Is it normal i throw up when i'm nervous

whenever something big in my social calendar is coming up, I get really, really worried and even a few days before throw up and feel nauseous. In October of last year I had a party, with a group of friends that I know really well but a few boys that I'd never met before. I threw up in the morning and then actually at the restaurant toilets (my friends helped me and didnt mention it) cause I was so nervous about meeting those lads. I also was meant to meet up with a boy that I haven't seen in ages (long story) and I threw up constantly in the morning and had to cancel.
i dont have a lot of self-confidence but around new people I am fine usually, I was just wondering if throwing up was a normal reaction to a scary situation?

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63% Normal
Based on 88 votes (55 yes)
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Comments ( 9 )
  • honeybeee

    like stan from south park :)

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  • Dazzie

    Nervousness causes you to vomit? That's not normal. See a doctor.

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  • Imnotnormal94

    It might be Social Anxiety Disorder.. you might not have all symptoms.

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  • freddo

    Sometimes when im nervous i feel a bit sick but never actually throw up, maybe you should sit down and have a glass of water

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  • rin

    My bf's mom said she always threw up when she got really nervous. She threw up every Christmas before they opened presents or before big events like you said. I'd still get some help that's no way to live!

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    • rin

      forgot to mention she takes anxiety medication now.

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  • DolphinAngel

    Everytime I get nervous (even slightly) I have to poop and if I am really nervous I also get diarrhea -.-... not funny but better than vomiting... I don't think it is normal btw!

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  • Energy

    I don't think that's normal...
    It's ok to be nervous, but not THAT nervous. Ask a Doctor.

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  • Dozis

    You cause yourself to vomit or you throw up spontaneously?

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