Is it normal i think the field of psychology is full of morons?

Apparently they made up a new disorder. Well that would be wrong its considered a disease which means you can catch it. Apparently it comes with a list of symptoms.

They have done studies on it. While I think its probably a real thing to happen to text addicts I think the list of symptoms is a bit much.

The warning signs are

*panic attacks
*low self esteem.

Simply being a text addict does not mean you have panic attacks, depression and low self esteem. It just means you like to text a lot. I also think its foolish to assume that this can only happen to people are depressed and have anxiety problems. How many people become addicted to things like anime, video-games, internet.

Along with that Texting is the same as talking but without face contact. So wouldn't texting to a point seem healthy? Since it means they are being social with each other? Apposed to someone who has no one to text at all?

Whats sad about this is there is people in the world with mental issues that need help! but they spend time making up fake "Diseases" like this kind of bull shit. Also again I am not saying this thing doesn't happen. I don't believe its a disease and I don't think these warning signs are accurate either.

There is a piont where you realize they are just making shit up for the bloody hell of it. I am 100percent sure no one in this field gives a damn about patients anymore. I find it disgusting how corrupt this field has become. I think it had some legitimate points at one time but its just abused by so many people. Doctors do not get away with chopping off a leg for nothing. Why is no one suing these people for Malpractice?

No one cares who they are hurting. People who need help are ignored. You want to help but not one single person can help everyone and these retards are not helping. I am truly disgusted by mankind. This truly bothers me. I don't understand how we are at the top of the food chain. Most of us deserve to be dogmeat.

Voting Results
49% Normal
Based on 71 votes (35 yes)
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Comments ( 21 )
  • dom180

    I don't think you know what the word "addiction" means. Hint: it doesn't mean "does it a lot".

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    • ibreathelectric

      Yeah, you tell 'em!!

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    • What would you call a person who is glued to their phone 24/7? If you do not believe "text addict" is the correct term? Here is the definition of "Text addict".
      text addict
      one who constantly and obsessively communicates with others via text messaging, letter by tedious letter, from a tiny keypad on a cellular phone.
      (I believe that covers it pretty much. Dont you think?) Those are people who text A LOT. Its off urben dictionary.

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      • dom180

        I would call them someone who texts a lot. They might be a text addict, they might not. I advise you to look up a scientific definition of "addiction" and not to talk about things about which you know nothing.

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        • I just gave you the definition. Someone who texts obsessively or communicates with others via text messaging. Now do you have something better? I am sure we have all known someone like this. Who texts, games excessively and obsessively. That are constantly glued to some kind of hand held or electronic device. Its not a new thing especially in this day and age where computers and electronics are everywhere. Even worked into toys.

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          • lolol555

            Do you not realise what this means for that person's life? If they can never stop, how will they handle employment? If still a student, how can they focus on their studies? Of course this will lead to a drop in grades or difficulties in employment, which can then lead to depression and low self esteem.

            As someone who has suffered addiction, I've suffered panic attacks when I was nervous about losing what I was addicted to. Or when I couldn't fully satisy their cravings. I imagine someone who could not text another for one reason or another may suffer these for similar reasons as well. Or perhaps because they can't stop and want their life back on track, as I said before, it differs per individual.

            Addiction comes with many things you don't seem to understand.

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  • spaghettifrier

    it's not the "text addiction" that is the core problem. If a person is doing anything in excess and blocking out the rest of the world, responsibilities, and losing their meaning in life, then there is another core problem going on. The addiction, text or otherwise, is a symptom or escape from the real problem.

    So yeah, calling it an official diagnosis seems inaccurate. They could just use the term "addiction" or, "addiction to an activity",, and use that as a symptom for other problems

    all the addictions have those general symptoms you mentioned

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  • KeddersPrincess

    It becomes a mental health problem whenever it causes dysfunction in a person's life.

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    • Tommythecat.


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  • jhudgins1101

    The entirety of the universe is filled with morons. Also, too many people try to use a mental disorder as an excuse or a crutch. It bothers me to no end.

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  • lolol555

    I haven't heard about this disease but addictions are known to cause those sort of symptoms. Also, symptoms aren't the same for every case, they differ per individual. What you fail to understand is that they are a list of POSSIBLE symptoms.

    Regardless, it's rather ignorant of you to ignore all the work done and supposed discoveries made and just label the whole field as a bunch of morons.

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    • No this is based on a lot of what they done. General care doctors have advanced a lot but people in the psychiatric field have just corrupted it for the most part. Its not advancement its abuse of the system. People should not abuse the system for their own gain. I suppose when your a paycheck depends on someone else suffering though sometimes people get greedy. After all if you know your job is not always considered entirely necessary I guess it make senss to create problems yourself. To guarantee you always get a good supply.

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  • I have a friend who got a degree in psychology. I should say ex friend. He doesnt have a job in his field. He is always drinking and partying and in trouble with with the law. I know he isn't a good example of everyone in this field of study but I definitely would not want to see someone like him trying to help people when he is way worse off himself. The point is you cannot always put your trust in another human being for mental issues because of human error and emotional bias. A lot of people go into the this field for the wrong reasons. So they can have a fancy degree they can brag about.

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  • From my experience the mental health system is dysfunctional and highly incompetent.

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  • Mersaphe

    Most psychologists are mentally imbalanced or emotionally unstable

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    • I thought they were just greedy. How did you come up with the idea they were actually insane themselves? I just curious not saying you are wrong.

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  • handsignals

    Their not all bad but most of them are a waste of space.

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  • Leviathanel

    I think they're talking about people becoming dependant on texting. chances are they were already having those symptoms before which led to the dependency.

    so yes I agree with you, this is not a new discovery at all. also you were right about texting, it's better to text than to be completely alone. I would rather have a dependency to an electrical device than to be reclusive.

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  • ibreathelectric

    In many cases, psychological disorders/diseases are things that inhibit your daily life. If you text obsessively to the point where it is a compulsion instead of a pasttime, then yeah, it's most likely some lighter string of OCD. Something isn't right when you go to extremes of ANYTHING, whether it be cleaning or dog walking. If it affects and keeps you from leading a normal life,then it is a disorder.

    No offense dude, but I feel like you don't know a whole lot about psychology. So maybe you should take a class or something.

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    • Leviathanel

      but this is nothing new or interesting, people can get addicted to anything. i'm sure you could even get addicted to bashing your head against the wall if it truly made you feel better.

      so why bring up this issue about texting? if you're lonely (or maybe not because of texting) it makes a lot of sense that you would try to relieve yourself by doing something social.

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      • ibreathelectric

        I agree with what you're saying too. I just think the poll creater is taking this issue too personally and overgeneralizing it. Obviously, people with an obsession/compulsion will take things to an unhealthy extreme and only a small percentage of the population would qualify for this issue. Nobody on this website would have a problem, since they're on a website and not texting long enough to type something out. See what I mean?

        Being lonely and having a deep, psychological compulsion to text are two completely different things. Psychology only gets involved when it prevents an individual from leading a normal life.

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