Is it normal i thought they were talking to me?
I was sitting in a room, just me and this girl I don't know very well. She was sitting diagonally right 5m from me and she said whilst looking at me "Hey, how are you?", I would say "Fine", because I was 100% she was talking to me. It turns out in the end she had one of those earphone mic things. Throughout the whole time she was looking at me, she was laughing and talking. She said, "You know my math teacher, yeah?" and I nodded my head (but I thought it was strange that she said that, as we have the same math teacher), but straight after I nodded, she said "Why are you nodding your head? Butt out of my conversation.", and I was so embarrassed, and I really thought she was talking to me. She now thinks I am a weirdo, and I try and get into other peoples conversations :( ...That is SO embarrassing, and she is telling all her friends about me now. It didn't even look like she had earphones in, and still the whole damn time she was looking directly at me and giving body language as if she was talking me. I was responding and smiling the whole time as well. Should I be the one embarrassed, or her? Is it normal?