Is it normal i think the field of psychology is full of morons?
Apparently they made up a new disorder. Well that would be wrong its considered a disease which means you can catch it. Apparently it comes with a list of symptoms.
They have done studies on it. While I think its probably a real thing to happen to text addicts I think the list of symptoms is a bit much.
The warning signs are
*panic attacks
*low self esteem.
Simply being a text addict does not mean you have panic attacks, depression and low self esteem. It just means you like to text a lot. I also think its foolish to assume that this can only happen to people are depressed and have anxiety problems. How many people become addicted to things like anime, video-games, internet.
Along with that Texting is the same as talking but without face contact. So wouldn't texting to a point seem healthy? Since it means they are being social with each other? Apposed to someone who has no one to text at all?
Whats sad about this is there is people in the world with mental issues that need help! but they spend time making up fake "Diseases" like this kind of bull shit. Also again I am not saying this thing doesn't happen. I don't believe its a disease and I don't think these warning signs are accurate either.
There is a piont where you realize they are just making shit up for the bloody hell of it. I am 100percent sure no one in this field gives a damn about patients anymore. I find it disgusting how corrupt this field has become. I think it had some legitimate points at one time but its just abused by so many people. Doctors do not get away with chopping off a leg for nothing. Why is no one suing these people for Malpractice?
No one cares who they are hurting. People who need help are ignored. You want to help but not one single person can help everyone and these retards are not helping. I am truly disgusted by mankind. This truly bothers me. I don't understand how we are at the top of the food chain. Most of us deserve to be dogmeat.