Is it normal i think we should get a pet?

This is a genuine idea. Tell me if you think it's crazy.

I think is it normal should get a pet.

Udi should take some of that juicy Gold money and invest it in an is it normal pet (an is it normal dog or an is it normal cat, or an is it normal something else - we could have a poll about what animal it is. Even a red sheep! :P) to keep in his office or wherever he works. Then we make a poll and vote on a name for him or her. Udi can post pictures and updates on the is it normal animal, like a weekly (or fortnightly or monthly, if weekly is too much work) blog. We all get to watch his or her progress as he/she grows and does fun animal stuff :D I think it would be great. is it normal has a lot of animals lovers, so maybe you agree too :)

We can have a pet together, and all the sadly pet-less on can feel like part of a pet-owning collective.

What do you think of this idea?

Amazing. 13
Terrible. 18
Somewhere in between. 16
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Comments ( 10 )
  • disthing

    I don't think it's a good idea.

    You're basically asking the manager of the site to spend some of the small amount of revenue made here on a pet. Surely things like site maintenance, development etc. are more important than budgeting for an animal and lumbering the owner with additional responsibility he probably doesn't want or need?

    If YOU want to buy a pet and set up a website sharing its mundane domestic life then go ahead. Better yet, sponsor an animal in a shelter so it doesn't get put down - a lot of charities send you 'cute' updates and photos in return.

    But I honestly don't see how your idea would improve this site in any way at all. Sorry to pee on your dreams :/

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  • NotStrangeBird

    Maybe we can get a dog and name it "Moonbow"

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  • davesumba

    Someone smoked something before getting on IIN today.

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    • RoseIsabella

      Fire it up!

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  • NotStrangeBird

    Maybe a mascot would be better than a pet?

    Oh, and I vote "bird".

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  • bananaface

    Awww, just a few comments ago I was talking about how much I miss having a pet. Plus, the animal posts make me happy (the good ones, anyway:/). They're the best!

    Udi would be the one stuck with the responsibility, though, which he might not want. Plus, it's not really the same as actually having an animal in your life. And users might have disagreement over names and stuff. It is always really cute when users talk about their pets, though. If someone were going to make regular posts about their pet, it'd make sense if it was someone who already had one and who wanted to share their stories with all of us.

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    • howaminotmyself

      My cat has a girlfriend. The sweet little neighbor cat comes over all the time. They cuddle and wrestle. Its precious
      . My cat recently ripped off her collar that showed ownership. She pretty much lives here now.

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      • charli.m

        Those last two lines made me laugh so hard. So cute :D

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  • Nokiot9

    We could get a capybara and name it Mandingo.

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