay they might not care. Yet one rude atheist or one angry gay person will say "Christians are stupid “and piss off the Christians. so the Christian say you know what forget you. You are going to hell anyways.

    So since the sides all have resentment already and cant put it behind us. In order for the sides to get a long we need to respect each others differences. You can not be upset for things that happened in the past. People are in a constant tug a war. People need to stop acting like children. Why not share your ball with your next door neighbour instead of saying "Ha-ha guess what I have that you don’t".

    This happens on both sides and that is why everyone ends up being split. Some people in the middle don’t care but are defending where they came from. So they are dragged into this war without wanting it. If you attack gays and a kid has gay parents he/she will defend their parents. Some do want to get along but thanks to the hard headed ones we really can not bridge the gap.

    That is why we never will since it will always be blue vs red. Green, orange, yellow, purple are not included in this equation. So we don’t have a choice you are right and left. There is only two roads in this world.

    So I think the conservative way is more desirable. As you save more money and dont pay as much on taxes. Especially when most of that is going to schools. Schools which have had perverted teachers touching children, race riots, and some of the lowest text scores you can get. If we are going to pay for this type of thing should we not hold some higher standards for the public school system. Do they really deserve your money for letting your children get hurt? In a way you are just paying for them to hurt your children.

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  • PaulXavier

    You're an awfully trusting person to never question what you hear. Did you know That when George Bush Sr. ran for his second term, the three major networks chopped off the bottom 3/4 of stock exchange line graphs, so they could make it look like the line was closer to the bottom. That's why they can only show numbers instead of graphs now. Every one I knew fell for it but me. I read the numbers. Trust no on question everything. That's what Socrates meant when he said "wisdom consists in knowing that you know nothing". Isn't it funny that everyone is happy when the stock market goes up. Doesn't matter to me. Up or down the cost of living keeps rising. That means the standard of living goes down. They used to report regularly on these figures now they're not even mentioned. Bill Clinton Real Estate Con man,(Sold people houses then voted for a levee to put them underwater "whitewater"). Friends with a known real estate con man who was wanted by Interpol (Gave the guy a plane ride on a executive jet to an undisclosed location, not even a secret admitted to it publicly, and all the networks announced it) He removes the loan restrictions that allowed all the bad loans to collapse the banks. Newsflash Iraq war and building loans no connection. Real estate con man for president let it crash on the next presidents term. Intelligent people ask questions, other people just repeat things they are told to believe.

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  • Pwnfacertwn

    It's normal for republicans to think democrats are stupid, and vice versa. Therein lies the problem.

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  • GuessWho

    Regardless which party is running the country, you'll get what you work for in a capitalist society.

    Many of the rich people earned what they have, and since they have more, many of them also generally make larger personal contributions of money and resources to better the living conditions and education of those that aren't as fortunate as themselves. (e.g. If you do well in school, maybe some rich person's company will sponsor you a bursary or scholarship at a good university.)

    If you feel that the system benefits the rich, find a job that pays well, and use your money to better educate yourself, making you eligible for better paying jobs, then save money and invest it in some way that it will earn you more. (Maybe your own business, if you have the skills to make it work)

    You, too, can be rich if you're willing to do the hard work that many of the other rich people had to do to get to their place in society.

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  • loopoo

    All politicians are fucking stupid.

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  • Wendell

    Yes and I agree but FYI, while republicans are considered the rich party by people like you, democrats are also truly wealthy. The wealthiest city in america, wasington dc, is one of the most blue places

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  • Ethereal-Silence

    Down with bipartisan politics.

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  • kingofcarrotflowers

    This reminds me does anyone know when series 2 of the newsroom starts?

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