Is it normal i treat my animals like children?

It is funny because I treat my animals like little kids. It funny because I clicked on a link and it was bad. My animal heard it and peered over to look and I shut the computer and grabbed him and started petting him. I said "No baby you do not need to see that" like I was protecting a five year old.

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57% Normal
Based on 106 votes (60 yes)
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Comments ( 29 )
  • disthing

    I think it's normal to care tremendously and love your pet. It isn't human, however, so treating it like you would your own child is odd. It's a different species to you and won't comprehend things in the way a 5 year old child would.

    There are plenty of people that anthropomorphise their pets, though, so you're not alone. It's typically a harmless, slightly irrational thing to do, but I can sort of understand why people do this.

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  • SeverusFan23

    Of course! Nothing wrong with that! Keep up the good work! If only more people loved their pets like you. I love my mini schnauzer like she's my daughter. ^__^

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  • dirtybirdy

    That's a little overboard dont'cha think??

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  • Ejay

    You are a fucking idiot no one said anything about animal abuse dumbass shut up and fuckin learn to read, they based a scenario on life or death for a loved pet or some random person, i by the way would pick my dog

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  • Severus'sDaughter19

    Yes. There's nothing wrong with you. I personally believe that we need more people like you that really love their animals and will protect them with all their might. Thank you so much for your loving attitude for your dog. :)

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  • PuppyPower

    Well I think it's normal because I have no kids and I treat my Boxer like a little toddler.

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  • MissyLeyneous

    I treat all my animals like children when they're young but as they get older, they ought to know better than to climb on the table and weave around my feet when I'm walking. :D

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  • Whenever you approach your pets they're all like Nessuno me lo ficca in culo!!!!!!!!!!

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  • NotStrangeBird

    I'd say something but the dog haters from that recent thread would call me ignorant, retarded, a douchebag, and threaten to poison my dog.

    But pets are pets, people are people. There's a difference, you know.

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  • manfart999

    i,ll treat them like animals >:)

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  • no i don't treat my animals like humans
    i treat them as they are and take care of um

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  • sheat

    Is not he same thing you never compare the love and caring.. animals are animals and children are children...

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  • Retard73

    Would you rescue your pet or someone elses baby from a burning house? You could only take on of them.

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    • I would rescue my pet. Since it belongs to me and they take first priority. So if I had some strangers mom and my brother in a burning building I pick my brother. Since they take first priority. If possible I would attempt to rescue them both but my animals first off.

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      • KlondikeSam

        There's something fucking wrong with you! Nobody in their right mind would save a fucking animal before they save a human being. Those fucking animals don't give two hoots in hell about you and if you stopped feeding them and someone else started feeding them, they'd drop your crazy ass like a hot potato. You need to see a fucking shrink because you have some serious problems! Hell, you belong in a fucking insane asylum, you FREAK!

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        • iEatZombies_

          "if you stopped feeding them and someone else started feeding them, they'd drop your crazy ass like a hot potato"

          Actually, that sounds like a human character trait as well.

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        • shade_ilmaendu

          I would probably choose my pet over a stranger, personally. Pet ownership is a huge responsibility, you're pledging to look after the welfare of that animal for as long as it lives. I would be going back on my responsibility if I simply left my pets to burn.

          Though if it were an infant, I could totally carry both of them out. I'm not sure if that's the best comparison because you clearly chose the most helpless human victim possible in order to argue your case, and that's just appealing to human emotion and maternal instinct rather than coming to a logical conclusion about the topic.

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          • Somebody who gets what it means to own a pet. Someone who is responsible. I do not see why it the responsible pet owners responsibility to be irresponsible for the sake of a stranger. That is like letting family burn to death in a house since apparently a stranger meant more. Help your kin and your responsibilities first. It is wrong to abandon something you promised to protect and that is not a responsible owner.

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            • shade_ilmaendu

              Basically. You wouldn't blame a parent for leaving a stranger behind to save their child. Simply because one's a human and one's an animal doesn't automatically make the person more valuable, and with all things being equal your obligations come before that of a stranger.

              Though I have noticed a lot of people don't seem to take their pet ownership very seriously. They want all the fun of having a pet without any of the responsibility. Even people who aren't straight up neglecting their animals, I often feel they're providing the minimal amount of care. Just lock em up in the basement or toss em outside with a food bowl and that's about it. 2 of my 3 cats are rescues because my stupid bleeding heart can't say no when someone needs me, and I take my responsibility to them very seriously. The trouble I went through with them, most people would have taken their pets to the shelter. They pissed on so much of my stuff at my old apartment because they didn't like it there and didn't like the box I had bought. I exhausted every channel of behavior modification until it didn't happen anymore and until they had ruined several hundred dollars worth of shit. But I didn't give up on them. Their lives are totally dependant on me, even more so than a child because the animals can't do things for themselves.

              It may sound kind of harsh, but there are no pleasant answers when you're making a difficult decision like this, and I take my responsibilities seriously.

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        • PuppyPower

          Well um I would save my dog because she means everything to me and I really don't care what you think.

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        • I guess you will also say if my brother another person baby is in a house my obligation is to help everyone beside my family? Since according to you everyone else should be more important. You talk about loyalty but you will help someone beside someone you are close or taking care of. You do not sound like a very loyal person at all. I feel sad for anyone who is your friend or in your family. Since they must feel terrible knowing you do not have their backs.

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          • NorthernStar

            He didn't say anything even remotely like what you are accusing him of saying. He wasn't talking about helping one person over another person, he was talking about placing the value of a freaking animal above that of a human being! Can't you read, Douchebag?

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            • So you would rather we burn all animals alive? I am against animal abuse unlike you 2 seem to be. I do not understand how you could have such little regard for a animal. You know most people try and take care of pets. I guess being kind outside your species is barbaric. So I guess you must just be a caveman.

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