Is it normal i try to overpower my cats?

When I get annoyed (or just plain mad) with my cat I tend to try and "teach her a lesson". I feel like a man beating up his girlfriend because I kind of phase out of my usually bubbly "I love animals" personality and kind of become aggressive toward my cat and afterwards I apologize and feel very guilty(saying I didn't mean it and stuff). It doesn't happen very often it's happened twice in the period of 3 months (I guess that's a considerable amount) but I don't beat her or anything real aggressive I just pin her in place and don't let her escape for a good 15 minutes and I kind of talk to her in a mean tone(I never scream though). So I guess my question is: Am I the only one who's experienced this kind of thing? Is it normal? What should I do about it?
And I have two cats but it only seems to ever happen to her. And I know people are going to comment saying I'm a horrible person and I agree I am and I'm doing my best to control myself but it seems out of my control. Just please help and tell me what you think even if that means calling me names. But like I said this isn't 24/7 I mean other wise I am always showering them in kisses and I just adore animals in general. I'm aspiring to become a vet technician you know it's not like I bought two cats to torture them I genuinely love them and don't treat them badly at all. Good quality food, water fountain, plenty of toys etc. Anyway please tell me is this normal?

Voting Results
22% Normal
Based on 73 votes (16 yes)
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Comments ( 26 )
  • MissyLeyneous

    Cats aren't receptive to punishments like that, they're actually much much more receptive to being ignored and having time-outs in pet carriers or bathrooms.

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    • Goldenboy1121

      A dog trainer once told me that when a dog does something bad you should pin it on it's back and firmly say its name follow by NO, and do this several times. should work for most house pets, cats and dogs

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    • Dan-The-Man1992

      When my cat misbehaves I usually leave it in the bathroom, or a cat carrier or an animal cage, they hate being confined, but pinning down seems excessive

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    • Shackleford96

      +1 to these suggestions. Excellent advice.

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  • rex

    Anger changes our behaviour,reaction,thinking. you should try to controll yorself...your cats are inocent...don't pour your anger on them...thats not normal.

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    • Eattherich713

      Agreed. Nothing wrong with admitting you have an anger problem. Try talking to someone. I bet someone hit and/ or overpowered you and that's why you're doing it to your cat. Talk to someone now!

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      • Eattherich713

        And BTW, once in a blue moon, maybe once every six months, my dog drives me so nuts (barking) and it makes me just want to rip my hair out. When it comes to that, I just put him in his kennel. I suppose I could yell at him or "overpower" him which would feel better for about 5 seconds, but he'd have no idea whatsoever why I was doing it, and I'd feel awful after. Not worth it... scream into a pillow, go for a ride, take a shower, listen to music. When you feel that anger boiling up, just remove yourself from the situation physically or mentally. :)

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  • disfunkshinal

    Anger management?

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    • CreamPuffs

      I agree. Get anger management.

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  • dirtybirdy

    Poor kitty. One of these days you just might snap and break those god damn cats necks :/

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  • SuperBenzid

    It doesn't sound to good. I know some people pin there cats by the scruff as a discipline when it attacks them but 15 minutes seems way out of hand especially considering you are getting emotional about it. I can't say much though, I once kicked a cat because it was continually attacking my foot and I lost it. Still feel very guilty about it. Luckily I pulled the kick and used the flat of the top of my foot so it wasn't injured in any way.

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    • I have to admit 15 minutes is a little far fetched but I hold her down for quite a while. I mean I think we've all experienced a time where we were annoyed with an animal and did something we regretted so I wouldn't really worry about what you did. The only reason I'm concerned is because it's happened before and it's not something I want to be doing.

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  • myweirdself16

    What do your cats do that cause you to pin them down? 15 minutes is a long time, especially to the cat.

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    • To be honest it's mostly when she hurts me. Like scratch bites stuff like that but I could resist that it wasn't that bad. (And btw she doesn't attack because I'm being mean to her but rather to play. Ex. attacks my feet under the blanket stuff like that) What really drove me over the edge was this past week she had medication to take because she was sick. Obviously she didn't want to take it and she would bite, scratch, run away or chew up the pill so it wasn't edible anymore. Obviously it's not her fault and the vet did say the pills were disgusting and she probably would fight but it just pissed me off so much so I got really pissed and that's what happened.

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      • Airstreamlover

        By your actions you're really helping her to love taking her meds even more, eh?

        Get help. Do not take your psychological issues out on her or anyone else. Statistically, people who have violence issues with people often show this behavior first with animals (imtimidate, overpower, have control issues with...)

        This isn't minor because it "only happend a couple times" or because you were able to "control yourself" or whatever. It's abuse. Treat it as such.

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      • myweirdself16

        I see where you'are coming from. My cats tend to mess with everything in that playing they do with their claws.

        Just wondering, but do you hide the pills in her normal food, or do you just try to hold her and make her swallow it?

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        • The vet specifically said I had to hold her and make her swallow. So that's what I do.

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  • Shackleford96

    I won't say if it's normal or not. I think this has to do with something more than just normality. I also won't judge you for what you have done to the cat. I have done worse things to animals before, and I am not proud of it but nor am I ashamed. I believe that in my situation, I did what had to be done...

    Anyway, back to you. I agree with some of the things that others have said here, and I think it would be beneficial for you to find better ways of disciplining your cat, and also to find better outlets for your anger as a person. You can't keep taking it out on your cat like that. I know that you are aware of this too. You love your cat, just think what it's probably going through when you do that to it. Not very pleasant, is it. I do think that you are doing good by not harming it, but your overall behavior is not good and you can change that.

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  • dappled

    You kind of admit that you know it's wrong and you even suggest people call you names. It seems a strange way of going about seeking advice but I'd say the real problem is your loss of control. I don't think anyone on IIN is going to be able to get to the root of that. Have you considered professional help? What you are doing isn't healthy for anyone involved.

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    • I know for a fact I need help but I don't have the means to provide myself some. I believe, by searching this, that its a matter of wanting control over something because subconsciously I feel like I have no control over my life. So I pretty much know what this is I just don't know how to go about it.

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      • dappled

        I'll be honest, I don't know what to suggest for the best. Are there specific areas of your life you'd like more control over? And are there ways (even though they may be difficult) of getting that control?

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        • There isn't really a way I could take control because it's you know just everything from my parents to school to just life in general. I guess I just have to deal with it.

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          • dappled

            Well, I hope it begins to get better as your life changes (i.e. finishing school, leaving home, getting a job, all that good stuff). I remember what it was like to feel like you do. Not good.

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  • Avant-Garde

    No. You need to stop before this really starts getting out of hand.

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    • I don't do it on purpose and like I said I try my best to resist the urges.

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      • Avant-Garde

        I didn't say that you were. It's just a precaution that you need to take.

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